
  • biggill
    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I agree on the need to wait for cause of death. That should determine with what crime the officers are charged. If the death resulted from something other than choking the officer should still be charged with numerous crimes for failing to render aid to a man obviously in distress and in restraints.

    Except of course the officer assaulted and indefensible man for at least 5 minutes, on camera. There’s no reason he shouldn’t be arrested now. When the autopsy report shows he died of asphyxiation murder charges can be filed.

    Posts: 856

    It’s a sad fact that MSP has been known for being more than willing to thump a few heads and ask questions later. Nothing seems to have changed the culture in the department in 50 years. A vast majority of the officers are good people, but in a department with 800 cops, you’re going to get some bad ones. They need to do much better of a job weeding them out before they hit the street.

    My bet is that the Floyd family settles out of court for millions; three of the cops sue the city and settle out of court; the cop that had his knee on the man’s neck goes to a grand jury and is charged with involuntary manslaughter but pleads down to something like reckless endangerment; more riots ensue after that; the Mayor fires the police chief; the Mayor loses in the next election. Wash, rinse, repeat. sad

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11459

    But blaming the academy could be misguided. I know a few friends that have been through the academy and said they don’t train officers to use the knee on neck technique …

    I’m sure they don’t train officers to stand around with their hands in their pockets while another officer murders a handcuffed citizen either. But that’s exactly what 3 academy graduates just did.

    The problem isn’t what they are teaching, the problem clearly is what they ARE NOT teaching. If the academy isn’t the problem, then it sure as heck isn’t the solution either.


    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 7914

    It’s a sad fact that MSP has been known for being more than willing to thump a few heads and ask questions later. Nothing seems to have changed the culture in the department in 50 years. A vast majority of the officers are good people, but in a department with 800 cops, you’re going to get some bad ones. They need to do much better of a job weeding them out before they hit the street.

    My bet is that the Floyd family settles out of court for millions; three of the cops sue the city and settle out of court; the cop that had his knee on the man’s neck goes to a grand jury and is charged with involuntary manslaughter but pleads down to something like reckless endangerment; more riots ensue after that; the Mayor fires the police chief; the Mayor loses in the next election. Wash, rinse, repeat. sad

    This is the saddest, most accurate description of the upcoming events.

    Minneapolis is just a drag of a place to be. You couldn’t pay me to be a police officer OR a resident there.

    Posts: 856

    This is the saddest, most accurate description of the upcoming events.

    Minneapolis is just a drag of a place to be. You couldn’t pay me to be a police officer OR a resident there.

    I totally agree with your thoughts on Mpls. There are some nice things in the city but if I go there once per year that is more than enough. Unfortunately my wife works downtown, and I’ve wanted her out of there for a long time.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Those doing the looting and setting fires are opportunists. They don’t give a rats behind about Mr. Floyd it’s just a opportunity to loot with impunity.

    They had a couple dozen protesters in Duluth yesterday on London Rd blocking traffic and causing a traffic hazard. Protest all you like but your signs can be seen and you’re voice can be heard from the street curb or sidewalk. Impeding traffic and standing in front of peoples cars is just asking for more trouble and looking for more tragedy.

    Posts: 5710

    Power to the people coffee

    Dozens of buildings burned

    1. Screenshot_20200528-070048.png

    Posts: 1111

    Happens every time, lets protest then rob loot and burn. and you wonder why there’s still racism in America.


    It is all such a shame. The message is gone now, clouded behind videos of people stealing liquor and TVs. There was a peaceful, orderly protest happening in the same area that quickly got overwhelmed by ridiculous, pointless behavior.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    Ferguson, part 2.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    Jackson & Sharpton are bringing the dog & pony show to Mpls today.

    Reef W
    Posts: 2618

    Happens every time, lets protest then rob loot and burn. and you wonder why there’s still racism in America.

    Not sure I follow… Do you think everyone there was black or do you only blame the black people?

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Jackson & Sharpton are bringing the dog & pony show to Mpls today.

    The two biggest race hustlers to ever walk the planet. They have done far more to hurt race relations than they have done to help. All the while lining their own pockets. I’ve always despised both of them.

    Posts: 5214

    I really get both sides here. Just don’t feel this is the right way to do things. Protests/riots/looting serve a purpose for civil disobedience but at some point it goes to far and you’re only shooting yourself in the foot.

    I’m so torn on this. Went to a inner city high school where I was the minority. Don’t have many friends anymore from there bc I tell em to quit always bring victims and not everything is racism, then don’t have many friends from the burbs where I grew up bc they’re privelaged and ignorantly racist.

    Society is torn between this dichotimy. Burning buildings I feel doesn’t help the cause. I pray it all ends and the focus can get back to Mr. Floyd and why it happened.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2417

    I really think the protests are something everyone can understand, but stop rioting, looting, starting fires, everything else that discredits a cause and causes more harm. How many additional deaths is it going to take?

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Protests/riots/looting serve a purpose for civil disobedience

    You don’t really believe this do you? Rioting and looting which you never have one without the other serves some purpose? When is too much rioting and looting going to far and you begin to shoot yourself in the foot? That’s some statement. shock

    Posts: 1111

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>James Bystrom wrote:</div>
    Happens every time, lets protest then rob loot and burn. and you wonder why there’s still racism in America.

    Not sure I follow… Do you think everyone there was black or do you only blame the black people?

    No, Not everyone that was looting were Black, But it was a Black event, I haven’t seen the organizers, or any Black leadership condemn or try to do anything to stop the looting, burning or riots.Now the reason that there was protest to begin with is lost and there’s a huge lost of respect for their cause.
    When the black cop shot the white girl from Australia did you see the same actions? No, people let the justice system work, the wheels turn slow, but they got there. Nothing can happen the legal system overnight, it takes time to do investigation and paperwork.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    There is another “protest” (aka riot) planned for 5pm today. If they haven’t already called in the National Guard, I highly suggest they do so. Local police is clearly out manned.

    Posts: 5214

    Comparing the dead Australian woman scenario to this is exactly the ignorantly racist crap I’m talking about. Ugh.

    Ain’t got the time today for this. I do hope we all find understanding at some point.

    Beads out.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Reef Whooligan wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>James Bystrom wrote:</div>
    Happens every time, lets protest then rob loot and burn. and you wonder why there’s still racism in America.

    Not sure I follow… Do you think everyone there was black or do you only blame the black people?

    No, Not everyone that was looting were Black, But it was a Black event, I haven’t seen the organizers, or any Black leadership condemn or try to do anything to stop the looting, burning or riots.Now the reason that there was protest to begin with is lost and there’s a huge lost of respect for their cause.
    When the black cop shot the white girl from Australia did you see the same actions? No, people let the justice system work, the wheels turn slow, but they got there. Nothing can happen the legal system overnight, it takes time to do investigation and paperwork.

    im no expert on this subject but the emotional response toward these acts of violence from police from the black community is different then the emotional response from other communities because, in part, this is all linked back to slavery and the history of abuse in this country toward black individuals. Your expectation that they have the same emotional response that a white person does when a black cop kills a white person doesn’t factor in this history and therefore is pretty ridiculous and ignorant.

    The looting was unfortunate and i wish it didn’t happen but like anything else, a few bad apples can ruin things for the bigger picture. Not everyone who participated in this event looted and not everyone who has had an emotional response toward this police event is setting fire to the town.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    My bet is that the Floyd family settles out of court for millions; three of the cops sue the city and settle out of court; the cop that had his knee on the man’s neck goes to a grand jury and is charged with involuntary manslaughter but pleads down to something like reckless endangerment; more riots ensue after that; the Mayor fires the police chief; the Mayor loses in the next election. Wash, rinse, repeat. sad

    You forgot to mention that the taxpayers get to foot the bill. Also, that area will become gentrified as it is rebuilt – it is already surrounded by hipsters.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11024

    Talked to a buddy who lives down there and he told me there were “tens” of SUV’s with out of town plates and loaded with people moving into the area last night. A lot of the rioters are most likely Antifa and BLM crews. It’s why it’s always the day after the incident that the riots really start. The national riot crews need to get to the area to incite it.

    Either way, they are putting their own community and people farther behind the 8 ball. Most of the businesses that got damaged are minority owned and already struggling with the covid. It’s a shame from all angles.

    National guard has been called in FYI. I work about 2 miles from the riots and our hospital sucked in all that smoke from the fires last night. Over the last few years, I’ve found less and less reasons to go to the city.

    Posts: 1111

    Comparing the dead Australian woman scenario to this is exactly the ignorantly racist crap I’m talking about. Ugh.

    Ain’t got the time today for this. I do hope we all find understanding at some point.

    Beads out.

    Really how so? White cop kills black person, Black cop kills white person, both unjustified. both communities acted differently. I don’t see how anyone can say the actions last night are justified on businesses that had nothing to do with what happened to begin with.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    National guard has been called in FYI.

    Good, although it may be one day too late now.

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