Deer spleen testing

  • beardly
    Hastings, Mn
    Posts: 475

    A non-hunting co-worker told me about this today. I had never heard about it. Thought maybe other outdoors people would like/need to know. Pretty interesting stuff as I’ve mainly heard about CWD being the hot topic

    Are pesticides poisoning Minnesota’s deer? Hunters will offer up deer spleens as part of study

    Posts: 659

    If deer have it in their boddies Im guessing humans do as well.All of the pesticdes/herbicides sprayed on fields and in lakes now as well all end up somewhere.To what effect isnt completely known as of yet.What is known is the spraying done is meant to kill things,I cant imagine in the long run its great for deer or humans.One may have grown the best foodplots ever seen,only to contribute to his own poisoning in the end.

    Posts: 6075

    That’s some scary information.

    What did they feed the pen raised deer with elevated levels? I’d assume grains from a farm field?

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