And finally the buck worked his way back

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Never really had that choice. I have clearly seen at least 3 bucks approach and I shot them possibly before time. It never even crossed my mind. I was brought up to hunt when you could see and not by a time table in a book. Good question on scope. It’s got me thinking. And by the way my original point was not about hunting ethics it was about contest rules/outcome.

    Harmony, MN
    Posts: 173

    Just tried to estimate the time. When i was watching the buck i did not have my stopwatch out to see exact minutes on how long he was around, i could clearly identify what he was in the woods, i passed on him the first few times i could see him as i knew it was not light enough for me to shoot. He then came back then i took my shot, But i would like to thank the people that congratulated me.

    Harmony, MN
    Posts: 173

    Just tried to estimate the time. When i was watching the buck i did not have my stopwatch out to see exact minutes on how long he was around, i could clearly identify what he was in the woods, i passed on him the first few times i could see him as i knew it was not light enough for me to shoot. He then came back then i took my shot, But i would like to thank the people that congratulated me.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Thanks Suzuki. Like I said, not blaming here just curious. Great buck Ryan

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Thanks Suzuki. Like I said, not blaming here just curious. Great buck Ryan

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Shooting a deer before time is no big deal. Telling people that fact is ridiculous.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Shooting a deer before time is no big deal. Telling people that fact is ridiculous.

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Unless the post was modified I do not see anything in there saying he shot before leagal time. It says 5 – 10 minutes. maybe that was 10 – 15 or even 20 minutes. What my point in people need to chill out and quit reading into it. If he would have said he pulled the trigger at such a time then you can get on him.

    It is a nice buck and people are just Jealous.

    Sorry for the soap box, but I just got mad reading the reponses to this post and how human nature is

    John Luebker
    Posts: 694

    Unless the post was modified I do not see anything in there saying he shot before leagal time. It says 5 – 10 minutes. maybe that was 10 – 15 or even 20 minutes. What my point in people need to chill out and quit reading into it. If he would have said he pulled the trigger at such a time then you can get on him.

    It is a nice buck and people are just Jealous.

    Sorry for the soap box, but I just got mad reading the reponses to this post and how human nature is

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    We have no way of knowing what time this buck was shot, I am sure Ryan just was estimating the time and he had legal light to shoot it. Everyone that questions this just think back to the last deer you shot your last deer, can you say for certain exactly what time you shot the deer? I can’t.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    We have no way of knowing what time this buck was shot, I am sure Ryan just was estimating the time and he had legal light to shoot it. Everyone that questions this just think back to the last deer you shot your last deer, can you say for certain exactly what time you shot the deer? I can’t.

    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    Nice deer Ryan,
    Seems that he was able to watch the buck make some circles around the stand therfore one can assume there was plenty of light and more than likley leagl shooting hours had begun. Just giving my thoughts.

    Houlton, WI.
    Posts: 244

    Nice deer Ryan,
    Seems that he was able to watch the buck make some circles around the stand therfore one can assume there was plenty of light and more than likley leagl shooting hours had begun. Just giving my thoughts.

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    well…..if ya want the story i would be more than happy to share. On opening morning i always like to get to my stand, i know what time the people that hunt around me get in the woods and usually let them push the deer to me. I decided to sit in the stand behing my house, i usually forget how good of a stand it is, seems almost to close to be that good, but over the last ten years my brother and i have harvested over thirty deer out of it. Nice to have one that close when we didnt have a license to drive anywhere, and now there is no chance in moving the stand as it is growing into the tree. But back to the story, i got into my stand at about 5:15 and sat down and had not been on stand for ten minutes and i heard something off to my right, it was still to dark to see much but i could see the outline of a doe. I sat another couple minutes and i heard a buck grunting down the trail in the same area she came in, he was behind thick brush and could not tell what he was as he walked by. He then must have lost his scent trail on her as he made a complete circle around my stand out of shooting range and went right back to where i first heard him. I knew he was a pretty good buck by the size of his body but could not see his rack, so i waited. Then he had been gone another five or ten minutes, seemed like an eternity. Then he came back on the same trail and ya could tell he was not happy about losing that doe. He decided to take the trail that went about forty yards behind my stand. I looked at my watch and it was 8:30, wow how time flies. Knowing it was well beyond legal shooting hours, and my permanent stand was not more than 16 feet off the ground and my firearm was legal for zone and date, and my tag was still valid and I was not tresspassing, I took the shot and he was down. Next thing you know, it was 9 AM and I was standing in my treestand on my cell phone talking to my brother as he had to miss opening weekend and do his Army reserve thing at Fort McCoy. I really wish my best hunting buddy could have been there but he knew just as soon as the deer was down.

    I did wait unit after 11:00 AM to come get him with the ATV also

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    well…..if ya want the story i would be more than happy to share. On opening morning i always like to get to my stand, i know what time the people that hunt around me get in the woods and usually let them push the deer to me. I decided to sit in the stand behing my house, i usually forget how good of a stand it is, seems almost to close to be that good, but over the last ten years my brother and i have harvested over thirty deer out of it. Nice to have one that close when we didnt have a license to drive anywhere, and now there is no chance in moving the stand as it is growing into the tree. But back to the story, i got into my stand at about 5:15 and sat down and had not been on stand for ten minutes and i heard something off to my right, it was still to dark to see much but i could see the outline of a doe. I sat another couple minutes and i heard a buck grunting down the trail in the same area she came in, he was behind thick brush and could not tell what he was as he walked by. He then must have lost his scent trail on her as he made a complete circle around my stand out of shooting range and went right back to where i first heard him. I knew he was a pretty good buck by the size of his body but could not see his rack, so i waited. Then he had been gone another five or ten minutes, seemed like an eternity. Then he came back on the same trail and ya could tell he was not happy about losing that doe. He decided to take the trail that went about forty yards behind my stand. I looked at my watch and it was 8:30, wow how time flies. Knowing it was well beyond legal shooting hours, and my permanent stand was not more than 16 feet off the ground and my firearm was legal for zone and date, and my tag was still valid and I was not tresspassing, I took the shot and he was down. Next thing you know, it was 9 AM and I was standing in my treestand on my cell phone talking to my brother as he had to miss opening weekend and do his Army reserve thing at Fort McCoy. I really wish my best hunting buddy could have been there but he knew just as soon as the deer was down.

    I did wait unit after 11:00 AM to come get him with the ATV also

    Posts: 507

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    lip ripper, i filled my last doe tag saturday night, and passed on a 5 or 6 pointer, depending whos counting, i call it 5, on sunday morning. i will be hunting hard through december, where some big’uns roam. if i can get (wifes call) a muzzleloader, i will do that also.

    big g

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22928

    lip ripper, i filled my last doe tag saturday night, and passed on a 5 or 6 pointer, depending whos counting, i call it 5, on sunday morning. i will be hunting hard through december, where some big’uns roam. if i can get (wifes call) a muzzleloader, i will do that also.

    big g

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Go Get em Big G

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Go Get em Big G

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