Decent bass-crappie lakes in the ParkFalls/Minocqua area

  • chuck100
    Posts: 2853

    Going up to a friends place in two weeks.He is on the pike/round lake chain.Any suggestions on some other lakes.Driving to other lakes not an issue.SM or LM if all else fails crappies.Not keeping just catching. any suggestions much appreciated.

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 665

    I’ve never fished on that chain but a coworker has and he told me to find the cribs if you’re looking for fish. Squirrel and Squaw lakes might provide some action for you. There south of Hwy 70.

    La Crosse, WI
    Posts: 191

    Both lakes are West of Minocqua. Squirrel is apporox. 15 miles and Squaw is 23 miles and they are both South of Hwy. 70. Squirrel does have some LM bass in it, as well as crappies and pretty nice bluegills. Squaw has a pretty mixed bag. It’s a Class A muskie lake, but has some nice northerns, an abundance of eater size walleye, some nice perch and a lot of crappies(some platter size, average is about 11″ though). For both LM and SM, Lake Minocqua would be a good choice. Lake Tomahawk could be another choice. I’d strongly suggest the Willow Flowage for a good all around fishery. To the east of Minocqua, there’s Big St. Germain and Big Arbor Vitae Lakes. Both are very good LM bass and crappie waters. Just a few suggestions from my personal experiences of having a family cabin on Squaw Lake for about 40 years. Hope this info helps you out a little. Have a fun, safe trip and tight lines.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    Wilson Lake in Iron county used to be outstanding for both bass and panfish. The lake wasn’t a secret but for some reason this little gem of a lake would just keep producing quality fish. This would be closer to Park Falls.

    Minocqua, WI
    Posts: 1739


    You got some solid choices from all above and a very good and detailed from soldiersdad. If you make it all the way to St. Germain, consider Little Saint also… Not big on size, but lots of them to ten… Of the choices above if you are looking for larger crappie for fun, my choices would be Pike/Round Chain, Squaw, Minocqua and the Willow. You might want to consider the Flambeau Chain as a possibilty. And if you are coming from the west stop by Ross’s sport shop in Phillips and ask for John Carlson. He might steer you in a good direction also


    Posts: 2853

    Thanks for the suggestions.Iwill consider them all. I have fished the pike/round lakes alittle, but just have not had much luck on them. I appreciate every ones input. Thank you.

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