Went out last night witch was opening night,seen this buck come out from way back in the woods,he was now walking along the pasture edge and the woods then He disappeared,I figured he might of been heading for the pond.About a half an hour later he jumps the fence about 80 yds. away and started feeding out in the hayfield,just about when it looked like he was going to keep feeding away from me he turned and started heading my direction.Well he got to about 40 yds and then 35 and turned again like he was going to head back the same way he came,but he made a mistake on standing there broadside for just a little to long.I had just been practicing at that 35 yd. range and I had it pegged,I drew back and I could see the flight of the arrow looked good,but I didn’t see the arrow hit the deer.He took off and headed towards the direction he originally came from and was gone,Ilooked over and seen a flash in the sky and there was a real dark sky and nasty lightning coming,so I didn’t wait that long before I got down from the stand,wanting to find my arrow and hoping it was red on both ends.Well I looked for 15 minutes for the arrow and hadn’t found it,so with the storm coming and me not knowing if I even hitthe deer yet or how good I started heading for the last place I seen the deer.When I got there I found blood,by now the little light I had was fading fast so off to the truck to get a light.When I got back I started following the blood trail which was not all that good this went on for say 50 yds.then there was nothing.So I made about a 50 yd. circle and spot and came up with nothing,now I remembered that I had found bright red blood which I was thinking lung shot but then I also had found some really dark blood which made me think liver.Idecided not to just go stomping threw the timber that night looking with a flashlight and hoping I would find him,but to just wait till morning and use the light of day and that way I for sue wasn’t going to push the deer if he wasn’t dead.This morning I was up early headed out and first wanted to find my arrowit took about 10 minutes but I found it under som mowed hay sticking in the ground with blood on both ends then I new I had a pass threw,things seemed a little bit brighter at this moment so I headed for the spot I had last seen blood the night before.Looked around the area and couldn’t find nothing new so then it was time to just plain look for the deer
I went about 50 to 60 yds. farther in than we were last night and there he was.It looked like my shot or angle was just a wee bit off but not much,it looked to have taken out a lung and hit liver.
Sorry about the long post but I thought I would give you guys a play by play.He was an 8 point with a 20 3/4inch inside spread.Now I’ve got the rest of bow season to fill my other buck tag
October 2, 2006 at 9:23 pm