Got the shells built for a couple of permanent stands but was wondering what everybody is using for windows. Obviously can’t be to noisy to open or slide. Also, don’t want to spend a fortune either. Thanks

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IDO » Forums » Hunting Forums » General Discussion Forum » Deer stand windows
Got the shells built for a couple of permanent stands but was wondering what everybody is using for windows. Obviously can’t be to noisy to open or slide. Also, don’t want to spend a fortune either. Thanks
I’ll look for my stand build thread. I made 2×4 frames and plexi glass.
I use 12″x30″ plexiglass with hinges attached to the top to allow to tip out to open and a piece of wood spins out to hold it open. I have about $20 invested in the 4 windows for each of my stands. I use a buddy heater for heat if needed and usually keep a window cracked open. Never had a problem with frosted windows in temps as low as -15.
I took double hung windows apart and those are my active windows. I have plexiglass in the corners and those freeze up on me. Maybe because I have it heated up to about 80 degrees.
Do you guys find all the light from the windows casts a glare on your TV’s in the stands? Also, what kind of oil do you use to keep the recliner from squeaking?
Do you guys find all the light from the windows casts a glare on your TV’s in the stands?
No UV and Polarizing filters cure that problem. PITA is finding the remote in that huge 8×8 space
Also, what kind of oil do you use to keep the recliner from squeaking?
Lucas Red synthetic has worked the best and lasted the longest
Anyone know of a good 150-200 cfm exhaust fan that is 12V for over the cook top? Windows steam up too much when I’m perk’n coffee or making hot beef sandwiches.
this thread brings back many good memories !
my kid brother and I built two small cabins that sat atop two old hay rack running gears,they were seven feet by fourteen feet,we would pull them into our hunting spots after the crops were out and pull them back home after season was over.
they were heated by a three burner propane stove out of a small camper,a universal twelve volt fan was more than enough to prevent fogging the windows and help keep the air circulated.
the windows were seconds from a local manufacturer,I dont think it cost us two hundred bucks for eight double hung windows.
a door at the tail end of the cabin and a small step stool allowed us to get in an out of the thing.
we spent many nights in those portable cabins waiting for deer to come by when season opened for the day,never once got cold in them as they were fully insulated.
each cabin also had a full couch and a recliner in them along with carpet on the floor.
one thing we learned right off the bat was when cooking in them we had every critter in the timber checking us out,feral cats,raccoons,stray dogs and an occasional coyote would stop by to sniff out what the heck was going on in the middle of nowhere.
Mrs Iowaboy shot her very first deer out my cabin on the family farm,nice eight pointer that was wide and tall.
it took me a half hour of consoling her that it was okay as it was the first time she had ever taken the life of an animal,to this day she wont eat deer meat lol.
sorry I cant add to anything you seek,but I do thank you for the memories !!
Hunting out of a box stand sucks cause you can’t hear anything but when weather gets ugly it keeps you out there all day. I have a portable stand in a tree close to my box stand so I’m in that for the first two hours. And hotdogs over the Mr heater is the menu in my stand.
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