Dead Bait for Pike

  • Bill Koepke
    Posts: 20

    After growing up a purely panfish fisherman, I’m starting to explore some more ice fishing opportunities. A small shallow lake in the town im going to college in is loaded with pike, and after going out with some buddies we’ve been having pretty good success. One problem i’ve been having is keeping minnows alive. I have tried using the little aeration tablets as well as using an aerator in the tank, but they still die. The last batch i forgot in my truck and the pail froze solid. I’ve been doing some reading about using dead bait but theres not a whole lot written about it. I’m just curious if any of the anglers on here use dead bait and if they have any advice on using it or am I just wasting my time.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    After growing up a purely panfish fisherman, I’m starting to explore some more ice fishing opportunities. A small shallow lake in the town im going to college in is loaded with pike, and after going out with some buddies we’ve been having pretty good success. One problem i’ve been having is keeping minnows alive. I have tried using the little aeration tablets as well as using an aerator in the tank, but they still die. The last batch i forgot in my truck and the pail froze solid. I’ve been doing some reading about using dead bait but theres not a whole lot written about it. I’m just curious if any of the anglers on here use dead bait and if they have any advice on using it or am I just wasting my time.


    Hey Bill

    Check out this thread. There’s lots of good info on fishing dead bait.

    Tips and Tricks for Catching Pike Through the Ice

    Pat McSharry
    Saint Michael, MN
    Posts: 713

    I’ve always had the best luck with either frozen herring or smelt when using dead bait. They are a really greasy bait that puts out a lot of scent. On some lakes like Lake of The Woods, dead bait actually outperforms live bait. Finding the right size of bait can be half the battle. It definitely seems like that 8-10″ range works the best. You can often find them that size at a meat market.

    Western and Central, NY
    Posts: 440

    I fish a lot for toothy critters, mostly Northern Pike. I’m pretty much an artificial open water fisherman with regards to my toothy friends. However on rare occasion I use suckers (7 to 10)”. I defiantly don’t throw out the dead ones they work just as well. I’ve caught some nice pike on frozen smelt as well. Seen several (12 to 15) pound fish taken on dead bait over the years.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Back in the days when we would go smelt netting that was all we used in the winter…
    Now,in WI,they have be preserved somehow to be legal..
    Still have 1 of my old dead bait rigs….

    1. P1270019.jpg

    West Central Indiana
    Posts: 414

    if it’s legal I like to use smaller Blue gills.

    Posts: 1054

    No smelt from Grocery store are not legal unless the packaging certifies that its from VHS free source. YOu must carry that label with you as well while fishing.


    collin meier
    Posts: 15

    where can you buy smelt at? the bait shops and grocery stores around my area do not sell it. i have tried looking up things on where to buy it but could not really find anything.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6009

    I heard the VHF safe bait are not as good-True? I have also heard you can use small mackeral-oily, salty, smelly-Anyone try them? BTW you can find them at Asian markets.

    Bill Boyd
    Warroad, MN
    Posts: 132

    I’ve always had the best luck with either frozen herring or smelt when using dead bait. They are a really greasy bait that puts out a lot of scent. On some lakes like Lake of The Woods, dead bait actually outperforms live bait. Finding the right size of bait can be half the battle. It definitely seems like that 8-10″ range works the best. You can often find them that size at a meat market.

    Agree 100%. Haven’t used live bait for pike in years. I’ve taken fish oil (used for trapping) and injected it into smelt. Not sure it has helped but don’t believe it has hurt to add the extra scent. I even freeze the smelt in a Tupperware container with some of the fish oil.

    I’ve gone to using the Clam Bigtooth rigs and I’ve been satisfied with hook ups. Been kicking around a way to use circle hooks but haven’t tried anything yet.

    Tom Dace
    Posts: 44

    I haven’t used live bait for pike since the early 90’s. Back then I would get a soda flat full of 8-10 inch smelt for about 6 bucks. Now 6 bucks will only get you 3 smelt total and they are smaller…it must be said that this is in Wisconsin and it was the VHS regulations that really threw a wrench into using smelt. Once those regs went into effect fewer bait shops carried them and the price jumped immediately because you can buy treated ones that meet the VHS restrictions. Typically these are salted but every now and then you can find ones to buy that are already treated with mineral oil.

    Since the price got out of hand and they were getting smaller and smaller I looked for an alternative type of bait. Looked all over the place but the best prices and selection I could find was at Asian grocery stores. I’ve tried whole sardines, mackerel, scads, sand gobies blew everything else away but those things were darn expensive. The others all seemed to work a tick better than smelt except for the mackerel. Those things are great. You buy this stuff already frozen. I’ll thaw them out and use the salt/borax method to cover my butt on the VHS stuff. The downside of mackerel compared to smelt is that with smelt you could sometimes salvage them after one fish. The mackerel are not as tough and are destroyed 99% of the time they are whacked.

    There was a pic of a flagel rig earlier in this thread. I use a homemade rig based on the same idea. I’ve cut the points off of large swedish hooks and use them as a hanger for the bait. Then run a 7 strand leader through the mouth of the bait and out the gill plate which is then connected to my line. The end that is connected goes through the eye of that cut swedish hook. On the business end of the leader I’ll run a circle hook. Since there is the bend in that swedish hook a pike will only get the rig in so far…it’s not inhaling the entire set up, just the dead bait. The key to this is that you can’t dilly dally around when a flag goes up. When one pops you bust your tail to it like you are trying to outrun Usain Bolt. You also can’t be lax in watching for flags. You want to respond as soon as possible and not allow that fish to go on multiple runs. Even with circle hooks, if you dawdle with them and take your time getting to it that rig could move in a way where it injures the fish. Once they take that bait they will be hooked, no need to set the hook when it runs…just grab the tip up and start pulling line.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    I know a guy who swears by using turkey hotdogs as bait under a tip-up. He puts a rubber band under each end so he can hook it using a double-treble rig. hah

    Chris Brink
    Posts: 2

    I’m headed to LOW this weekend. Where is a good place in the twin cities or on the way north to find frozen/dead herring so I can do some pike fishing while I’m there.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    I know you’re asking about dead bait, but….

    For keeping bait alive, I have a mid-sized cooler in my basement sink that I keep all my bait in. I run a bubbler, and dump 2/3 of the water and refresh every other day or so. If I keep up on the fresh water, my bait will keep for weeks. If you’re going to school, you may not have that as an option, but I’ve also kept the same set up in a garage, or some other place cool. They need more space than a bait bucket provides for any longer term survival.
    Hope this helps,


    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    Like the post above said, keep your minnows cool. I bought one of the portable cheap battery operated aerators and have had good luck. I keep them in a 1gal hard sided drink cooler and feed the air tube down through the drinking spout. As long as the bubbler is running they will not freeze, but if possible keeping them in the fridge keeps them cool without the chance of freezing.

    Posts: 696

    Herring or smelt
    I do agree dead suckers work well also. I do agree dead suckers work well also. Growing up in Devils Lake all we would use was dead bait.

    Bill Boyd
    Warroad, MN
    Posts: 132

    I’m headed to LOW this weekend. Where is a good place in the twin cities or on the way north to find frozen/dead herring so I can do some pike fishing while I’m there.

    You could call ahead to Lucky’s Bait and Outdoor Again in Baudette to see if they have any. They have in the past.

    Posts: 0

    Heck, I’ve picked up dead minnows off the ice for tip ups..I don’t think the fish care… food is food

    Posts: 696

    I’m headed to LOW this weekend. Where is a good place in the twin cities or on the way north to find frozen/dead herring so I can do some pike fishing while I’m there.

    hit up any Asian stores and they should have smelt and herring. ive used some other oil fish “no idea what they were called, they looked like lil silver carp” that has wrked well also.

    Bill Boyd
    Warroad, MN
    Posts: 132

    The Holiday gas station in Warroad had a sign up saying they have frozen smelt and herring today.

    Chris Brink
    Posts: 2

    Thanks, Bill! We will have to check that out.

    Tim J
    Duluth, MN
    Posts: 539

    Vados Bait in Spring Lake Park off of hwy 65 usually has good frozen smelt.

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