would you buy fresh doe pee?

  • mossydan
    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I know a guy who raises deer that i use to do a few things with and was wondering how many on this site would buy if they knew they couldn’t get it any fresher. Hes been selling it the last couple of years by a sign thats posted on the road side of his deer pens, you can stop by and ask at his house and walk away with doe in heat urin right beside the deer pens. Jamies got about a 10 acre pen so the deer aren’t stressed. What i though about is maybe selling it for him via indepth angling, have to check on a few things with James. Im just probing the water but am curious. He raises his own deer and i would atest to its freshness. It would be shipped to your door frozen or not yet frozen and chilled on ice by government mail or overnight ups etc. Because i bowhunt too and know that it has to be fresh i wouldn’t ship anything that wasen’t fresh, Id make sure it was and im sure Jamie would be the same, let me know below or message me,,,thanks

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