Archery Leagues Forming Soon!

  • 4seasonsport
    Red Wing, MN
    Posts: 317

    4 Season Sports will be expanding our Archery Leagues this year and we are looking for several new teams. We will be running two leagues. One on Tuesday Night and one on Thursday Night. I will include the info on leagues below. If you have any questions please feel free to call or drop us a note on IDO.

    Tuesday Night:
    Tuesday Night League
    League will begin Tuesday, January 7th, 2014
    *2 Person Teams / 1 alternate (sub) allowed per team. Sub will shoot scratch
    *Handicapped based scoring
    *Brush League
    *7:00 P.M. Start Time
    *12 week season
    *$50 per person
    *Optional $40 / team prize pot
    *Payout 100% of prize pot to top 3 teams entered. 50-30-20%

    Thursday Night:
    Thursday Night League
    League will begin Thursday, January 9th, 2014
    *2 Person Teams / 1 alternate (sub) allowed per team. Sub will shoot scratch
    *Handicapped Based Scoring
    *Alternating Formats weekly – Brush, Spot, Animal etc.
    *7:00 P.M. Start Time
    *12 Week Season
    *$50 per person
    *Optional $20 / team prize pot
    *Payout 100% of prize pot to top 3 teams entered. 50-30-20% respectively.

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