deer hunters………..

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13099

    GOOD LUCK out there AND stay safe. enjoy the hunt and comradery!!!!!!!! peace waytogo

    i know i do!!!!!!!!

    Full draw
    Posts: 1676

    Good luck everyone!!!
    Enjoy making those memories that will last a lifetime.

    Posts: 25044

    Yes good luck to all and stay safe!

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3332

    Stay safe out there. I’ll be up in the stand early Saturday. Getting great reports from the landowner so maybe a one day and done affair this year.

    Steven Krapfl
    Springville, Iowa
    Posts: 1894

    I can verify that eastern Iowa was slow this weekend, hoping it was because it was in the 70s and that next weekend will be better. had shots at a lot of younger bucks, but nothing that got my tag. Good luck to all!

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13099

    this was one of the most lousy hunts are group has ever had. there are 5 of us, hunt in 2 different anterless zones. from sat till monday noon i was the only one that seen a deer…….it was a fawn and i didnt shoot!!!!!!

    making things even more odd its nothing for us to see deer in the morning or evening driving out to our respective areas to hunt to see deer….not a single one.

    in that amount of time i only heard 2 shots Saturday morning in our general area and found out 1 buck was shot!!!! i was told by a hunter i ran into that he heard wolves not far from us. we sure didnt see alot of sign, even tracks!!!!!!

    Posts: 25044

    Glenn you arent alone. Almost everyone I have talked to that have hunted all over the state saw very few deer. The weather probably played a role so far with it being so warm and windy. Now with this big change happening I think things will kick up a notch.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    Yeah we did not see as many as usual either. Did manage to punch out 3 out of 6 tags though. Nothing to brag about two spikes and a doe, decent size to all 3. Heading back up tomorrow morning till Sunday.

    Good luck to everyone heading back out this weekend! waytogo

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 3480

    My group is hunting in 181, which is bucks only (300 anterless permits lottery). We hunted Sat/Sun/Mon and saw very few deer, much less than normal. We also heard way less shots than normal (which makes sense because anterless lottery used to be 1,500/2,000 the last couple years).

    We saw way less deer than normal but we are hopeful for this weekend. Just remember, all it takes is about 10 seconds to completely flip your season from bad to good. Each time you spend a minute looking at your phone, that’s an opportunity your shooter deer had to walk by you unnoticed.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13099

    Yeah we did not see as many as usual either. Did manage to punch out 3 out of 6 tags though. Nothing to brag about two spikes and a doe, decent size to all 3. Heading back up tomorrow morning till Sunday.

    Good luck to everyone heading back out this weekend! waytogo

    i’m hopefully headed back up om the 15th or 16th for the last weekend. woods should be almost empty of orange!!!!!1 whistling

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22381

    I have been out every evening after work. I hunt in 225 and 159, both spots have been loaded with deer. We have taken 3 so far and 2 other guys I brought out got there 2. Now I’m waiting on the big boy. I really thought tonight was the night, wind picked up, rain was falling but I oddly didn’t see a movement. I’m out of town this weekend and then I guess it’ll only be 159 and north from there.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3202

    North end of 130 and I still haven’t seen one at all while hunting. I have done at least 3 hours each morning and evening every day since Saturday except I skipped one evening I think. Thinking the rain today would be the change I needed I was out from 6 to 12 today to sit in two different stands and walked all around my 40 and adjoining public land and didn’t see poop. Hoping the snow is the ticket tomorrow.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19039

    I hunt in 225

    I have also been hunting in 225 since opener. I’ve been out there for at least half the day, every day. I was out there all day Saturday and all day Monday, which were by far the two best days for activity. Monday was really good for deer movement. The rain the last couple days has definitely affected deer movement. Same stands, same area, very few deer seen. Might be too warm.

    My Father filled a bonus anterless tag on Sunday for us with a young corn fed doe. So we’ll be eating that deer. I also took a doe on Tuesday morning for a co-worker who loves venison. He came and picked it up on Wednesday morning.

    I have seen a lot of pheasants and turkeys every time I’m out there. This afternoon I saw a flock of about 40 turkeys on the neighbors field. And about a dozen pheasants flushed from a nearby stand of pines.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13099

    went up wed……..came home today…..deer win!!!!! doah up there they turned nocturnal!!!!!!! last night seen 8 deer……..driving back to the cabin in the dark……..nary hide nor hair of one during daylight hours!!!!

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