Central Wisconsin Buck Pole

  • mikemohr
    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Norhten wisconsin is a totaly differnt every one up there is up there to get a deer they don’t care if it is a doe or an nubbin buck.
    Heres a story for you guys we were hunting a 2 mile block north of gordon wisconsin. We were doing a drive one of our guys shot a basket 8 point. While dragging it out there was a guy we met he couldn’t belive we got that buck he said in the last 2 years that he has passed up 3 bucks none over 8 points he said all three of them he had seen shot no more than an hour after he saw them which just shows you can pass up any buck up there the next guy will take it.
    The reason i can not hunt private land is that we can’t aford any. I have asked people but the ones i have asked said they practice qdm i said i would abide by there rules they wouldn’t let me hunt they said it was for them only and there faimly i would say thank you and leave.
    I am not trying to be a jerk or any thing thats just what i belive. I just think any type of a buck to me is a trophy to me thats how i see it.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    which just shows you can pass up any buck up there the next guy will take it.

    Mike, I’m not trying to be a jerk either. Put your feelings aside and re read my post and all my other posts. I never said the next guy wouldn’t shoot them. I said good for that guy, let them shoot. I also said, that I have no problem with people harvesting, smaller bucks, as long as they are happy with their harvest. Also I have said many times here that a trophy does not have to be a 10 point buck. A trophy is in the eye of the Hunter. Heck I have had some does that I harvested, that I have felt were a trophy. Read my ND Finale post. I can go a full year and not harvest something. The true treasure is not harvesting of an animal, but the good times shared with friends, family, your dog, just enjoying what nature has to offer, sunsets, other wildlife, sunrises, etc.. That is where the best memories come from.

    Also if your neighbors do not practice QDM, it doesn’t mean that you have to either, but you can be more selective on the animals you harvest. Their is nothing wrong with that. I shot a 140″ 4×4 off of 16 acres of “Private Land” this year. Every one around me uses the theory, if it’s brown it’s down. That is fine by me. I went there after the Rifle season and everything has been blown apart for weeks in a row. I past up a total of 5 bucks on this property this year prior to this evening. One 115″ 10 pointer, one decent sub 100″ eight point and a few forkers & spikes. I went there cause of the weather pattern was shifting and the nasty stuff we had was done. I knew the deer would be up and moving that calm afternoon. Now this buck came from Private land. True, but from an area that, everyone blasts everything that moves and on the other end of the spectrum from QDM. I was told there were no big bucks in the area. I never really listen to anyone that tells me this, cause I have learned to know better . The results of me passing these immature bucks on a NON QDM area and a area that no one says produces big bucks. Was the Giant 8 pointer that you see pictured above. Was it lucky? Perhaps, but you must realize. The bucks have a 6th sense to them. I have seen it many times. Also these bucks are like ghosts sometimes. They just all of a sudden appear or disappear out of nowhere. Sometimes you can see a buck his whole life and never be able to harvest him. I have been there. Other times, you might not even know a certain buck is around, even after all the time spent scouting. Then all of a sudden there he is 10 yards form you and you never even knew he existed or was there ( I have definitely been there). These are amazing animals and can be smart as a fox, most of their life, but as dumb as a box of rocks at certain times of the year Hint, Hint, like this guy pictured here.

    What I read in a earlier post is that someone had “NO CHOICE” but to shoot small deer. That was my point of my last post, is that you DO have the “CHOICE” to pass on any deer you encounter. No ones forcing you to shoot that animal. Try it its addicting and the sense of accomplishment of passing up a nice (in your eyes) deer is an incredible feeling. I’m still jacked up from passing a deer on Sunday.

    Now for a tip: Mike, if you get turned down for permission, don’t give up. Keep asking other places and I even ask the same place sometimes the following years. I had asked for 6 years on one piece of property. I was shot down all six. The seventh time I asked, situations had changed and I was welcomed to hunt that piece of property. If I get shot down on permission, I politely say I understand their position, but then always ask if I can come back in the future and ask again. About 60% of the time they are willing for me to come back and ask. I have been turned down for permission more than you can imagine, but I never give up asking or hope. Ask Sliderfishin how many times he has been turned down to hunt birds. Keep looking for land to hunt. Once you get it, treat it with respect and do favors for the landowner as much as possible. I do not own any private land around the Cities where I hunt. I hunt all Public and Private Land I have obtained permission on. Good Luck

    Just my $.02 and opinion.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    which just shows you can pass up any buck up there the next guy will take it.

    Mike, I’m not trying to be a jerk either. Put your feelings aside and re read my post and all my other posts. I never said the next guy wouldn’t shoot them. I said good for that guy, let them shoot. I also said, that I have no problem with people harvesting, smaller bucks, as long as they are happy with their harvest. Also I have said many times here that a trophy does not have to be a 10 point buck. A trophy is in the eye of the Hunter. Heck I have had some does that I harvested, that I have felt were a trophy. Read my ND Finale post. I can go a full year and not harvest something. The true treasure is not harvesting of an animal, but the good times shared with friends, family, your dog, just enjoying what nature has to offer, sunsets, other wildlife, sunrises, etc.. That is where the best memories come from.

    Also if your neighbors do not practice QDM, it doesn’t mean that you have to either, but you can be more selective on the animals you harvest. Their is nothing wrong with that. I shot a 140″ 4×4 off of 16 acres of “Private Land” this year. Every one around me uses the theory, if it’s brown it’s down. That is fine by me. I went there after the Rifle season and everything has been blown apart for weeks in a row. I past up a total of 5 bucks on this property this year prior to this evening. One 115″ 10 pointer, one decent sub 100″ eight point and a few forkers & spikes. I went there cause of the weather pattern was shifting and the nasty stuff we had was done. I knew the deer would be up and moving that calm afternoon. Now this buck came from Private land. True, but from an area that, everyone blasts everything that moves and on the other end of the spectrum from QDM. I was told there were no big bucks in the area. I never really listen to anyone that tells me this, cause I have learned to know better . The results of me passing these immature bucks on a NON QDM area and a area that no one says produces big bucks. Was the Giant 8 pointer that you see pictured above. Was it lucky? Perhaps, but you must realize. The bucks have a 6th sense to them. I have seen it many times. Also these bucks are like ghosts sometimes. They just all of a sudden appear or disappear out of nowhere. Sometimes you can see a buck his whole life and never be able to harvest him. I have been there. Other times, you might not even know a certain buck is around, even after all the time spent scouting. Then all of a sudden there he is 10 yards form you and you never even knew he existed or was there ( I have definitely been there). These are amazing animals and can be smart as a fox, most of their life, but as dumb as a box of rocks at certain times of the year Hint, Hint, like this guy pictured here.

    What I read in a earlier post is that someone had “NO CHOICE” but to shoot small deer. That was my point of my last post, is that you DO have the “CHOICE” to pass on any deer you encounter. No ones forcing you to shoot that animal. Try it its addicting and the sense of accomplishment of passing up a nice (in your eyes) deer is an incredible feeling. I’m still jacked up from passing a deer on Sunday.

    Now for a tip: Mike, if you get turned down for permission, don’t give up. Keep asking other places and I even ask the same place sometimes the following years. I had asked for 6 years on one piece of property. I was shot down all six. The seventh time I asked, situations had changed and I was welcomed to hunt that piece of property. If I get shot down on permission, I politely say I understand their position, but then always ask if I can come back in the future and ask again. About 60% of the time they are willing for me to come back and ask. I have been turned down for permission more than you can imagine, but I never give up asking or hope. Ask Sliderfishin how many times he has been turned down to hunt birds. Keep looking for land to hunt. Once you get it, treat it with respect and do favors for the landowner as much as possible. I do not own any private land around the Cities where I hunt. I hunt all Public and Private Land I have obtained permission on. Good Luck

    Just my $.02 and opinion.

    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Like Lip stated it is “his” choice to let em go/ let em grow. In hopes that later in the deers life they may/may not meet again. And I personally practice it myself in hope for a furure encounter. The point Lip and others are saying is if you are happy with your harvest….shoot it…but if you want to up your odds of it growing bigger, let it go. If a hunter goes in with the mindset that if I don’t shoot/keep it someone else is going to…..well that might be true…but if you shoot it your future encounter DEFINITELY will not happen! At least by letting it go you have a chance to make a “choice” another day. I go into the woods with the same mindset that Lip does, and just enjoy the time you get to spend with nature and all of the experiences mother nature alows you to have. I too hunt some public land, and I could care less what the next guy shoots, to each his own. Do what makes you happy, it’s your “choice”. May everyone’s hunt be a success, no matter how you guage it as a success.


    Arkansaw, Wisconsin
    Posts: 945

    Like Lip stated it is “his” choice to let em go/ let em grow. In hopes that later in the deers life they may/may not meet again. And I personally practice it myself in hope for a furure encounter. The point Lip and others are saying is if you are happy with your harvest….shoot it…but if you want to up your odds of it growing bigger, let it go. If a hunter goes in with the mindset that if I don’t shoot/keep it someone else is going to…..well that might be true…but if you shoot it your future encounter DEFINITELY will not happen! At least by letting it go you have a chance to make a “choice” another day. I go into the woods with the same mindset that Lip does, and just enjoy the time you get to spend with nature and all of the experiences mother nature alows you to have. I too hunt some public land, and I could care less what the next guy shoots, to each his own. Do what makes you happy, it’s your “choice”. May everyone’s hunt be a success, no matter how you guage it as a success.


    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Hey Brad whats going on. Havent takled to you in a while. Howd Jeremy and Ryan do on that little lake by your house? You ought to come out to our shacks on Lake Alttona once this year. Have a good one.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Hey Brad whats going on. Havent takled to you in a while. Howd Jeremy and Ryan do on that little lake by your house? You ought to come out to our shacks on Lake Alttona once this year. Have a good one.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Lip ripper
    I can see where you are coming form i do agree with your theroys that a buck can come out of nowhere. I will keep asking thanks for the advice.


    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Lip ripper
    I can see where you are coming form i do agree with your theroys that a buck can come out of nowhere. I will keep asking thanks for the advice.


    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Right Rip, here in Iowa theres some guys who will shoot any buck because they know other hunters will. But theres alot of guys who pass up on the smaller bucks and i’ve heard more than once that even with thier local hunting pressure they have seen that buck the next year and with his bigger rack also. If you pass up a smaller racked buck, the next year you have a chance to see him, if you don’t pass him up you don’t gain anything in hopes of getting closer to a real shooter. Take this to mind, if you start showing up year after year with nicer bucks than the other hunters maybe it will sink in to the other guys to let the smaller guys go because thats what got you yours. Ive spent alot of hours and time in my stand and on the road back and fourth and have seen 7 really nice bucks in that time of 140″ or bigger with an exceptional 190″. If i would have taken the first spike or forkhorn that i seen my hunting season and pleasure for the fall would have been over and also without knowing what sized deer are really in the area im hunting. There are bigger bucks in the woods and fields but they have learned how to stay away from the majority of hunters, thats why thier still walking around and still producing a nicer rack every year. If you want the chance to see a real nice wall hanger you can’t shoot your first smaller racked buck because your season will end when you do. If you want to see a bigger boy walking round and get a real good look at all the bigger guys in the woods, take your time and hunt more. You may see nothing for a few weeks but when that big one grunts and walks out into the open or down a path twards you you’ll be glad you’ve waited and at that time you’ll see why its smarter to spend more time in the woods and not take the first smaller buck that you see and wait for that bone ratteling buck that puts you into dt’s for days. Give it a try, you’ll be the first to reap the rewards and know exactly what kind of deer are in your neck of the woods when everybody else says theres nothing like that there. You’d be amazed, give it some time and enjoy yourself when you see all the other animals in the woods too.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Right Rip, here in Iowa theres some guys who will shoot any buck because they know other hunters will. But theres alot of guys who pass up on the smaller bucks and i’ve heard more than once that even with thier local hunting pressure they have seen that buck the next year and with his bigger rack also. If you pass up a smaller racked buck, the next year you have a chance to see him, if you don’t pass him up you don’t gain anything in hopes of getting closer to a real shooter. Take this to mind, if you start showing up year after year with nicer bucks than the other hunters maybe it will sink in to the other guys to let the smaller guys go because thats what got you yours. Ive spent alot of hours and time in my stand and on the road back and fourth and have seen 7 really nice bucks in that time of 140″ or bigger with an exceptional 190″. If i would have taken the first spike or forkhorn that i seen my hunting season and pleasure for the fall would have been over and also without knowing what sized deer are really in the area im hunting. There are bigger bucks in the woods and fields but they have learned how to stay away from the majority of hunters, thats why thier still walking around and still producing a nicer rack every year. If you want the chance to see a real nice wall hanger you can’t shoot your first smaller racked buck because your season will end when you do. If you want to see a bigger boy walking round and get a real good look at all the bigger guys in the woods, take your time and hunt more. You may see nothing for a few weeks but when that big one grunts and walks out into the open or down a path twards you you’ll be glad you’ve waited and at that time you’ll see why its smarter to spend more time in the woods and not take the first smaller buck that you see and wait for that bone ratteling buck that puts you into dt’s for days. Give it a try, you’ll be the first to reap the rewards and know exactly what kind of deer are in your neck of the woods when everybody else says theres nothing like that there. You’d be amazed, give it some time and enjoy yourself when you see all the other animals in the woods too.

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