Deer mineral

  • Hoyt4
    Posts: 1284

    If anyone is still going to put out mineral where you legally can this year. I was able to pick up 200 lbs for $26 this week. River country Coop in Miesville. This was the same price from when this recipe was posted on this site years ago.

    Ingredients: Makes 200 lbs.
    1 part Di-calcium phosphate
    50lb Bag
    2 parts Trace mineral salt
    50lb two bags
    1 part Stock salt
    50lb need one

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12394

    If anyone is still going to put out mineral where you legally can this year. I was able to pick up 200 lbs for $26 this week. River country Coop in Miesville. This was the same price from when this recipe was posted on this site years ago.

    Ingredients: Makes 200 lbs.
    1 part Di-calcium phosphate
    50lb Bag
    2 parts Trace mineral salt
    50lb two bags
    1 part Stock salt
    50lb need one

    I used this Mix for many years. It seems really hit and miss how much deer use it. I’ve had places where they ate the ground where I put it. There was places where the hole was 2-3 Ft deep. Other places I put it out there hardly touched it. I’ve had great luck with dissolving it and pouring it on old stumps. Over time they simply eat the whole stump.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12051

    That’s a good price for that mix, Hoyt. Good post. I paid over 35 for the same ingredients this spring.

    I’ve used this mineral mix for going on 10 years now. In mineral-poor northern MN with acid soil that eats up the calcium deer need for racks, I am convinced that feeding this blend produces bigger and straighter typical racks than we’ve ever had before. It also eliminates FrankenDeer racks with antlers growing sideways, etc, all signs of mineral deficiency.

    I used this Mix for many years. It seems really hit and miss how much deer use it. I’ve had places where they ate the ground where I put it. There was places where the hole was 2-3 Ft deep. Other places I put it out there hardly touched it.

    This could be a comfort issue rather than a mineral issue. Any reasons that you can see why the deer would be uncomfortable going to these locations? Bear, coyote, or wolf den nearby? Dogs using the area?

    I had one of my mineral licks go stone cold one year as far as deer use. Turned out there was a wolf den within 200 yards of it. No surprise the deer wanted nothing to do with that mineral lick all summer.

    Here’s a picture of one of my mineral licks this year. I have 3 sites and the deer hammer them all summer. I think I get most of my deer at one lick or the other multiple times during the course of a week.


    1. EK000090.jpg

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