Central Wisconsin Buck Pole

  • robstenger
    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Dartman is right, if you dont take a small buck chances are the next guy will.

    So what will be so wrong with that? I’m not saying what you do is wrong. You are legally harvesting a deer, but if you let one go and the next guy ove rgets him, what is the big deal. Good for him. Now he is done and out of the woods, leaving more space for you in your search for a doe or a trophy buck. Remember a trophy buck does not have to have 20 points. The trophy is in the eye of the beholder. I started out shooting immature bucks and they were fun, but I have grown as a hunter and now chase true trophy bucks. It is that “if I don’t shoot him the next guy will” mentaility that hold up this QDM practice. It has to start somewhere so join the band wagon and “Let them go so they can grow”.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Don’t get me wrong Lip, I too let the little ones go as I have taken a couple of nice bucks the past two years with my bow! But we will never get EVERYONE to buy into the QDM way! For one reason or another, whether it’s they’re hunting for the meat or they just don’t have the opportunity to get out like we do, we won’t be able to convince everyone! I guess it would be nice to have everyone pass on the 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 year old bucks but I don’t see that happening anytime soon! But I am all for QDM!!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Don’t get me wrong Lip, I too let the little ones go as I have taken a couple of nice bucks the past two years with my bow! But we will never get EVERYONE to buy into the QDM way! For one reason or another, whether it’s they’re hunting for the meat or they just don’t have the opportunity to get out like we do, we won’t be able to convince everyone! I guess it would be nice to have everyone pass on the 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 year old bucks but I don’t see that happening anytime soon! But I am all for QDM!!!

    Posts: 5130

    I also have been letting small bucks go for the last few years, with gun and bow. Of course I have only gotten decent bucks with a gun, and none with a bow I will be the first to admit, it was and still is tough to let any buck walk when I am bowhunting. But, at the same time it is the best in the long run. If I feel the need to shoot something, there are plenty of does to be had. I am not too proud of harvesting does, they taste mighty good
    It is a tough road to get people to do the QDM, but it is catching on in a big way. Sooner or later I am sure we will have more people following QDM than not

    Posts: 5130

    I also have been letting small bucks go for the last few years, with gun and bow. Of course I have only gotten decent bucks with a gun, and none with a bow I will be the first to admit, it was and still is tough to let any buck walk when I am bowhunting. But, at the same time it is the best in the long run. If I feel the need to shoot something, there are plenty of does to be had. I am not too proud of harvesting does, they taste mighty good
    It is a tough road to get people to do the QDM, but it is catching on in a big way. Sooner or later I am sure we will have more people following QDM than not

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I hear you Dartman.

    I was just trying to point out just cause soemone else shoots a small buck, no need for you to do it. I have nothing against people shooting a smaller buck as long as they feel it is a trophy in their eyes. Shooting a forker with a bow should be considered a trophy. If the hunter has never shot a buck before. I have nothing agsint that guy shooting a buck. Just there are WAY to many people that complain about it and wonder why they can’t shoot or don’t see big deer. As many on this site can tell you. How many small bucks they pass up in a year, just hoping at a glance of Mr. Big. How many hours they have been in stand this year and perhaps not even shot a deer. People don’t realise what it takes to have everything come to gether right. I’m heading to ND right after I get done typing this and I have sat a total of 22 times. With an average of probably 3.5 hours in stand each time. That is 77 hours of just sititng in the woods, not to mention other time spent scouting, hanging stands, moving stands, etc. Do you know how many deer I have to show for it???? A big fat zero. That is just fine by me, cause I have had a awesome season in ND and wouldn’t trade the encounters for nothing. I could have been done about 2 hours into it with a decnt 3×4 (7 point) or 8 hours into it with a 120 class 4×4 (8 point). If I did that, I would not of had my close encounter with the 190 class 22 point buck @ 5 yards, the encounter with the 150 class 5×5 on Hallween night @ 32 yards and so on. Ask Scott Steil on how many deer he passed to shot his gorgeous 9 pointer?? Or better yet ask him how long he has been chasing and trying to get him. It just does not happen in 2 sits , it takes dedication, homework, luck and practice to take big deer consistently. I understand that some peolle do not have the time to decicate the Fall to hunting. That is fine. If they are meat hunting, go ahead and wack the does. I don’t buy into the story of Public land not holding big bucks. I have chased and saw to many bruisers taken from Public land to believe that. Maybe not all Public holds big deer but either does private. I chased a ghost for 3-4 years up at Lampreys Pass right off of 35 just North of the cities. All the other hunters wondered why I hunted there. They told me there was nothing but small forkers there. If they call a 160 class deer small then ok. I scouted that place and knew it like the back of my hand. I narrowed him down over that time and had a few encoutners with him. One I was pulling back before he took off becuase of another hunter saw nothing and decided to leave during Prime Time . So I will step off my soap box now and my main point is just cause your neighbor or the guy over the hill doesn’t QDM / Practice Selective Harvest, there is no reason why you can’t, even if you hunt public land.

    Just my $.02

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    I hear you Dartman.

    I was just trying to point out just cause soemone else shoots a small buck, no need for you to do it. I have nothing against people shooting a smaller buck as long as they feel it is a trophy in their eyes. Shooting a forker with a bow should be considered a trophy. If the hunter has never shot a buck before. I have nothing agsint that guy shooting a buck. Just there are WAY to many people that complain about it and wonder why they can’t shoot or don’t see big deer. As many on this site can tell you. How many small bucks they pass up in a year, just hoping at a glance of Mr. Big. How many hours they have been in stand this year and perhaps not even shot a deer. People don’t realise what it takes to have everything come to gether right. I’m heading to ND right after I get done typing this and I have sat a total of 22 times. With an average of probably 3.5 hours in stand each time. That is 77 hours of just sititng in the woods, not to mention other time spent scouting, hanging stands, moving stands, etc. Do you know how many deer I have to show for it???? A big fat zero. That is just fine by me, cause I have had a awesome season in ND and wouldn’t trade the encounters for nothing. I could have been done about 2 hours into it with a decnt 3×4 (7 point) or 8 hours into it with a 120 class 4×4 (8 point). If I did that, I would not of had my close encounter with the 190 class 22 point buck @ 5 yards, the encounter with the 150 class 5×5 on Hallween night @ 32 yards and so on. Ask Scott Steil on how many deer he passed to shot his gorgeous 9 pointer?? Or better yet ask him how long he has been chasing and trying to get him. It just does not happen in 2 sits , it takes dedication, homework, luck and practice to take big deer consistently. I understand that some peolle do not have the time to decicate the Fall to hunting. That is fine. If they are meat hunting, go ahead and wack the does. I don’t buy into the story of Public land not holding big bucks. I have chased and saw to many bruisers taken from Public land to believe that. Maybe not all Public holds big deer but either does private. I chased a ghost for 3-4 years up at Lampreys Pass right off of 35 just North of the cities. All the other hunters wondered why I hunted there. They told me there was nothing but small forkers there. If they call a 160 class deer small then ok. I scouted that place and knew it like the back of my hand. I narrowed him down over that time and had a few encoutners with him. One I was pulling back before he took off becuase of another hunter saw nothing and decided to leave during Prime Time . So I will step off my soap box now and my main point is just cause your neighbor or the guy over the hill doesn’t QDM / Practice Selective Harvest, there is no reason why you can’t, even if you hunt public land.

    Just my $.02

    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347


    But we will never get EVERYONE to buy into the QDM way!

    That’s what everyone said where I’m from in Kansas when I was attempting to grow up. These days, if you brag about a 140-class buck, you’ll get laughed at and asked how big the spots were. QDM works, guys. There’s too much proof from the places it’s been instituted for that not to be a true statement. Yes, it’s difficult to initially get the majority onboard, but it’s most definitely worth it. As far as there not being any shooter bucks on public land, don’t believe that for a second. PM me and I’ll vaguely point you in the direction of some WMA’s right here in MN and you can check it out for yourself.


    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 347


    But we will never get EVERYONE to buy into the QDM way!

    That’s what everyone said where I’m from in Kansas when I was attempting to grow up. These days, if you brag about a 140-class buck, you’ll get laughed at and asked how big the spots were. QDM works, guys. There’s too much proof from the places it’s been instituted for that not to be a true statement. Yes, it’s difficult to initially get the majority onboard, but it’s most definitely worth it. As far as there not being any shooter bucks on public land, don’t believe that for a second. PM me and I’ll vaguely point you in the direction of some WMA’s right here in MN and you can check it out for yourself.


    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Well dont take it the wrong way guys, im 17 and have only been hunting for 5 years. Beileive it or not I shot my first deer this year. It was a good sized doe, and whether a small buck or a big one came in front of me, if I had a decent shot I would have taken it. I just wanted to know what it felt like to get a deer you know. You can say everyone is trigger happy before they get their first deer. I admit I was. I Wanted to get a deer this year and did. One shot, one kill. I enjoyed the fun and camaraderie of geting it. It could have been a small buck and I still would have taken it. So what.

    I got my deer and was proud of it. Later in my life I will most likely let the smaller ones go. But when your young, the most important thing is to have fun and get your deer, small or not.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    Well dont take it the wrong way guys, im 17 and have only been hunting for 5 years. Beileive it or not I shot my first deer this year. It was a good sized doe, and whether a small buck or a big one came in front of me, if I had a decent shot I would have taken it. I just wanted to know what it felt like to get a deer you know. You can say everyone is trigger happy before they get their first deer. I admit I was. I Wanted to get a deer this year and did. One shot, one kill. I enjoyed the fun and camaraderie of geting it. It could have been a small buck and I still would have taken it. So what.

    I got my deer and was proud of it. Later in my life I will most likely let the smaller ones go. But when your young, the most important thing is to have fun and get your deer, small or not.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353

    Until you can continually bag a deer year after year, you need to continue shooting. Bagging mature bucks takes patience, time, and yet the confidence to pass on many small bucks knowing if/when a large mature whitetail makes its presence you will succeed. Most importantly, hunting is supposed to be fun and by the sounds of it your doing exactly what hunting is intended for…enjoyment. Many a year I think back to all the fun I used to have shooting deer, now that I consider myself a vetern, I get just as much enjoyment seeing Whitetails in their environment and getting close too them. Sometimes pointing a finger and saying bang is good enough…you will learn that. Sharpen your skills and in time you will manage the herd and focus on mature whitetails.

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353

    Until you can continually bag a deer year after year, you need to continue shooting. Bagging mature bucks takes patience, time, and yet the confidence to pass on many small bucks knowing if/when a large mature whitetail makes its presence you will succeed. Most importantly, hunting is supposed to be fun and by the sounds of it your doing exactly what hunting is intended for…enjoyment. Many a year I think back to all the fun I used to have shooting deer, now that I consider myself a vetern, I get just as much enjoyment seeing Whitetails in their environment and getting close too them. Sometimes pointing a finger and saying bang is good enough…you will learn that. Sharpen your skills and in time you will manage the herd and focus on mature whitetails.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Congrats on your first deer Joe
    I would never begrudge a young person or a first time deer hunter for taking a small buck. A trophy deer is in the eye of the beholder whether it be a doe, a small buck, or a wall mounter, everyone needs to set there own standards as to what they will shoot and what they will not shoot, from the sounds of it Joe you will be practicing QDM in a few years yourself and you will find that you will get just as big of a rush from letting a buck walk as you do when you shoot one. For the guys that have a few deer under there belt and would shoot a small buck just because “if I don’t take him the next guy will” I would ask you to please rethink this kind of thinking. Just because you pass on a deer even on public land does not mean the next guy will get him. Also think about this for a minuet if you always shoot the first deer that comes by the odds of you ever putting a trophy on the wall will be very slim.


    Well dont take it the wrong way guys, im 17 and have only been hunting for 5 years. Beileive it or not I shot my first deer this year. It was a good sized doe, and whether a small buck or a big one came in front of me, if I had a decent shot I would have taken it. I just wanted to know what it felt like to get a deer you know. You can say everyone is trigger happy before they get their first deer. I admit I was. I Wanted to get a deer this year and did. One shot, one kill. I enjoyed the fun and camaraderie of geting it. It could have been a small buck and I still would have taken it. So what.
    I got my deer and was proud of it. Later in my life I will most likely let the smaller ones go. But when your young, the most important thing is to have fun and get your deer, small or not.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Congrats on your first deer Joe
    I would never begrudge a young person or a first time deer hunter for taking a small buck. A trophy deer is in the eye of the beholder whether it be a doe, a small buck, or a wall mounter, everyone needs to set there own standards as to what they will shoot and what they will not shoot, from the sounds of it Joe you will be practicing QDM in a few years yourself and you will find that you will get just as big of a rush from letting a buck walk as you do when you shoot one. For the guys that have a few deer under there belt and would shoot a small buck just because “if I don’t take him the next guy will” I would ask you to please rethink this kind of thinking. Just because you pass on a deer even on public land does not mean the next guy will get him. Also think about this for a minuet if you always shoot the first deer that comes by the odds of you ever putting a trophy on the wall will be very slim.


    Well dont take it the wrong way guys, im 17 and have only been hunting for 5 years. Beileive it or not I shot my first deer this year. It was a good sized doe, and whether a small buck or a big one came in front of me, if I had a decent shot I would have taken it. I just wanted to know what it felt like to get a deer you know. You can say everyone is trigger happy before they get their first deer. I admit I was. I Wanted to get a deer this year and did. One shot, one kill. I enjoyed the fun and camaraderie of geting it. It could have been a small buck and I still would have taken it. So what.
    I got my deer and was proud of it. Later in my life I will most likely let the smaller ones go. But when your young, the most important thing is to have fun and get your deer, small or not.

    Posts: 175

    I haven’t been on in a while. But I saw this original picture first hand. These bucks were taken on private land. I was told the smaller bucks were taken by younger hunters. This group from what I am told gets nice bucks every year. I think they do shoot some does not for sure. The guy I know that had the picture told me but I can’t remember. The Mathews forum was correct they were taken in the Spencer area. I hope this clears everything up.

    Posts: 175

    I haven’t been on in a while. But I saw this original picture first hand. These bucks were taken on private land. I was told the smaller bucks were taken by younger hunters. This group from what I am told gets nice bucks every year. I think they do shoot some does not for sure. The guy I know that had the picture told me but I can’t remember. The Mathews forum was correct they were taken in the Spencer area. I hope this clears everything up.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I agree with everything everybody is saying about QDM. We started it a couple of years ago on some property we lease here in Chippewa county. We talked with the neighbors and they agreed to it. The first year we let small 6 and 8 points go anf by the second year we started to see the results…120 and 130 class deer running around. I know it works…but this past year the neighbors decided to shoot anything and everything again Needless to say we didn’t see much this year. But hey, there is always next year!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I agree with everything everybody is saying about QDM. We started it a couple of years ago on some property we lease here in Chippewa county. We talked with the neighbors and they agreed to it. The first year we let small 6 and 8 points go anf by the second year we started to see the results…120 and 130 class deer running around. I know it works…but this past year the neighbors decided to shoot anything and everything again Needless to say we didn’t see much this year. But hey, there is always next year!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    when your young, the most important thing is to have fun and get your deer, small or not.

    Right on Joe! Like I said, a trophy does not have to be a 10 pointer. Congrats on your deer, don’t worry I’m sure it is the first of many! .

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    when your young, the most important thing is to have fun and get your deer, small or not.

    Right on Joe! Like I said, a trophy does not have to be a 10 pointer. Congrats on your deer, don’t worry I’m sure it is the first of many! .

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927


    I was told the smaller bucks were taken by younger hunters.

    Well that can explain it. I guess we cant all just jump into things without knowing the whole thing.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927


    I was told the smaller bucks were taken by younger hunters.

    Well that can explain it. I guess we cant all just jump into things without knowing the whole thing.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    the people who i hunt with if you see a buck you should shoot some of them are above 50 and they still shoot spikes what ever makes there way past i think it is the way you were raised and what you belive in. Thats the way that almost every one and public land hunts all you guys have privte land we don’t have that choice.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    the people who i hunt with if you see a buck you should shoot some of them are above 50 and they still shoot spikes what ever makes there way past i think it is the way you were raised and what you belive in. Thats the way that almost every one and public land hunts all you guys have privte land we don’t have that choice.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    And there is where the problems at! If you could only convince them to not shoot them…if your hunting party were to commit to only shooting does for 2 years, you would see a dramatic increase in quality of bucks! Let me tell you, it was worth it for us!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    And there is where the problems at! If you could only convince them to not shoot them…if your hunting party were to commit to only shooting does for 2 years, you would see a dramatic increase in quality of bucks! Let me tell you, it was worth it for us!

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    That’s the way that almost every one and public land hunts all you guys have private land we don’t have that choice.

    Tell me again why you don’t have that “choice”????????????

    I don’t care if you hunt Private or Public, Bow or Gun. You always have a “Choice” to pass on any deer you see. Don’t give me you don’t have a choice stuff. Do you know how many years if I shot the first spiker that ran by me I would have been done and never had the encounters on the quality of deer I see each year. If you shoot the first deer that comes by you, of course you are not going to see any larger deer. You are done. That is the whole concept and idea here, pass on the littler bucks and you will see bigger ones. Even in the same year, possibly even an hour later.

    I hunt in public land often, especially here in MN. I pass on these small immature deer, that you speak of and harvest. I also see very decent bucks, often at these public areas, and occasionally about once or twice a year, I see a shooter/ trophy buck. In my eyes that would be a 130 Class or better buck. Yet I just don’t walk out into the woods on opening day and shoot the first thing that walks by. You guys need to do your homework on these areas and know them like the back of your hand. Observe their travel routes in the Spring, Summer, during the hunting season and now is the best time to scout these areas. Summer is always a good time to scout these areas cause the bucks are usually in their Bachelor group sand are viewable during daylight at this time. Summer is a good time to get to know what bucks are in the area and see this years Class, so to speak.

    Ask MWChiefs here @ IDA, there are plenty of WMA and public land areas that hold not only decent bucks, but big bucks right here in MN and I know the same is true in ND and SD. I have to imagine Iowa and Wisconsin are the same, but can’t verify that.

    So don’t go saying you don’t have a choice, but to shoot small bucks. No ones making you pull that trigger except yourself. I have gone 2 years now in ND with out tagging a buck. Could I have shot at any? You bet. Sometimes 4-6 in a day, but I “CHOSE” not to shoot, cause they were not what “I” was looking for. I have no problem with people taking small bucks as long as they are happy with their harvest. It is their right to harvest a deer legally with a license in MN. No rules or laws are broken in harvesting a small forker. What I do not like is hearing how people “have to” shoot small bucks/ the first one that walks by cause that they have no choice . Remember this whole catch and release concept a few years back, people said the same thing. If I don’t keep him, the next guy that catches him will. Well good for that guy, I still put all my larger fish back, and still catching Piggies . Same thing goes here for hunting. I’ll let the next guy over the hill shoot the immature buck every time. I’m still passing on harvesting that immature buck, cause I know there are bigger deer out there.

    I will now gladly get off my podium and I’m done with my little rant/lecture

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    That’s the way that almost every one and public land hunts all you guys have private land we don’t have that choice.

    Tell me again why you don’t have that “choice”????????????

    I don’t care if you hunt Private or Public, Bow or Gun. You always have a “Choice” to pass on any deer you see. Don’t give me you don’t have a choice stuff. Do you know how many years if I shot the first spiker that ran by me I would have been done and never had the encounters on the quality of deer I see each year. If you shoot the first deer that comes by you, of course you are not going to see any larger deer. You are done. That is the whole concept and idea here, pass on the littler bucks and you will see bigger ones. Even in the same year, possibly even an hour later.

    I hunt in public land often, especially here in MN. I pass on these small immature deer, that you speak of and harvest. I also see very decent bucks, often at these public areas, and occasionally about once or twice a year, I see a shooter/ trophy buck. In my eyes that would be a 130 Class or better buck. Yet I just don’t walk out into the woods on opening day and shoot the first thing that walks by. You guys need to do your homework on these areas and know them like the back of your hand. Observe their travel routes in the Spring, Summer, during the hunting season and now is the best time to scout these areas. Summer is always a good time to scout these areas cause the bucks are usually in their Bachelor group sand are viewable during daylight at this time. Summer is a good time to get to know what bucks are in the area and see this years Class, so to speak.

    Ask MWChiefs here @ IDA, there are plenty of WMA and public land areas that hold not only decent bucks, but big bucks right here in MN and I know the same is true in ND and SD. I have to imagine Iowa and Wisconsin are the same, but can’t verify that.

    So don’t go saying you don’t have a choice, but to shoot small bucks. No ones making you pull that trigger except yourself. I have gone 2 years now in ND with out tagging a buck. Could I have shot at any? You bet. Sometimes 4-6 in a day, but I “CHOSE” not to shoot, cause they were not what “I” was looking for. I have no problem with people taking small bucks as long as they are happy with their harvest. It is their right to harvest a deer legally with a license in MN. No rules or laws are broken in harvesting a small forker. What I do not like is hearing how people “have to” shoot small bucks/ the first one that walks by cause that they have no choice . Remember this whole catch and release concept a few years back, people said the same thing. If I don’t keep him, the next guy that catches him will. Well good for that guy, I still put all my larger fish back, and still catching Piggies . Same thing goes here for hunting. I’ll let the next guy over the hill shoot the immature buck every time. I’m still passing on harvesting that immature buck, cause I know there are bigger deer out there.

    I will now gladly get off my podium and I’m done with my little rant/lecture

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    Norhten wisconsin is a totaly differnt every one up there is up there to get a deer they don’t care if it is a doe or an nubbin buck.
    Heres a story for you guys we were hunting a 2 mile block north of gordon wisconsin. We were doing a drive one of our guys shot a basket 8 point. While dragging it out there was a guy we met he couldn’t belive we got that buck he said in the last 2 years that he has passed up 3 bucks none over 8 points he said all three of them he had seen shot no more than an hour after he saw them which just shows you can pass up any buck up there the next guy will take it.
    The reason i can not hunt private land is that we can’t aford any. I have asked people but the ones i have asked said they practice qdm i said i would abide by there rules they wouldn’t let me hunt they said it was for them only and there faimly i would say thank you and leave.
    I am not trying to be a jerk or any thing thats just what i belive. I just think any type of a buck to me is a trophy to me thats how i see it.

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