Deer Hunting (Crappy Weather)

  • TroyR
    Silver Lake MN
    Posts: 405

    Does it even pay to sit in the stand on a day like this? I have always been told that if it is raining, that they aren’t moving anyways. Is this true, or false?

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I was watching the dream season on the outdoor channel on Monday night.. Guys were hunting in Iowa in the rain, and when the rain let up just a little the deer started to move for the day.. I think they shot the deer around 4pm and being out all day in the rain… No thanks!!!! But I would imagine they would move…

    Calvin Svihel
    Northwest Metro, MN
    Posts: 3862

    I was watching the dream season on the outdoor channel on Monday night.. Guys were hunting in Iowa in the rain, and when the rain let up just a little the deer started to move for the day.. I think they shot the deer around 4pm and being out all day in the rain… No thanks!!!! But I would imagine they would move…

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    The rain isn’t so bad as is the wind. Starting to howl pretty good out there now and that will get them laying down.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    The rain isn’t so bad as is the wind. Starting to howl pretty good out there now and that will get them laying down.

    Brainerd, MN.
    Posts: 38

    I have never had much luck hunting in a pouring rain. The deer don’t mind a light rain and will still be on the move. With the rut coming on the bucks will be moving in just about any weather.

    One option if it is raining a bit too hard is to try still hunting or spot and stalk. The wet ground is very quiet to walk on, wet weather “knocks” down scent, rain also covers noise fairly well. It is a good time to sneak up on some deer. Try stands of pine trees or other cover that provides some shelter from the rain for the deer.

    Good luck!

    Brainerd, MN.
    Posts: 38

    I have never had much luck hunting in a pouring rain. The deer don’t mind a light rain and will still be on the move. With the rut coming on the bucks will be moving in just about any weather.

    One option if it is raining a bit too hard is to try still hunting or spot and stalk. The wet ground is very quiet to walk on, wet weather “knocks” down scent, rain also covers noise fairly well. It is a good time to sneak up on some deer. Try stands of pine trees or other cover that provides some shelter from the rain for the deer.

    Good luck!

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Last year on second weekend it was misty all day Sat. Everyone gave up shortly into the morning so I went back out at 11:30 thinking they would move during the day. At 12:30 I took a 9-point sneaking out of the heavy swamp I was watching. In my experience cloudy drizzly days are great for deer movement. Steady or heavy rain not good.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    Last year on second weekend it was misty all day Sat. Everyone gave up shortly into the morning so I went back out at 11:30 thinking they would move during the day. At 12:30 I took a 9-point sneaking out of the heavy swamp I was watching. In my experience cloudy drizzly days are great for deer movement. Steady or heavy rain not good.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I agree. I see alot of deer moving all day long with the over cast, mist, and light rain. I’ve been out all week in different areas with the same results at all places.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 1885

    I agree. I see alot of deer moving all day long with the over cast, mist, and light rain. I’ve been out all week in different areas with the same results at all places.

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I passed on a forkhorn and a small 6pt last evening. Both came into some grunts and bleats. With the wet and wind it sure made it hard to hear anything until they were very close. Was looking for the trophy or a doe and saw neither!!

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2515

    I passed on a forkhorn and a small 6pt last evening. Both came into some grunts and bleats. With the wet and wind it sure made it hard to hear anything until they were very close. Was looking for the trophy or a doe and saw neither!!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I got busted by a big 10 that snuck in on me in the rain last night. After being busted I switched stands because of the wind was picking up. I then passed on a small 6 and had a button buck that thought he was bigger then he really was. I also saw a doe and 5 different fawns. It was a great night to be on the stand.

    The last two days are the first real sign of rutting activity I have seen. I was greeted by 9 new scrapes around my stand last night. Looks like the peak of the rut will fall during the gun season again . I hate it when that happens, sorry gun guys!

    Central MN
    Posts: 3817

    I got busted by a big 10 that snuck in on me in the rain last night. After being busted I switched stands because of the wind was picking up. I then passed on a small 6 and had a button buck that thought he was bigger then he really was. I also saw a doe and 5 different fawns. It was a great night to be on the stand.

    The last two days are the first real sign of rutting activity I have seen. I was greeted by 9 new scrapes around my stand last night. Looks like the peak of the rut will fall during the gun season again . I hate it when that happens, sorry gun guys!

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I have done really well hunting in the rain and mist. I got a deer the other night when it was raining. Deer don’t really mind the rain. Like they said before it is the wind that sucks. The rain also helps get rid of your scent. I have gotten a couple of nice bucks durning the rainy days durning the rut. It is your choice wet and getting that big one or dry sucking down a cold one……

    Durand, WI
    Posts: 1364

    I have done really well hunting in the rain and mist. I got a deer the other night when it was raining. Deer don’t really mind the rain. Like they said before it is the wind that sucks. The rain also helps get rid of your scent. I have gotten a couple of nice bucks durning the rainy days durning the rut. It is your choice wet and getting that big one or dry sucking down a cold one……

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 292

    Yesterday the 28th was the best day so far this year for me.(it hasn’t been a real good year so far) I rattled in two buck one a four point the other a six point. Also had a button buck come in. No big bucks yet. I feel if its pouring or very windy is bad for hunting, if you find the right spot on a windy day you might have deer every where.A day like yesterday is a perfect day to be out all day. I called those bucks in one at 11 and the other at noon.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 292

    Yesterday the 28th was the best day so far this year for me.(it hasn’t been a real good year so far) I rattled in two buck one a four point the other a six point. Also had a button buck come in. No big bucks yet. I feel if its pouring or very windy is bad for hunting, if you find the right spot on a windy day you might have deer every where.A day like yesterday is a perfect day to be out all day. I called those bucks in one at 11 and the other at noon.

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