Bowhunting Whitetails

  • tony_p
    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I know it is only the 15th of June but i can’t wait to start bow hunting those monster bucks! I was out shooting my bow tonight and the thought i only have 3 1/2 mounths to wait sent chills down my spine.It will be here before i know it .I live in north east Iowa in prime buck country my house sits right in the middle of it.I am 3 miles from the neariest black top , i see deer every day.Sorry to bore all you guys,but is their anyone else have the same itch as i do?

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    I cant wait either. Was shooting the bow yesterday and was really getting the urge to get out.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380

    I cant wait either. Was shooting the bow yesterday and was really getting the urge to get out.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I hear ya we dont have too long to wait.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I hear ya we dont have too long to wait.

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 13

    I shot my bow for the first time this spring. (2 inch groups at 20 yards, good for me) I’ll be shooting almost daily from now on. I won’t miss the heart at 40 yds come the middle of September.

    There is nothing better, except maybe a big cat.

    I just can’t wait.

    Mora, MN
    Posts: 13

    I shot my bow for the first time this spring. (2 inch groups at 20 yards, good for me) I’ll be shooting almost daily from now on. I won’t miss the heart at 40 yds come the middle of September.

    There is nothing better, except maybe a big cat.

    I just can’t wait.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    Funny you post this today. I just got done talking to a work buddy about bow hunting. Fall is a busy time for me, hard to decide whether to fish or bowhunt.

    Quad Cities
    Posts: 2843

    Funny you post this today. I just got done talking to a work buddy about bow hunting. Fall is a busy time for me, hard to decide whether to fish or bowhunt.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Now you did it , I have been fighting this itch for about a month and a half. No that cat is out of the closet. I’m dieing to sit in thew woods and chase some Hoggs! Who here misses doing a sneak across a field or through the corn rows ?

    I love to fish, but nothing beats my obsession for chasing that elusive monster buck! I just hope the sun will shine on my again this year. Remember practice, practice, practice.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Now you did it , I have been fighting this itch for about a month and a half. No that cat is out of the closet. I’m dieing to sit in thew woods and chase some Hoggs! Who here misses doing a sneak across a field or through the corn rows ?

    I love to fish, but nothing beats my obsession for chasing that elusive monster buck! I just hope the sun will shine on my again this year. Remember practice, practice, practice.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Lntony2, when are we hooking up down on your land this Fall

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370

    Lntony2, when are we hooking up down on your land this Fall

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953


    I was thinking the same thing, going to clear shooting lanes, clear trails, check feeders, ect this weekend up north. I got a couple plat books and gonna start knocking on doors next week

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953


    I was thinking the same thing, going to clear shooting lanes, clear trails, check feeders, ect this weekend up north. I got a couple plat books and gonna start knocking on doors next week

    MN Rosemount
    Posts: 240

    you all have a bad case of buck fever.

    the doctors are still trying to find a way to cure it. so far they have only cured some. you have to go shoot a monster buck and your cured for the day!

    MN Rosemount
    Posts: 240

    you all have a bad case of buck fever.

    the doctors are still trying to find a way to cure it. so far they have only cured some. you have to go shoot a monster buck and your cured for the day!

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Lip riper you welcome to come down anytime.Two years ago AmWatson was down he watched me miss 180 class buck with the muzelloaader .Watson was shacking so bad he couldnt get it on the range finder.I was also near coma stage i just totaly missed him it was still a goodtime.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    Lip riper you welcome to come down anytime.Two years ago AmWatson was down he watched me miss 180 class buck with the muzelloaader .Watson was shacking so bad he couldnt get it on the range finder.I was also near coma stage i just totaly missed him it was still a goodtime.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    maybe we could work out a 3 way deal??

    I have some land in St.Cloud area that is really good and some city land as well.

    Also be willing to take anyone muskie fishing for a week or weekend and have a perm. shack (12×16) on mille lacs for use in this deal.

    I think I am too late for the NR drawing for bow in IA though.

    Isle Mn
    Posts: 953

    maybe we could work out a 3 way deal??

    I have some land in St.Cloud area that is really good and some city land as well.

    Also be willing to take anyone muskie fishing for a week or weekend and have a perm. shack (12×16) on mille lacs for use in this deal.

    I think I am too late for the NR drawing for bow in IA though.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Man I love encounters like that! Even when they do not turn out. It seems like those get you more reved up, than the ones that you harvest. You never forget those closies !

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11370


    Man I love encounters like that! Even when they do not turn out. It seems like those get you more reved up, than the ones that you harvest. You never forget those closies !

    Posts: 5130

    I know I will never forget the way that buck came strutting 300 yards across that alfalfa field. I have never seen a bigger buck, both rack and body size, until him. I was shaking so bad I had a hard time reading the yardage on the range finder That buck was a true bruiser Tony did miss, but it was still awesome just to be that close to a B&C buck. The real slap in the face was after the shot. The buck kind of stood there for a short while and then turned and slowly trotted off

    Posts: 5130

    I know I will never forget the way that buck came strutting 300 yards across that alfalfa field. I have never seen a bigger buck, both rack and body size, until him. I was shaking so bad I had a hard time reading the yardage on the range finder That buck was a true bruiser Tony did miss, but it was still awesome just to be that close to a B&C buck. The real slap in the face was after the shot. The buck kind of stood there for a short while and then turned and slowly trotted off

    Pearlcity , Illinois
    Posts: 471

    Only 9 weeks to go here in Northwest Illinois,my wife says I’m addicted,I say guilty as charged . I just don’t know what I’m going to do with myself this year with the wife working evenings

    Pearlcity , Illinois
    Posts: 471

    Only 9 weeks to go here in Northwest Illinois,my wife says I’m addicted,I say guilty as charged . I just don’t know what I’m going to do with myself this year with the wife working evenings

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I just scored on some more land to hunt down here in Iowa.

    Waterloo, IA
    Posts: 1792

    I just scored on some more land to hunt down here in Iowa.

    Pearlcity , Illinois
    Posts: 471

    Tony, there is nothing like hanging a tree stand on a new chunk of ground and seeing the genetics in a new group of deer. .I know how you feel . 1 of the farms that I have hunted for the past three years {and this is a very Good farm seen and shot some real nice deer on this farm)has doubled in acreage as of last year late season I was asked if I wanted to hunt the other side of the property which is about 5 miles north and even a much better area to hunt.This makes about1500 acres on 2 of his farms I can hunt on,all this and 3 other farms I hunt on is going to be a blast this year.I think I might try to do some rattling this year have you ever tried this.I shot 2 10 pointers last year one was almost 19 and one was almost 20″ inside spread,I know there are bigger ones around that will be my target this year

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