Deep Freeze on the Way!

  • James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I wasn’t sure if the cold temps over the next week would be a quick hitter that would give way to warmer temps or if we were truly settling into winter.

    Winter it is. Check out the forecast for the 17th and 18th here in Richfield. Brrrrr! That will make some ice. Most of us shouldn’t have any issues finding safe ice before Thanksgiving.

    1. Screenshot_2014-11-09-08-00-51.png

    Posts: 9313

    You can have the shallower lakes, I need the rest to stay open for the next few weeks to duck hunt. I do want the smalleR stuff to freeze though.

    Posts: 9313

    Fyi to you ice heads,
    Im not affraid to break 100 yards of you precious shore line ice to get my duck boat out. -)

    Woodbury, MN
    Posts: 957

    That sucks. Who needs January in mid November? Winter is long enough IMHO. I guess I don’t see the advantage of walking on ice vs. fishing from a boat but to each their own… I can’t do anything about the weather.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5745

    The tough part of all this is that last Winter lasted well into May. We got 12 or 14 hours of Springtime, one week of really hot Summer weather, a few weeks of Fall, and now it’s back to winter again. It’s like we live in Nunavut.

    I knew it, I just knew it. Global warming is real and the ONLY place on Earth that actually ends up COLDER is Minnesota. Bad football teams, AIS laws and now this. It’s enough to get a guy depressed.

    Better get the auger gassed up and ready to go.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    That sucks. Who needs January in mid November?

    This isn’t what necessarily want to see either. When life gives ya’ lemons…

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 296

    I don’t want a long winter either. I love my ice fishing season as much as I do my open water. I’m lucky enough to have both a fishing boat, and a good deal of ice fishing gear, so that I’m able to make the most out of both seasons. But I think the advantage to some may be that ice fishing lends itself to more affordability to those that don’t have the means to fish out of a boat. A cheap auger, some tackle, and a rod or two and they’re able to access as much as the lake as anyone else.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19011

    New sled-check
    Dying to try it out-check
    Early Winter-CHECK!!!!

    North St Paul
    Posts: 392

    That sucks. Who needs January in mid November? Winter is long enough IMHO. I guess I don’t see the advantage of walking on ice vs. fishing from a boat but to each their own… I can’t do anything about the weather.

    niether can anyone else that’s part of living “here”…instead of hiding in our homes some choose to face our environment and fishing is part of my long lost childhood with my father and brother’s..i get the same excitement for spring fishing

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    What stinks is if we didn’t have the winters, Minnesota wouldn’t look like or be Minnesota.


    South Dakota
    Posts: 238

    looks like you should have no problem finding ice for the first show James. Im gonna bet that there will be places in northern SD that you will be able to get on ice next weekend.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 77

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>boone wrote:</div>
    That sucks. Who needs January in mid November?

    This isn’t what necessarily want to see either. When life gives ya’ lemons…

    I know this one….Find some Vodka & soda and mix? I’m hoping for walkable ice in the metro by Saturday.

    James, are you hosting a booth at the Blaine show this weekend or anything? Didn’t see your name on the docket to speak. I’ll be there Friday.

    Phil Bauerly
    Walker, MN - Leech Lake
    Posts: 866

    Let’s just hope we get some solid ice without any big dumps on top for a while. Ice season could quickly turn into slush season again.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Winter starts and someone is heading for the freezing State of Texas.

    …just sayin’.

    Joel Nelson
    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3136

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>boone wrote:</div>
    That sucks. Who needs January in mid November?

    This isn’t what necessarily want to see either. When life gives ya’ lemons…

    Go fishing!

    I will admit, it’s the first time I’ve cringed just a touch, when seeing ice-making weather. I’m a seasonal sportsman. I get excited when it’s time, and it’s almost time!


    Posts: 44

    I’m ready. Or, I thought I was ready. Snapped a ski on the smitty sled I built. Everything else is good to go.

    Reid Danielson
    Posts: 12

    Anytime I can get out on the ice during the long thanksgiving weekend is a good year. Making my first pilgrimage to upper red on the second weekend of December so this weather just helps assure me the time I took off from work was worth it.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Winter starts and someone is heading for the freezing State of Texas.

    …just sayin’.

    No worries. We’ll be back about the time the lakes start to firm up. Until then we’re enjoying shorts and flip flop weather down here in the great state of Texas.

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    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    James, are you hosting a booth at the Blaine show this weekend or anything? Didn’t see your name on the docket to speak. I’ll be there Friday.

    No sir. The next show I’ll be at is the Ice Show in St. PAUL.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1520

    You MN guys are a couple weeks ahead of the southern WI guys. Last year I got on some ice on Thanksgiving and thought it was great. Hoping for the same this year.

    Sad part is I was in the boat on Lake WI this morning catching saugers. Once that lake freezes, its the dead sea. Switch to panfish mode when I can walk on the water

    Chris Raymond
    Keweenaw Peninsula, MI
    Posts: 514

    I REALLY would like to take advantage of our second grouse season this year as I only had two days last year, but the weather is what it is and I’ll compensate accordingly.

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    I was driving around the Walker area today. Ponds are froze over, very little snow, and the big lakes are open. I did see a 500 or so acre lake that was completely locked up. With the forecast, I think there will be fishable ice this weekend or early next week.

    Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 77

    No sir. The next show I’ll be at is the Ice Show in St. PAUL.

    Sg, see you there maybe then. BTW, picked up some mustache worms at Cabelas yesterday. Been meaning to get some since I watched you and Joel slaying those slab crappies on LOTW last year. razz

    Posts: 4941

    The Problem with early ice is, November and early December are notorious for heavy wet snows. Early ice is not necessarily a good thing.

    Brett Erickson
    Maple Grove,MN
    Posts: 63

    Hopefully we get a few inches at least before we get another snow storm. We don’t need the soft insulated ice like we had last year.

    Posts: 6687

    So much easier to launch the boat and turn the key than drilling holes!

    I make the best of winter and fish more than most; but I’ll take open water fishing any day over ice.

    Put a tarp on the boat over the cover to shed snow… In not giving up yet. Considering spending the weekend on the Croix but son of a gun it’s frustrating when your line is frozen solid. Man I need a full enclosure )

    Might just have to go hunting instead.

    Posts: 6687

    Maybe I’ll just bring a rod to my blind and have the best of both worlds

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    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4082

    I was in brainerd and Crosby area all day. Ponds frozen and lakes open. 20 degrees and dropping so it won’t be long.

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