The fever is getting to me and it is only July!!!!

  • amwatson
    Posts: 5130

    As much as I enjoy fishing, it just doesn’t compare to bowhunting whitetails . For the past couple of weeks I have been getting really antsy about the upcoming season. I have been out shooting the 3-D courses around the area and shooting surprisingly well despite the layoff from the last bowseason. I am going to go check out the hunting land today to see how the crops are looking and what is planted where. Soon I will have the Double Bull blind out along the field edges and watching the activity in the evenings as the deer come out to feed. I take the kids with me on these forays and it is amazing we even see any deer with all the, “Dad, look there is one right there!!!”, “Dad look at the size of that buck!!”, “There is a squirrel carrying the whole corn cob in his mouth”, and all the other things they get to see. September will be here in no time, but not near fast enough. I can’t wait to see what the deer herd has in store for us this year. Dreams of big bucks are always on my mind as well as the taste of venison from a tender doe or 2. What gets me the most excited is the time to sit on the stand or in the blind and just sit and observe. There will not be a boss man around, or the sounds of cars, or the sirens; Just the sounds of birds singing, squirrels chattering, and the wind in the trees. Out there, a man has time to think, think about whatever you want to, it’s your choice. If deer come by that is just a bonus as the real prize is the freedom to enjoy life in peace.

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    What gets me the most excited is the time to sit on the stand or in the blind and just sit and observe. There will not be a boss man around, or the sounds of cars, or the sirens; Just the sounds of birds singing, squirrels chattering, and the wind in the trees. Out there, a man has time to think, think about whatever you want to, it’s your choice. If deer come by that is just a bonus as the real prize is the freedom to enjoy life in peace.

    I could not have said it better myself!

    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    What gets me the most excited is the time to sit on the stand or in the blind and just sit and observe. There will not be a boss man around, or the sounds of cars, or the sirens; Just the sounds of birds singing, squirrels chattering, and the wind in the trees. Out there, a man has time to think, think about whatever you want to, it’s your choice. If deer come by that is just a bonus as the real prize is the freedom to enjoy life in peace.

    I could not have said it better myself!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Its nice to have an understanding wife too Steve. I now have a 12 McKenzie target 3D course in my 1 acre back yard and a 60yd practice target range next to the house. I try to shoot every day from May until October…then I’m BowHunting!

    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    Its nice to have an understanding wife too Steve. I now have a 12 McKenzie target 3D course in my 1 acre back yard and a 60yd practice target range next to the house. I try to shoot every day from May until October…then I’m BowHunting!

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