Deer hunting Cook, Togo, Effie area?

  • Glenn
    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 119

    Wondering who, if anyone, deer hunts this area? I’m looking at some land and I used to come up to this area back when I was a kid, but things change in 50 years…

    The property is in 177 so I would love to know how the hunting is in that area..

    I’m losing my lease in 183 near Nickerson, so it’s time to buy.

    Posts: 588

    Used to hunt public land south of Effie during rifle season with a group of 5 guys. I did shoot the largest buck of my life up there about 4 years ago. However, the last 5+ years of going there it turned into the group seeing more wolves than deer. If you did see a deer that year, you were filling your tag because it might be the only one that crosses your stand that year. We stopped going 2 seasons ago.

    Private might be a whole different story with the ability for food plots and habitat improvement. My experience was in the cedar swamps on public

    Wright County
    Posts: 3118

    I know a couple people that hunt it and both have seen more wolves as well. They see a lot of wolf deer kills on the lakes in that area too in winter. At some point the wolves will die off from not enough prey but that seems to be a ways out.

    Posts: 1275

    Thats in my backyard. It has been tough hunting for a few years, but if your looking for land and good hunting in the more distant future, go for it. If you want good hunting within a few yrs, i wouldn’t suggest it right now. Lots if wolves.

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Hunt around the Embarrass area and same story. More wolves then deer. Son bought property and hunted last two years and have yet to see a deer. He catches them at night on his trail cam so some around.

    Francis K
    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 840

    Closest landmark to where we hunt is the Viking on 22 and 5. What do you want to know? I can say lots of deer in the area. Not a lot has changed on the 30+ years I have been hunting there.

    Posts: 4790

    Closest landmark to where we hunt is the Viking on 22 and 5. What do you want to know? I can say lots of deer in the area. Not a lot has changed on the 30+ years I have been hunting there.

    My family has a cabin just to the west of the viking

    Eden Prairie, MN
    Posts: 119

    The property I’m buying is about 4 miles East of the Viking.

    Thanks for the feedback, guys. I know the wolves are an issue, but this property is also for the family to enjoy year round. Deer hunting will only be a part of it. With my wife JoJo having passed away and losing my lease, I want to spend more time with my kids and grandkids.

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