Deer Shack Meals

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    what do you guys make for meals at the deer shack? We usually do pork chops or steaks one night, Swedish meatballs another night, and maybe some Chili or stew on the last night. All served with sides of salad & potato or other veggies. What are some things that you all make? Like our meals typically but always nice to get some ideas to feed a hungry crowd.

    Posts: 39

    Ours are all crockpot meals; Roast spuds carrots, Wild rice soup, Chili. Set it and forget it. Ohh and as usual we always order up a few pasties from Michigan. You can’t deer hunt without an original pasty! Don’t you dare show up to deer camp without one!!

    Nice Fella
    Posts: 461

    Lots of chili for sure, multiple recipes made with different meats; we roast a big turkey one night; usually a casserole or two; plenty of venison sausage, cheese and crackers for snacks; steaks on the grill one night.
    Oh, and copious quantities of Busch Light.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22891

    Our newest tradition is Poutine ! mrgreen

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    BBQ pork chops the first night, usually with stuffing and green beans. Then either soup or chili the rest of the nights, with crackers and cheese. And of course brownies or cookies for desserts! For lunches we usually make up hot ham and cheese sandwiches and that always hits the spot.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    For lunches we usually make up hot ham and cheese sandwiches and that always hits the spot.

    that sounds good! you just fry them on a pan or use a panini press?

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5553

    A panini press sounds too fancy for our crusty old shack. We don’t have running water and our electricity is available only when someone wants to venture out and fire up the generator. So we just cook ‘em up in a pan on the old gas stove, and up there we don’t skimp on the butter. waytogo

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    A panini press sounds too fancy for our crusty old shack. We don’t have running water and our electricity is available only when someone wants to venture out and fire up the generator. So we just cook ‘em up in a pan on the old gas stove, and up there we don’t skimp on the butter. waytogo

    Yup we are the same. No running water or electricity except for the generator. Nothing wrong with pan fried. Even better, cook them over the fire waytogo

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    White Castle and Old Milwaukee.

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 119

    White Castle and Old Milwaukee.

    That will give you the sh!ts…

    We do venison chili Friday night, Steaks on the fire Saturday night and burgers in at the bar Sunday night. Lunches are brats and hot italians in totillas.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    our 2 meals on deer opener are venny neck roast over hash browns and stove top with corn as the veggie. sunday nite its my world famous spagetti!!! we stay in the woods all day so its stolen halloween candy and venny summer sausage sammiches!

    2nd weekend its grilled chicky.

    and to all thats going out………….have fun………….good luck……… and most importantly BE SAFE!!!!!!!!!!!!

    North Metro
    Posts: 192

    We have a long tradition of potato dumplings. We fry them up with butter and diced ham. Simple

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    Two things come to mind:
    Mojakka and boiled venison heart.

    I started deer hunting around 1980 and I don’t remember a single season without Mojakka. Popular among those of us with Finnish heritage. We have the Liha Mojakka variety that is fundamentally a venison or beef vegetable soup. It would generally have cabbage or rutabaga as well.

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