
  • fishthumper
    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11703

    The city and the policy simply giving up city property as a offering is saying a lot. They had 500 national guards and 200 extra sheriff’s in the area. The fact they knew they were going to target the 3rd Precinct and made no effort at all to protect it, to me is like the city giving up on any type of enforcement. If it is true that there are people coming into town to add to the Riots – Tonight and Tomorrow are only going to be worse. They better mobilize more national guard and plan on enforcing Law in the city ( By force if necessary ) or the city will be burnt down.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11703

    The scene’s of police loading things from the Precinct into cars and truck and fleeing in a hurry reminded me of video’s of the fall of the US embassy in Saigon in 1975. Yet another sign of how bad things have become in our country these days.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Overwhelming show of force by military and police combined is only way to stop this now. The city’s passive stance is making it worse.
    Sure it’s potential to get very ugly with casualties but it’s that or let them burn and loot to hearts content.

    Then how long before burning and looting stores isn’t enough and the home invasions begin? Glad I’m three hours north watching the train wreck.
    Stay safe and head north if you can.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18473

    Overwhelming show of force by military and police combined is only way to stop this now. The city’s passive stance is making it worse.
    Sure it’s potential to get very ugly with casualties but it’s that or let them burn and loot to hearts content.

    Then how long before burning and looting stores isn’t enough and the home invasions begin? Glad I’m three hours north watching the train wreck.
    Stay safe and head north if you can.

    Well put.

    disco bobber
    Posts: 294

    Wasn’t Frey’s main agenda item when he became mayor, banning drive-throughs?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I saw the CNN arrest video. I am baffled.
    Why they felt the need to arrested them.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    Just saw a video online of Minneapolis police pepper spraying a peaceful crowd out of a moving squad car window. Not going to help.

    Posts: 4887

    Or how about arrest the officer who murdered George Floyd?

    Because no matter what, the guy is going to jail, at minimum for not rendering aid. Does it really matter if he is jailed now or after the investigation is complete? Jailing him now requires the investigation to complete within a certain time frame(48 hours???), if not they have to set him free anyway, doing that will only cause more drama.

    Bass Thumb
    Royalton, MN
    Posts: 1200

    MN State Patrol Twitter account has a post stating the CNN crew was arrested for not identifying themselves as members of the media. Anyone who watched the video heard them state their media role multiple times. How do the police not realize they were being recorded the whole time? They literally interrupted a live broadcast, arresting people wearing clearly-displayed press passes.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22318

    Anybody see any mention of Race in this story ??? North Dakota

    disco bobber
    Posts: 294

    There are a lot of double standards in our justice system and black males seem to end up on the bottom of it. You can watch Live PD and see it for yourself. They are stopped, searched and manhandled for things that this middle aged white guy would never have been.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    The instant that video was posted riots were inevitable anyone could see that. We’ve seen it over and over again. The city leadership did nothing. They could have thrown that cop out in the crowd and let them hang him it would have not stopped the riots. Walz’s first statement I read said something about we must meet hate with love. Yeah how’d that work out governor.

    Walz should have mobilized the NG the second he seen that video along with mobilizing as many leo’s from the surrounding area as possible. Those decisions don’t come as easy as shutting down a economy and issuing shelter in place or stay at home executive orders. That’s the easy stuff. Thinking on you’re feet and knowing how to react in a real crisis is a show of leadership. Walz failed miserably.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    The instant that video was posted riots were inevitable anyone could see that. We’ve seen it over and over again. The city leadership did nothing. They could have thrown that cop out in the crowd and let them hang him it would have not stopped the riots. Walz’s first statement I read said something about we must meet hate with love. Yeah how’d that work out governor.

    Walz should have mobilized the NG the second he seen that video along with mobilizing as many leo’s from the surrounding area as possible. Those decisions don’t come as easy as shutting down a economy and issuing shelter in place or stay at home executive orders. That’s the easy stuff. Thinking on you’re feet and knowing how to react in a real crisis is a show of leadership. Walz failed miserably.

    We haven’t seen anything like this. I am not defending how it has been handled but I don’t think it is fair to say that immediately after that video anyone thought a good portion of two cities would be destroyed.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18473

    There are a lot of double standards in our justice system and black males seem to end up on the bottom of it. You can watch Live PD and see it for yourself. They are stopped, searched and manhandled for things that this middle aged white guy would never have been.

    I dont agree. I think its quite evident everyone earns their place.
    Again I say stop calling them white or black. A criminal or bad person doesnt need to be linked to race. They need to be dealt with so the majority of civil citizens can enjoy their lives without fear.
    Oh, and our Governor is a sissy.

    disco bobber
    Posts: 294

    It is video after video. the incident in the Carolinas where the cop shot the unarmed 50 yo fleeing overweight black man in the back. He leveled his gun, took aim and started firing. They finally got him to trial and it was a hung jury.

    In Chicago how many years was it between Laquan McDonald getting shot and a conviction?. He had a knife, was not in proximity to anyone else, and multiple officers were there. The cop kept pumping bullets into his body after he went down. The cops who helped cover it up were acquitted. Ahmaud Arbery was shot in February, it was just recently that his alleged killers were arrested. I remember seeing videos of others that were unarmed.

    Things do need to change. The rioting also needs to stop.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I watch Live PD all the time and don’t see a double standard.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1408

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>disco bobber wrote:</div>
    There are a lot of double standards in our justice system and black males seem to end up on the bottom of it. You can watch Live PD and see it for yourself. They are stopped, searched and manhandled for things that this middle aged white guy would never have been.

    I dont agree. I think its quite evident everyone earns their place.
    Again I say stop calling them white or black. A criminal or bad person doesnt need to be linked to race. They need to be dealt with so the majority of civil citizens can enjoy their lives without fear.
    Oh, and our Governor is a sissy.

    Not in my experience. My two nephews and niece, mixed race and adopted, are subject to very different treatment from law enforcement in the north Metro than their white brother. All four are great kids – software developer, lay minister, licensed electrician and graphics designer. The three mixed race young people are subject to stops by local police in the community in which they live for no actionable offense while their white brother behaves the same way as do the others and doesn’t get pulled over. It’s not right and police behavior, as well as society’s behavior, must change. If you can’t change your viewpoint you can at least change your behavior.

    Tom Sawvell
    Posts: 9559

    Again I say stop calling them white or black. A criminal or bad person doesn’t need to be linked to race. They need to be dealt with so the majority of civil citizens can enjoy their lives without fear.

    Therein lies the root of racism. WE need to change how we identify people. All people. Any American citizen, regardless of heritage, should be an American. Period. If one wants to claim his heritage fine, but you’re an American first. If one wants to be an Afro-American, go to Africa and claim your heritage but here you’re an American of African descent. There are no Asian-Americans, but rather Americans of whatever Asian descent you choose. Race identity has got to go if you’re an American. Otherwise those who want to be related directly to their heritage should just hike right back there and live well. But if you’re here, you’re American first, last and always. No black, no white, no yellow…..and that goes straight to the indians here too. This is the 21st century and people need to start living like it. All this forced predjudice is a moral wrong and we can’t live with it.

    Posts: 130

    There are a lot of double standards in our justice system and black males seem to end up on the bottom of it. You can watch Live PD and see it for yourself. They are stopped, searched and manhandled for things that this middle aged white guy would never have been.

    As a college kid on campus I was stopped and questioned multiple times about things and even cuffed and led to a cruiser one time. As a middle age white male I never have had any of these things happen. Why you ask, because i’m no longer out roaming that streets at 2:00 am. When you are out and about in an area with an elevated police presence you are going to have more contact with them, simple as that.

    Funny thing, even as a young dumb college kid under the influence, I always stopped when told to, didn’t resist, stayed calm, answered questions honestly etc. I was always released without issue because i had done nothing wrong. I imagine this happens thousands of times daily all over the country to all races. Now as soon as you start committing crimes, running, resisting, being an idiot…your chances of having an issue multiply 10x.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1408

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>disco bobber wrote:</div>
    When you are out and about in an area with an elevated police presence you are going to have more contact with them, simple as that

    The first call received by police leading to the death of George Floyd was received at 8:01 p.m.

    Southcentral MN
    Posts: 434

    I hope the city is prepared for tonight & upcoming nights. It wouldn’t surprise me to see organized arson in other, various areas of the city…or even in St. Paul. I don’t think this will settle down until the other 3 are arrested & charged.

    Posts: 130

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>disco bobber wrote:</div>
    When you are out and about in an area with an elevated police presence you are going to have more contact with them, simple as that

    The first call received by police leading to the death of George Floyd was received at 8:01 p.m.

    And why were those police called?

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Brad Dimond wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>disco bobber wrote:</div>
    When you are out and about in an area with an elevated police presence you are going to have more contact with them, simple as that

    The first call received by police leading to the death of George Floyd was received at 8:01 p.m.

    And why were those police called?

    None of this is important in the discussion. Resisting arrest is not justification for what happened. Forgery, obviously, is not justification for what happened. Resisting arrest is a great way to get thrown to the ground. It shouldn’t result in a police officer keeping his knee on your neck after you lose consciousness

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1408

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Brad Dimond wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>disco bobber wrote:</div>
    When you are out and about in an area with an elevated police presence you are going to have more contact with them, simple as that

    The first call received by police leading to the death of George Floyd was received at 8:01 p.m.

    And why were those police called?

    It doesn’t matter. Floyd was restrained and compliant, there is no excuse for the behavior of the officer who knelt on his neck nor for the lack of intervention by the other officers nearby. There is absolutely no way to spin this that makes George Floyd’s death his own fault.

    disco bobber
    Posts: 294

    Now I read that the cop is a Florida resident.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11703

    I know if I lived anywhere near Minneapolis or St Paul, I would be locked and loaded – Then again I don’t live anywhere near either and I’m still locked and loaded. If local law enforcement can’t or won’t protect their own building, I don’t think I like the chances of them being there to protect me or any other citizen these days. For those not willing or able to protect themselves or their property – I’d say they should go visit a friend or Family member someplace else. I hope thing settle down some tonight and going forward – But I doubt it will anytime soon.

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