Central Wisconsin Buck Pole

  • Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    Just got this email about a Buck pole in central wisoconsin from the 2005 deer season.
    Wow is about all I can say!!!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Do you know where abouts in Central Wisc? If they were taken in the same area I wonder what that will do to their buck population for the next few years! That is just unreal!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Do you know where abouts in Central Wisc? If they were taken in the same area I wonder what that will do to their buck population for the next few years! That is just unreal!

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I’m kind of interested too in knowing where? Unless they have a huge population of bucks for some odd reason this will really hurt them. Also there are 5 I can count that should have been left to grow….Pictures like this make me very angry to see what people do and then are angry because they have no decent deer.

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I’m kind of interested too in knowing where? Unless they have a huge population of bucks for some odd reason this will really hurt them. Also there are 5 I can count that should have been left to grow….Pictures like this make me very angry to see what people do and then are angry because they have no decent deer.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 292

    I saw poles like this back in the early 90’s around the Dodgeville Wi area. There would be 20 to 30 bucks on a pole.
    It was a hunting club that had lots of land lease out. Know its in the CWD Eradication zone.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 292

    I saw poles like this back in the early 90’s around the Dodgeville Wi area. There would be 20 to 30 bucks on a pole.
    It was a hunting club that had lots of land lease out. Know its in the CWD Eradication zone.

    Posts: 1137


    Also there are 5 I can count that should have been left to grow….Pictures like this make me very angry to see what people do and then are angry because they have no decent deer.


    Posts: 1137


    Also there are 5 I can count that should have been left to grow….Pictures like this make me very angry to see what people do and then are angry because they have no decent deer.


    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I live in central wisconsin and i am more of a meat hunter but if i saw any sizes buck walk past me in cetral wisconsin i would shoot it if it was even a nubbin thats just the way i hunt.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    I live in central wisconsin and i am more of a meat hunter but if i saw any sizes buck walk past me in cetral wisconsin i would shoot it if it was even a nubbin thats just the way i hunt.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Hey Mike, do you own your own land or hunt on public land? I don’t see anything wrong with meat hunting…but I think you would find more meat on a 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 year old doe than a nubbin buck! A guy in our hunting party shot a nubbin buck this past deer season…not much meat on them! Plus, he shot it through both shoulders so I’m sure he didn’t get much of anything. But I guess some still believe in “if it’s brown, it’s down”!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    Hey Mike, do you own your own land or hunt on public land? I don’t see anything wrong with meat hunting…but I think you would find more meat on a 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 year old doe than a nubbin buck! A guy in our hunting party shot a nubbin buck this past deer season…not much meat on them! Plus, he shot it through both shoulders so I’m sure he didn’t get much of anything. But I guess some still believe in “if it’s brown, it’s down”!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Please do not take this the wrong way but I just do not understand this kind of thinking.
    1.The doe population way outnumbers the buck population.
    2.If a guy is a meat hunter first you more than likely can fill out all your tags with does as you will see more does than bucks.
    3.Does taste better than bucks.
    4.I think most guys would agree with these statements so why not let those small bucks walk?


    I live in central wisconsin and i am more of a meat hunter but if i saw any sizes buck walk past me in cetral wisconsin i would shoot it if it was even a nubbin thats just the way i hunt.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Please do not take this the wrong way but I just do not understand this kind of thinking.
    1.The doe population way outnumbers the buck population.
    2.If a guy is a meat hunter first you more than likely can fill out all your tags with does as you will see more does than bucks.
    3.Does taste better than bucks.
    4.I think most guys would agree with these statements so why not let those small bucks walk?


    I live in central wisconsin and i am more of a meat hunter but if i saw any sizes buck walk past me in cetral wisconsin i would shoot it if it was even a nubbin thats just the way i hunt.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Its ok too take any deer for the table. Keeping tabs on the local rack growth also helps the area with producing some really nice looking racks. Around here theres lots of guys who let the smaller racks walk to see what kind of rack they will produce next year. I know selective hunting has really helped the quailty of the average size of a 2 1/2 to older bucks. Its all up to the hunter and the quality they desire in thier local area woods.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Its ok too take any deer for the table. Keeping tabs on the local rack growth also helps the area with producing some really nice looking racks. Around here theres lots of guys who let the smaller racks walk to see what kind of rack they will produce next year. I know selective hunting has really helped the quailty of the average size of a 2 1/2 to older bucks. Its all up to the hunter and the quality they desire in thier local area woods.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    This pictures was posted on Mathew’s Forum a couple of weeks ago.
    It was stated that these deer were all shot near Spencer Wisconson on deer drives during rifle season.

    That’s what was posted so take it for what it’s worth.

    Hager City Wisconsin
    Posts: 946

    This pictures was posted on Mathew’s Forum a couple of weeks ago.
    It was stated that these deer were all shot near Spencer Wisconson on deer drives during rifle season.

    That’s what was posted so take it for what it’s worth.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Why don’t we see any blood on the ground??

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Why don’t we see any blood on the ground??

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I was wondering the same thing Kooty! I was also wondering how many hunters were in this party? What did their “doe pole” look like?

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    I was wondering the same thing Kooty! I was also wondering how many hunters were in this party? What did their “doe pole” look like?

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i do hunt all public land so if i see a buck thats a plus so i will take it but i don’t get all that many shots at deer and i do love the meat so any chance i get i will take it.

    eau claire wi.
    Posts: 63

    i do hunt all public land so if i see a buck thats a plus so i will take it but i don’t get all that many shots at deer and i do love the meat so any chance i get i will take it.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    And I do have to agree with you Mike about hunting public land…especially in Wisconsin! It doesn’t pay to let the bucks go because you know the next guy is going to take him. Unless you own or lease property and have the support of the land owners around you, it’s tough to get people to buy into QDM…especially public hunting areas. But I would still hold out for a nice doe rather than a nubbin buck. But that’s just me!

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337

    And I do have to agree with you Mike about hunting public land…especially in Wisconsin! It doesn’t pay to let the bucks go because you know the next guy is going to take him. Unless you own or lease property and have the support of the land owners around you, it’s tough to get people to buy into QDM…especially public hunting areas. But I would still hold out for a nice doe rather than a nubbin buck. But that’s just me!

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I too hunt public land and I would not at all consider my self a trophy hunter, so I take what I can get. Dartman is right, if you dont take a small buck chances are the next guy will.

    But both parts of my familly own land in different parts of the state, and in some instances I would let the small bucks go. Its also hard because nobody else hunts the land around us, which is also private. So when you see the deer, they are either coming or going to private land where they can sit unharmed.

    EauClaire WI
    Posts: 927

    I too hunt public land and I would not at all consider my self a trophy hunter, so I take what I can get. Dartman is right, if you dont take a small buck chances are the next guy will.

    But both parts of my familly own land in different parts of the state, and in some instances I would let the small bucks go. Its also hard because nobody else hunts the land around us, which is also private. So when you see the deer, they are either coming or going to private land where they can sit unharmed.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Dartman is right, if you dont take a small buck chances are the next guy will.

    So what will be so wrong with that? I’m not saying what you do is wrong. You are legally harvesting a deer, but if you let one go and the next guy ove rgets him, what is the big deal. Good for him. Now he is done and out of the woods, leaving more space for you in your search for a doe or a trophy buck. Remember a trophy buck does not have to have 20 points. The trophy is in the eye of the beholder. I started out shooting immature bucks and they were fun, but I have grown as a hunter and now chase true trophy bucks. It is that “if I don’t shoot him the next guy will” mentaility that hold up this QDM practice. It has to start somewhere so join the band wagon and “Let them go so they can grow”.

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