muzzy performance in cold

  • big_dog_ia
    Omaha, Ne
    Posts: 180

    the paper inside the powerbelts package unfolds and gives you ballistics for both 45 and 50 cal. with either load of 100 grains powder or 150 grains of powder. Gives you an idea of what to expect at yardage for sighting/shooting and also energy foot pounds and velocity for each grain of bullet. each gun is different, but its a ballpark figure.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I have shot both the powerbelts and the new Thompson Shock waves.Both are very accurate.The Shockwave is alittle harder to load.I have shot deer with both using 100 grains of powder and 250 grain bullet.I only had 1 deer go 15 yards,otherwise they dropped right in there tracks!This last weekend I shot a doe and it was cold.60 yard shot,dead on.I have shot it 3 times and have not cleaned it.Still on.I will clean it now though because it got damp from the snow.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I have shot both the powerbelts and the new Thompson Shock waves.Both are very accurate.The Shockwave is alittle harder to load.I have shot deer with both using 100 grains of powder and 250 grain bullet.I only had 1 deer go 15 yards,otherwise they dropped right in there tracks!This last weekend I shot a doe and it was cold.60 yard shot,dead on.I have shot it 3 times and have not cleaned it.Still on.I will clean it now though because it got damp from the snow.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 178

    Here are my results from the range. This will baffle your mind. I tried to do as true a test as possible. I shot 2 50 grain pellets of triple 7 and a T/C maxi ball 350 grain slug. Shooting off a padded very stable rest at the same exact spot from the same position every time. Making sure to bottom out the slug and powder to the mark on my ram rod every time. The target was a 5’x5′ piece of paper with a 1″ bullseye.
    1st shot 1′ laft and 1′ high
    3 clicks right and 3 clicks down on the sights
    2nd shot 3″ left and 3″ high
    cleaned with one wet patch and one dry patch fire 1 cap
    3rd shot off 5’x5′ target
    4th shot 2′ low 18″ right
    cleaned same way
    5th shot off 5’x5′ target
    6th shot bullseye
    cleaned same way
    7th shot 2′ high and 2′ right
    8th shot 4′ low and on left to right
    9th shot off 5’x5′ target
    cleaned same way
    switched to new box triple 7 and new box of slugs
    10th shot 1″ left and 1″ high
    11th shot 1″ left and on top to bottom
    12th shot 1″ low and 1″ left
    cleaned same way
    13th shot 6″ right and 2′ high
    14th shot off 5’x5′ target
    cleaned same way
    15th shot 1″ low and on left to right
    16th shot off 5’x5′ target

    What do you think? Call T/C? the gun was new last Christmas and this is the first season.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 178

    Here are my results from the range. This will baffle your mind. I tried to do as true a test as possible. I shot 2 50 grain pellets of triple 7 and a T/C maxi ball 350 grain slug. Shooting off a padded very stable rest at the same exact spot from the same position every time. Making sure to bottom out the slug and powder to the mark on my ram rod every time. The target was a 5’x5′ piece of paper with a 1″ bullseye.
    1st shot 1′ laft and 1′ high
    3 clicks right and 3 clicks down on the sights
    2nd shot 3″ left and 3″ high
    cleaned with one wet patch and one dry patch fire 1 cap
    3rd shot off 5’x5′ target
    4th shot 2′ low 18″ right
    cleaned same way
    5th shot off 5’x5′ target
    6th shot bullseye
    cleaned same way
    7th shot 2′ high and 2′ right
    8th shot 4′ low and on left to right
    9th shot off 5’x5′ target
    cleaned same way
    switched to new box triple 7 and new box of slugs
    10th shot 1″ left and 1″ high
    11th shot 1″ left and on top to bottom
    12th shot 1″ low and 1″ left
    cleaned same way
    13th shot 6″ right and 2′ high
    14th shot off 5’x5′ target
    cleaned same way
    15th shot 1″ low and on left to right
    16th shot off 5’x5′ target

    What do you think? Call T/C? the gun was new last Christmas and this is the first season.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    T-Bone, I am baffled !!! how does the muzzle look when you look down w/out the breach plug in ? any gouges or abnormalties ? i would suggest having someone else fire it, to rule out any pulling of shot, happens to all of us. if their all over the place, take it to a dealer and exchange !!!


    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22972

    T-Bone, I am baffled !!! how does the muzzle look when you look down w/out the breach plug in ? any gouges or abnormalties ? i would suggest having someone else fire it, to rule out any pulling of shot, happens to all of us. if their all over the place, take it to a dealer and exchange !!!


    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 178

    My brother was there, he is a cop and a very good marksman. He shot rounds 7,8 and 9. He wanted to throw the gun on the fire. We took out the breach plug ran a couple patches down it and did a visual exam and it looks good. no gouges and the twist looks consistent to the naked eye.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 178

    My brother was there, he is a cop and a very good marksman. He shot rounds 7,8 and 9. He wanted to throw the gun on the fire. We took out the breach plug ran a couple patches down it and did a visual exam and it looks good. no gouges and the twist looks consistent to the naked eye.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Try giving it a really good cleaning.Try the powerbelt 250 grain bullets with 100 gr powder.Also I agree,have someone else shoot the gun.It happens to all of us that we will pull the gun.I have had the same concern with other guns and have had other friends shoot my gun and it shot just fine. I have had great success with powerbelts and so have my friends.I shoot Shockwaves now and love them!

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    Try giving it a really good cleaning.Try the powerbelt 250 grain bullets with 100 gr powder.Also I agree,have someone else shoot the gun.It happens to all of us that we will pull the gun.I have had the same concern with other guns and have had other friends shoot my gun and it shot just fine. I have had great success with powerbelts and so have my friends.I shoot Shockwaves now and love them!

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I wouldn’t be so quick to blame the gun. Trying different loads and charges is your best avenue. Try a 250gr bullet with 100gr of powder. Use this as your starting point.

    You may have to try a couple different kinds of bullets to find the one that shoots best. Don’t assume your gun will handle all loads the same. I shot a couple different bullets out of my gun before settling on the 250gr Shockwaves.

    Good luck, I wish you the best.

    Dresbach, MN
    Posts: 7872

    I wouldn’t be so quick to blame the gun. Trying different loads and charges is your best avenue. Try a 250gr bullet with 100gr of powder. Use this as your starting point.

    You may have to try a couple different kinds of bullets to find the one that shoots best. Don’t assume your gun will handle all loads the same. I shot a couple different bullets out of my gun before settling on the 250gr Shockwaves.

    Good luck, I wish you the best.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Are you using open sights or scope? Is your scope loose?

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Are you using open sights or scope? Is your scope loose?

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 178

    I just got off the phone with the gunsmith from T/C. He said the T/C maxi ball is designed for a 1 in 48 twist gun and mine is a 1 in 28 twist. He sugested the 250 grain shockwave bullets also. I am going to try with them tonight, but with a spray that is off a 5’x5′ target at 50 yards I think there is something else wrong.
    Lip Ripper, I don’t have a scope and the iron sights are tight, but good question.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 178

    I just got off the phone with the gunsmith from T/C. He said the T/C maxi ball is designed for a 1 in 48 twist gun and mine is a 1 in 28 twist. He sugested the 250 grain shockwave bullets also. I am going to try with them tonight, but with a spray that is off a 5’x5′ target at 50 yards I think there is something else wrong.
    Lip Ripper, I don’t have a scope and the iron sights are tight, but good question.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I shoot a CVA buckhorn with 100gr 777 and a 295gr powerbelt hollow point and 209 primer. I get awesome performance out of my muzzy. 2″ groups at 50yds 2″ high, and 3″ groups at 100yds dead on. I shot a huge doe at 80 yards yesterday at 7:15am the temp was -16′ and I CRUSHED that deer on the spot. I took that shot out of a barrel with 3 uncleaned shots befor it, so 4 shots on an uncleaned barrel. I have found my accuracy dosent really start to slip till I shoot about 10 shots. I think its because Im shooting a super clean burning powder and Im not shooting a sabot so I dont get hardly any powder fouling and no plastic fouling from the sabot jacket. I think you have to work up a good load just like a rifle some muzzy’s will like one kind of projectile and the next one wont shoot it for SH*T. Try a different load and bullet and see what happens. These are just my findings.

    hastings mn
    Posts: 1525

    I shoot a CVA buckhorn with 100gr 777 and a 295gr powerbelt hollow point and 209 primer. I get awesome performance out of my muzzy. 2″ groups at 50yds 2″ high, and 3″ groups at 100yds dead on. I shot a huge doe at 80 yards yesterday at 7:15am the temp was -16′ and I CRUSHED that deer on the spot. I took that shot out of a barrel with 3 uncleaned shots befor it, so 4 shots on an uncleaned barrel. I have found my accuracy dosent really start to slip till I shoot about 10 shots. I think its because Im shooting a super clean burning powder and Im not shooting a sabot so I dont get hardly any powder fouling and no plastic fouling from the sabot jacket. I think you have to work up a good load just like a rifle some muzzy’s will like one kind of projectile and the next one wont shoot it for SH*T. Try a different load and bullet and see what happens. These are just my findings.

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I that bullet you were using was not gesigned for that twist of barrel,you would be wildly throwing the bullet around.You should have no problems with 100 gr of 777 and 250 grain Shockwave.I would dought there is a problem with the gun.

    Rochester Mn
    Posts: 1908

    I that bullet you were using was not gesigned for that twist of barrel,you would be wildly throwing the bullet around.You should have no problems with 100 gr of 777 and 250 grain Shockwave.I would dought there is a problem with the gun.

    Oregon, WI
    Posts: 152

    I think it may be the sights. I am not thrilled with the open sights on the T/C. I would either take them off and re-mount the open sights or get a low power scope. At 50 yards a maxi ball should not be that wild if the sights are right. My $.02.

    Oregon, WI
    Posts: 152

    I think it may be the sights. I am not thrilled with the open sights on the T/C. I would either take them off and re-mount the open sights or get a low power scope. At 50 yards a maxi ball should not be that wild if the sights are right. My $.02.

    mazeppa mn
    Posts: 177

    I have had some brands of bullets that i couldn’t hit the broad side of the barn with from the inside. I would try other bullets before I condem the gun I like powerbelts myself but have had good luck with shockwave sabots too.

    mazeppa mn
    Posts: 177

    I have had some brands of bullets that i couldn’t hit the broad side of the barn with from the inside. I would try other bullets before I condem the gun I like powerbelts myself but have had good luck with shockwave sabots too.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 178

    Long story short, it was not the gun. I bought a 15 pack of shockwaves last night and fired 7 from 50 yards with 100 grains of powder and 8 of them from 100 yards 6 with 100 grains 2 with 150 grains. All 15 shots were within 2″ of the 1.5″ bullseye. I didn’t think a bullet could make that big of a difference, but once again I was wrong. Thanks for all the advise guys it really helped me out.

    Scott, I still have that box of powerbelts I bought that you like, but haven’t tried them. As soon as I shoot my muzzy deer I will give them a try.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 178

    Long story short, it was not the gun. I bought a 15 pack of shockwaves last night and fired 7 from 50 yards with 100 grains of powder and 8 of them from 100 yards 6 with 100 grains 2 with 150 grains. All 15 shots were within 2″ of the 1.5″ bullseye. I didn’t think a bullet could make that big of a difference, but once again I was wrong. Thanks for all the advise guys it really helped me out.

    Scott, I still have that box of powerbelts I bought that you like, but haven’t tried them. As soon as I shoot my muzzy deer I will give them a try.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    T-Bone, I have been doing a lot of shooting with mine. I actually got a couple deer also. If you find a set up you like (Powder, bullet combo) I would stick with it. I got lucky and the set up I bought has been very accurate for me.

    Glad to hear you are shooting straight now

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