Dash mounting 2 Depth Finders

  • jeff_huberty
    Posts: 4941

    Looking for mounting hardware for dash mounting side by side 10″ units?

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17377

    Look around on some Bass boards. I think they will have something that would work for ya.

    Posts: 727

    Not side by side .. but this a new company that has a pretty sweet new mount. Maybe an option for some.

    1. FB_IMG_1553808923086.jpg

    Austin MN
    Posts: 483

    I have Cisco’s in my boat. 2 10’s side by side.

    Posts: 6687

    1199/helix 12

    I look over my windshield.

    Ram swing arm
    Ram 2.5″ ball?

    Both -ROCK SOLID

    One on dash
    One on gunnel

    I run SI on gunnel
    Map/2d on dash.
    Something to consider.
    Being able to, hardly even glance down, to see your chart while operating a boat at any speed… Is another step towards great boating safety.
    That’s the only reason I don’t run SI right in front of me. I don’t want to look away from ‘the road even while following a tight track at high speed.

    1. 29740.jpeg

    Posts: 496

    Not side by side .. but this a new company that has a pretty sweet new mount. Maybe an option for some.

    So who makes this mount?

    Posts: 727

    Its a new company called Nerka. I stumbled on it on the creepbook once I had already rigged my new boat with cisco mounts. Kinda of intrigued me to gain some sight lines back on the dash with all the giant screens now adays.

    Austin MN
    Posts: 483

    Precision sonar might have a mount that would work for you too.

Viewing 8 posts - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)

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