IDA Whitetail Deer Contest

  • Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    Submit your entries here with you team #, I will keep score on a separate thread that will be locked so it does not get cluttered with allot of replies. Submit two photos with your entry one of the deer and one of the registration tag showing date of kill. If possible have the date in the photo as well most digital cameras should be capable of doing this. If you have any questions please reply to Official Contest Sign up!!! as I would like to keep this thread for entries only.

    1) One buck and two does or three does may be entered into this contest by each team member.

    2) All entries must be submitted with a photograph of the deer as well as the registration tag showing date of the kill.

    3)All weapons may be used during their set season depending upon states hunted.

    4) Your FIRST buck harvested by YOURSELF is the only buck allowed to be entered into the contest. Each team member may only submit one buck.

    5) Adult does may only be entered into the contest, except for youth AGE 15 AND UNDER.

    6)Points will be awarded as follows:

    -Each doe up to three entered by each team member are 5 points each.

    -Bucks are an automatic 10 points plus 1 additional point for each tine 1 inch or larger…(small tines need to be photographed with a measurement next to it to verify they are infact a legal 1 inch.)

    7) This contest is for white-tailed deer only.

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