Deer feeder timers

  • Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    I am looking for a timer for my feeders,that has memory,so when swapping out batteries,they dont need to be reprogrammed,not bad now but tired of frozen fingers in the dead of winter!!I have thought about going the solar route,but dont believe I would get enough sun to properly charge.
    It would be nice if they would bolt right up to the wilgame feeders I have but could modify to fit?
    I havent been happy with the timers for the above reasons,also small programming buttons and loss of display in cold weather.
    Thanks for any input!!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Go solar. I run 2 feeders in the off season. I replaced the batteries with 6v rechargeables and mounted solar panels on the side of each feeder. Works great. Batteries stay charged all winter.

    I’m in east central MN.


    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    Here’s the solar panel and battery kit that I bought off of eBay for my Moultrie deer feeders. Solar panel / battery kit.

    Works great and even in the winter it produces more than enough power to top up the battery every day. I think my feeders go off 3 times a day and every time I check the units the battery meter says 100%. I’ve never charged the batteries in 2 years of use.

    One tip though. However you rig up the solar panel, any exposed wire has to covered with metal shielding flex conduit! Otherwise, every animal in the forest will eat away at the wire insulation until you’ve got 1000 shorts per foot. Don’t ask me how I know this! I just bought a few feet of metal flex conduit and ran the wires through the metal conduit between the solar panel and the control unit. Never had another problem.

    BTW, since it’s now deer season, I want to state that I DO NOT have feeders in use now. I use them for supplemental feeding ONLY after all hunting has finished on my property.


    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    Thanks,I’m going to give solar a try,I also change the timer to an easier to see easier to set.I know what you mean about the wire,lesson learned the hardway too!!12 volt adapter from vex battery to trail cam!!
    I hunt state land so no feeders or baiting allowed.
    I live right on the edge of town and feed a small deer herd,in my backyard, year round,My wifes pets!!

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12248

    The solar kit works great. I don’t have to charge my batteries all winter. There is plenty of sun to top up the battery after each 15 second run.

    I’ve also learned the hard way, you have to remove the feeders well before the bears get active in the spring. Including emptying them and getting them inside a building. I left our feeders out in our storage yard thinking they were empty so what could go wrong? Well, a bear thought they smelled like food so he tore the crap out of one of them, bending legs, etc.

    Now I put them up in an old wooden tree stand and I put up bear boards with nails on the trees so Yogi can’t climb up and get them.


    Posts: 2687

    Run solar on tcams and it’s a little more cumbersome, but well worth it.

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    Ultramatic timers and solar panels are top notch, IMO. I would check them out.

    Ivan Knapp
    Posts: 76

    I had a bear problem when I had mine out. I was told to run a cable between 2 trees and hang the feeder in the middle up high enough so the bear could not get it. One end of the came is hooked so you just lower the cable to fill the feeder. It worked. Now for the bird feeder on the deck, they come up on the deck and get them so when it starts to warm up we take them down

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