• Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    This buck was found dead up by Arcadia. It had been shot.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    More often than not bucks found like that are usually poached. If a hunter shot a buck like that legally and couldn’t retreive it for some reason He’d call out the National Guard before he’d give up on retreiving it!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    More often than not bucks found like that are usually poached. If a hunter shot a buck like that legally and couldn’t retreive it for some reason He’d call out the National Guard before he’d give up on retreiving it!

    Posts: 776

    Very, very good point Tom. I would have to agree with you 95%. Let me tell you if I had that thing hit, I would pull out the national gaurd and then some. I guess there is always that 5% where you could bust you @#$ looking for it and never find. Sometimes those deer can go along time with a wound.

    Actually, I just got an e-mail of a deer on trail camera that still has a arrow sticking out of it. Hard to believe, but it is so true.

    What a dandy deer…..

    Posts: 776

    Very, very good point Tom. I would have to agree with you 95%. Let me tell you if I had that thing hit, I would pull out the national gaurd and then some. I guess there is always that 5% where you could bust you @#$ looking for it and never find. Sometimes those deer can go along time with a wound.

    Actually, I just got an e-mail of a deer on trail camera that still has a arrow sticking out of it. Hard to believe, but it is so true.

    What a dandy deer…..

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    We found a nice buck also that had been dead a while.It had a small caliber hole in it .Something that doesnt make a big bang because it was likely done at nite close to some houses . It has taken a toll on the big bucks around here. We only ran across one really big deer this gun season and he didnt play fair. (They big ones usually dont) The DNR has been after them. One bunch of poachers got nailed close to Ft Madison with 4 nice bucks in the truck. Any buck over 150 is a 5000.00$ fine. I hope they get em good!

    S.E. Iowa
    Posts: 669

    We found a nice buck also that had been dead a while.It had a small caliber hole in it .Something that doesnt make a big bang because it was likely done at nite close to some houses . It has taken a toll on the big bucks around here. We only ran across one really big deer this gun season and he didnt play fair. (They big ones usually dont) The DNR has been after them. One bunch of poachers got nailed close to Ft Madison with 4 nice bucks in the truck. Any buck over 150 is a 5000.00$ fine. I hope they get em good!

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I know up where we hunt a guy had gotten caught with an AR-15 with a suppressor and was using subsonic rounds. It sounded like a pellet gun. Not Good…..

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I know up where we hunt a guy had gotten caught with an AR-15 with a suppressor and was using subsonic rounds. It sounded like a pellet gun. Not Good…..

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It’s sad what lengths people will go to, just for a stupid deer head. Sure you get it mounted, but how can you feel good about ever telling anyone. I mean, isn’t the mount just a conversation piece about the hunt and how the animal was taken. Heck, that’s why I hang my geese and ducks on the wall, just so I can tell the story of the hunt. I love hashing old stories over beers!!!!

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It’s sad what lengths people will go to, just for a stupid deer head. Sure you get it mounted, but how can you feel good about ever telling anyone. I mean, isn’t the mount just a conversation piece about the hunt and how the animal was taken. Heck, that’s why I hang my geese and ducks on the wall, just so I can tell the story of the hunt. I love hashing old stories over beers!!!!

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Spinnerdave, did you hear about those guys that came in from out of state about 2 or 3 years ago and they caught them with a whole trunkload of racks they were going to take back with them? If i remember right they were from tennesse or kentucky or one of the south east states. I think it was somewhere in southeast iowa where they were caught. Did you hear anything about it because thats your neck of the woods and what they did to them for fines. I heard just bits and pieces about them.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Spinnerdave, did you hear about those guys that came in from out of state about 2 or 3 years ago and they caught them with a whole trunkload of racks they were going to take back with them? If i remember right they were from tennesse or kentucky or one of the south east states. I think it was somewhere in southeast iowa where they were caught. Did you hear anything about it because thats your neck of the woods and what they did to them for fines. I heard just bits and pieces about them.

    Posts: 776

    Anyone hear about the buck that was taken somewhere in IA and was going to be either the world or state record? Anyways, I heard that the DNR and police department confiscated it from him while he was showing it off. Not sure the whole story, but I am sure that something fishy went on there. Might not be true, but a guy at work was telling me about it.

    Something about a tag issue I think.

    Posts: 776

    Anyone hear about the buck that was taken somewhere in IA and was going to be either the world or state record? Anyways, I heard that the DNR and police department confiscated it from him while he was showing it off. Not sure the whole story, but I am sure that something fishy went on there. Might not be true, but a guy at work was telling me about it.

    Something about a tag issue I think.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I have not heard anything but if it is true the story will show up here
    They will also let you know if the rumors are not true.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239

    I have not heard anything but if it is true the story will show up here
    They will also let you know if the rumors are not true.

    LaCrosse Wi
    Posts: 306

    Well this looks like the buck a friend of mine was telling me about yesterday, it had double drop tines also, and was shot in Buffalo Cty. He knows the guy that shot it, bow hunting. Had 3 friends help him look for it. Guess it was shot high near the back. They trailed it for 3 days and it starting raining and lost blood trail. Asked for permission from the farmer that it was found on. But the rain washed everything away. From what I have heard is, it was found gun hunting, one guy in the group said it had an arrow in it, the other said no. So it seems he is going to keep the head for himself. The original shooter is quite upset, seeing it was found 100 yds from where they lost the trail. Now how much truth in this, I am not sure, but my friend doesn’t just say things. If it is true, had an arrow init, I say give it to the guy that shot it. John

    LaCrosse Wi
    Posts: 306

    Well this looks like the buck a friend of mine was telling me about yesterday, it had double drop tines also, and was shot in Buffalo Cty. He knows the guy that shot it, bow hunting. Had 3 friends help him look for it. Guess it was shot high near the back. They trailed it for 3 days and it starting raining and lost blood trail. Asked for permission from the farmer that it was found on. But the rain washed everything away. From what I have heard is, it was found gun hunting, one guy in the group said it had an arrow in it, the other said no. So it seems he is going to keep the head for himself. The original shooter is quite upset, seeing it was found 100 yds from where they lost the trail. Now how much truth in this, I am not sure, but my friend doesn’t just say things. If it is true, had an arrow init, I say give it to the guy that shot it. John

    Galesville, Wi
    Posts: 34

    What a great buck – shame that it was not found right away. I bet there is one sad hunter. What I heard about this buck was that the bowhunter wants it, the land owner wants it, and the person who found it wants it. None of them have the deer, however, since the DNR took it away from all of them.

    Anyone else with an update?

    Galesville, Wi
    Posts: 34

    What a great buck – shame that it was not found right away. I bet there is one sad hunter. What I heard about this buck was that the bowhunter wants it, the land owner wants it, and the person who found it wants it. None of them have the deer, however, since the DNR took it away from all of them.

    Anyone else with an update?

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353

    Its amazing how stories get funnier and funnier (or misconstrued (sp.)) as they are passed along. However, being a native of West. WI and knowing the land owners upon where the deer was found. A Couple of facts, 1) The deer was not found in the Buffalo City area it was closer to Arcadia/Waumandee Area, 2) it was hit during the bow season (late Oct — B4 Tzone). The bow shot however lethal, was not the perfect placement. 3) it was not shot illegally or poached 4) my understanding is that the person that found it, still has it as of a week ago.

    My belief is that the deer belongs to the finder, I may under a different presumption if I owned the land but it definately does not belong to the person that shot it during bow season. My rationale is that I shot 165 Class 10 Point this season that had an arrow lodged in its front shoulder. Even though the deer was living it was obvious after skinning the odds of this buck making it through the winter was next to none. Based upon that, from previous posts I should be putting an ad in the paper to see if someone shot an enormous buck in my area and to come claim it… I think not. Finders Keepers, losers weepers… If you cannot shoot straight or accurate you do not deserve the animal.

    My .02

    Arcadia, WI
    Posts: 353

    Its amazing how stories get funnier and funnier (or misconstrued (sp.)) as they are passed along. However, being a native of West. WI and knowing the land owners upon where the deer was found. A Couple of facts, 1) The deer was not found in the Buffalo City area it was closer to Arcadia/Waumandee Area, 2) it was hit during the bow season (late Oct — B4 Tzone). The bow shot however lethal, was not the perfect placement. 3) it was not shot illegally or poached 4) my understanding is that the person that found it, still has it as of a week ago.

    My belief is that the deer belongs to the finder, I may under a different presumption if I owned the land but it definately does not belong to the person that shot it during bow season. My rationale is that I shot 165 Class 10 Point this season that had an arrow lodged in its front shoulder. Even though the deer was living it was obvious after skinning the odds of this buck making it through the winter was next to none. Based upon that, from previous posts I should be putting an ad in the paper to see if someone shot an enormous buck in my area and to come claim it… I think not. Finders Keepers, losers weepers… If you cannot shoot straight or accurate you do not deserve the animal.

    My .02

    Posts: 5130

    Here is my take on the ordeal. The landowners have alot of the details on this buck since it was shot on their land; They knew the hunter, they knew the time frame, and they knew the buck was hit and unrecovered. If the hunter gave it his best effort to recover the buck, but didn’t find it, the landowners should offer the buck to the shooter.
    The statement about the guy not deserving it because they cannot shoot straight is a little harsh. There is no person alive who is perfect everytime they release an arrow. There are way too many variables; Deer ducks string, small branch, buck fever. These things happen. You stated the hit was lethal, so the shot wasn’t bad afterall. These big bucks can travel a long ways and are tougher than most.
    My question is this, Why would a person want a rack that they didn’t harvest especially when they know the circumstances behind it? I can see it if they had no clue and they just walked up on it a few months down the road.
    I have made some bad hits in my time, but I guess I don’t deserve to bowhunt anymore because I can’t be perfect everytime
    The deer you shot with an arrow in it was a totally different situation. The deer was alive and walking around. There is no way to say how that buck would have faired this winter. He was feeding and living a normal life when you shot him. That is comparing apples to oranges.
    Personally, I would offer the rack to the person. I just couldn’t keep something like that in that situation. Sure it is a nice rack, but is that what deer hunting has come to? Is that all people want is to get the biggest rack, by whatever means? Pretty sad

    Posts: 5130

    Here is my take on the ordeal. The landowners have alot of the details on this buck since it was shot on their land; They knew the hunter, they knew the time frame, and they knew the buck was hit and unrecovered. If the hunter gave it his best effort to recover the buck, but didn’t find it, the landowners should offer the buck to the shooter.
    The statement about the guy not deserving it because they cannot shoot straight is a little harsh. There is no person alive who is perfect everytime they release an arrow. There are way too many variables; Deer ducks string, small branch, buck fever. These things happen. You stated the hit was lethal, so the shot wasn’t bad afterall. These big bucks can travel a long ways and are tougher than most.
    My question is this, Why would a person want a rack that they didn’t harvest especially when they know the circumstances behind it? I can see it if they had no clue and they just walked up on it a few months down the road.
    I have made some bad hits in my time, but I guess I don’t deserve to bowhunt anymore because I can’t be perfect everytime
    The deer you shot with an arrow in it was a totally different situation. The deer was alive and walking around. There is no way to say how that buck would have faired this winter. He was feeding and living a normal life when you shot him. That is comparing apples to oranges.
    Personally, I would offer the rack to the person. I just couldn’t keep something like that in that situation. Sure it is a nice rack, but is that what deer hunting has come to? Is that all people want is to get the biggest rack, by whatever means? Pretty sad

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I don’t know what Wisc law says…but here the landowner MUST turn over that animal to the DNR.

    He didn’t lawfully harvest it did he? Previous posts said the farmer/landowner found the buck. This is a big point!

    You do NOT own any wild game …dead or alive…just because it wanders or dies on your land. You must legally harvest that animal.

    This is not like finding a dollar or an old bottle. Its a game animal managed by the WDNR and owned by the state.

    As far as the non-fatal shot comment. A bow kills by hemmoraging and is seldom instantly fatal. A good double lung shot will kill in 10 seconds but a deer with one lung or liver hits can go a long way.

    I can see no logical reason to award landowners any game, hunted and fatally wounded by a third party, that happens to die on their property due to some abstract timeframe for death or nature of wound, unless it was still capable of flight and considered fair game and shot by the landowner.

    Otherwise I think thats WAY WAY out there in any context of reason.

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    I don’t know what Wisc law says…but here the landowner MUST turn over that animal to the DNR.

    He didn’t lawfully harvest it did he? Previous posts said the farmer/landowner found the buck. This is a big point!

    You do NOT own any wild game …dead or alive…just because it wanders or dies on your land. You must legally harvest that animal.

    This is not like finding a dollar or an old bottle. Its a game animal managed by the WDNR and owned by the state.

    As far as the non-fatal shot comment. A bow kills by hemmoraging and is seldom instantly fatal. A good double lung shot will kill in 10 seconds but a deer with one lung or liver hits can go a long way.

    I can see no logical reason to award landowners any game, hunted and fatally wounded by a third party, that happens to die on their property due to some abstract timeframe for death or nature of wound, unless it was still capable of flight and considered fair game and shot by the landowner.

    Otherwise I think thats WAY WAY out there in any context of reason.

    Cedar Falls, IA
    Posts: 380


    Anyone hear about the buck that was taken somewhere in IA and was going to be either the world or state record?

    I have heard of this buck. Guys where my dad work had told him about it. i have not seen pictures or have heard any specific details but i believe the buck was taken in NE iowa. but i have no comfirmation as to the rumors

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