Deer problem

  • brussels4me
    Posts: 28

    How do I keep deer out of my backyard?

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    How big is your back yard? Are you in the city or country? What are they doing there, eating plants? I need more details before I can answer.

    Posts: 1811

    Contact me this fall, I can keep at least one out.

    Posts: 28

    My backyard is about 1/2 acre in the city in a very populated area. However, our backyard along with our neighbors back up to a land locked area maybe the size of 2 football fields. I believe they ate all the big leaves off my strawberry plants in pots last year which I have sitting on lawn chairs close to house on my back porch. We also have raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, mice, and the occassional red tailed fox! Thanks!

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Do you live next door to me??? )

    I deal with the same thing. I’ve actually found Liquid Fence Spray very effective so long as I keep up with the application.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8977

    Ahhh…go with the advice from another thread for problem animals.

    SSS – “Shoot, Shovel, and Shut Up”

    This also works great for woodchucks and crows.

    Posts: 24606

    Certainly could have been deer who rummaged through your strawberries, but I would bet it was mostly done by rabbits. Even if they were in pots those suckers are resourceful and likely stood on each others’ shoulders to reach them.
    The best thing to do is either have nothing in your yard that they want to eat or put fencing around it to keep them away. Deer and rabbits were wrecking my blueberries so I put a small fence around it about 2 feet high and then put garden netting over the top. Keeps birds from eating the berries as well.

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    You are not going to keep the deer out unless you fence it off, even then they will jump the fence if they really want in. Like Ralph said, a good spray on the plants you don’t want eaten and apply it regularly

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11079

    Big dog along with their poop kinda works for deer. Sometimes blood meal works for both but that can get spendy, we also have a rabbit eating cat that keeps the bunnies at bay.

    Ahren Wagner
    Northern ND-MN
    Posts: 410

    A minigun mounted behind an overlooking window

    Posts: 4800

    Some trip wires with 12 gauge blanks should do the trick

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    My neighbor used to get tuned up and shoot bottle rockets at them. rotflol

    It temporarily scared them off but didn’t keep them away for long.

    Honestly, the best thing is having neighbors with more appealing forage. rotflol

    Posts: 4362

    They left my strawberries alone this fall and winter but I had to feed them about 800 lbs of corn to get on there good side. Had 2 giant bunnies making googly eyes at each other last night long enough to get the air rifle out. Taking out them 2 probably saved me 20 pellets later.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Had 2 giant bunnies making googly eyes at each other last night long enough to get the air rifle out. Taking out them 2 probably saved me 20 pellets later.

    LOL, nice!!! waytogo

    Our rabbits rarely come into my shooting alley, but when they do, BAM!

    Posts: 4362

    Honestly, the best thing is having neighbors with more appealing forage.

    My neighbors don’t like the deer cause they eat their little trees and flowers but I keep feeding them anyway. Evens the score for all the birds they feed that eat my raspberries and the woodpeckers that attack my cedar porch posts.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I have tried all sorts of stuff and nothing works well. It sucks being in the city – the squirrels regularly crawl under my grill cover and shred the foil insert of my drip pan no matter how many of them I “relocate” with a live trap. The only thing that has ever made a noticable dent was when they removed forest to put in 7 houses across the street.

    Posts: 1811

    How about a Scarecrow in blaze orange with dirty socks. Seriously.

    Posts: 1499

    Go to a hair dresser and get the clippings and put them in some old nylon stockings and hang them couple feet off the ground. I’ve heard this works but never have tried it.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    I use a slingshot/3/8″-lead ball to the butt.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5151

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ralph Wiggum wrote:</div>
    Honestly, the best thing is having neighbors with more appealing forage.

    My neighbors don’t like the deer cause they eat their little trees and flowers but I keep feeding them anyway. Evens the score for all the birds they feed that eat my raspberries and the woodpeckers that attack my cedar porch posts.

    This. Whenever it’s windy I knock down my neighbors bird feeder by our fence. All those birds do is poop on my truck.

    To the op, I agree. Time to get a wolf. Instead of hunting them, let’s displace all the extra wolves to eat the neighborhood deer. It’s a win win.

    If you don’t under this joke go to the hunting forum.

    Posts: 1271

    who was there first, you or the deer? My be costly, but I hear there are sprays for gardens that work well.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Assuming the Wolves as pets for the kids isn’t the answer a dog will keep them away. I had dogs for over 15 years and not a Deer in the yard. Last year had a Deer within 15′ of my wife as she went to the mail box. It was curious, not scared. Also they are at the Apple tree’s most of the time 30 feet from the back door to the house.

    Posts: 959

    Milorganite – it works . It’s all natural. Sold at various garden places

    1. 47B6DA43-C800-4479-AE3F-316274D985CD.jpeg

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    good luck, your neighbor is probably feeding them

    Posts: 534

    The herd was out on the ice the other day. Must of been an easy winter…

    1. DeerHerd.jpg

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    Up here in the city limits the deer are for all practical purposes domesticated. People actually put beds in their yards for them. Not straw or grass beds no, they go buy dog beds and place them out and the deer actually use them. If you live in town you just learn to live with them because you are not getting rid of them. Glad I don’t live in town. My problem is bears and wolves.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12924

    Milorganite – it works . It’s all natural. Sold at various garden places

    wow……I didn’t know that!!!!!! I spread that up at the cabin last spring as I planted some chickory and clover around out new shed. musta worked because I didn’t see deer sign all summer.

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