Deer jerky

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13919

    Kept all the back straps for some good jerky and finally got around to getting it done. I quit doing the ground meat jerky a number of years ago and just do back straps & sirloins.

    18# meat drained of blood, trimmed.
    Sliced about 1/4” thick with grain

    This time I used the Hy Country cure since I had it. Manufacturers recommend spoons per pound

    Total seasoning equaled heaping 1/2 cup. Equal parts:
    Black Pepper
    Montreal Steak Rub
    Garlic powder
    Creole seasoning
    Onion powder

    Mix curing agent and seasoning in large shaker and mix well.

    Lay strips out flat ( I use cookie sheets) and apply seasoning both sides. Then I mix and role the meat to apply seasoning as even as possible

    Wrap meat tightly in plastic wrap and try to squeeze all the air out. Put in fridge for min 24 hours

    Lay meat strips flat with a little space in between on racks or large tooth picks and hang from oven racks

    I find all ovens are a little different, so temp/times can vary a little. I do convection 210 degrees for 1hr 40min flipping over about half way through. Some of the thicker pieces take a little longer.

    When done I place on paper towel and let cool to room temp. Vac seal in snack size bags and freeze. This batch made about 35 packs for me

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