Re: B-Fish does it again!

  • Brian Lyons
    Posts: 894

    I can’t quite put my finger on that ringworm color……hmmm….got it!!
    Green Sunfish
    ……… ……..

    Elgin, MN
    Posts: 87

    I had a guy one time cut lanes across my fence and had a trail for his ranger through the fence so he could drive on my property whenever he wants. I never said anything to him but I did use the cat to push big [censored] brush piles against the fence where theses spots were. He never did it again. But the guy your dealing with sounds like some inbred hillbilly piece of crap. He might do something crazy if you fight back. Ignoring him even when he is an [censored] and going about your business has always worked for me.

    Posts: 539

    #1. I would call the CO’s supervisor and discuss with them.
    #2. I would hide some trail cameras to get pics of this guy trespassing.
    #3. I would just ignore this guy. It is 2 weeks a year you have to deal with it.
    #4. I would put up a high fence on that property boundary.

    Posts: 926

    Call the county sheriff. It’s a trespassing issue not so much a natural resources issue.

    Posts: 1054

    In MN I think trespassing is a Sheriffs issue. Plus this guy will probably do something stupid if pushed. Slash tires fool around with stands etc. I would talk with your local Deputy Sheriff about your concerns. Perhaps you need some very well hidden trail camera’s for photographic proof etc. Good Luck


    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    I’d just kick his arse’ (especially after hanging the nuts on the fence…) but hey that’s just me…

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    He cleared a shooting lane on to your property? If so, contact the Sheriff. Let him know you are being harassed. Ask to have the call/situation documented. Also, call the CO’s boss. Ask him to document what is going on also.

    I’d put up a new no trespassing sign. Place a dummy trail camera on the area. Then hang a few high in the trees to catch him.

    Of course, there is that part of me that says to settle this the old school way. Oh, and I’d park right where it bothers him most!

    Posts: 731

    As others have said, the sherrif’s office is the place to contact regarding the tresspass and destruction of property. Contacting them and going on-record with this is an important first step, do it right away.

    A restraining order could be an option if the harassment continues. That’s why it’s important to report every incident.

    I totally sympathize with your situation. It’s a raw deal that one a-hole can ruin the fun.


    Posts: 1493

    I’d start by calling up all my beer drinking buddies and have a pissing contest all over that cleared lane… Maybe set up a few scarecrows, maybe a disco ball…

    Oh, and line the entire ground area with aluminum foil.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466


    I know you’re trying to be the nice, rational guy in this situation. But, THIS IS YOUR PROPERTY! This guy has NO case for hunter harassment because it’s you’re property and can park/do whatever you want as long as you’re not intentionally pestering another hunter.
    If i were you-and like others have mentioned-contact the Sheriff, but photograph the shooting lane and any other evidence against him that you might have. You have every right to park wherever you want on your property!!
    Chances are, your neighbor has had a pattern of this same type with other relationships in his life. He knows that he can be intimidating and manipulative. DON’T FALL FOR IT!
    If he confronts you again, tell him, “GFY” If you don’t know what that means, PM me

    Mazeppa, MN
    Posts: 535

    Thanks guys, I guess it hadnt dawned on me that the sheriff is the guy to get something done. I will start there!

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