
  • Coletrain27
    Posts: 4789

    I can’t know what was in the many people’s minds or know their experiences through the protesting/rioting.

    Personally i don’t understand any of it, and none of that concerns me. I suppose i’m just a rural guy who don’t understand the metro or anything within. I know there’s some good fishing in pool 2 but it is stinky up there.

    Driving through or even near the cities leaves me with an upset stomach feeling – like if i had to live there i don’t think i’d be living. Just makes me sick. Helps me understand how little i can relate to those who do live there. I couldn’t do it.

    So i cannot put myself in the mindset of someone living in that area who deems it enjoyable, let alone their mindset in regards to their reasoning for protests. Just don’t have the innards to think it )

    I guess that’s my comment in regards to the protesting and such…Don’t really have one. Don’t know what motivates people to act this way. Don’t have any sympathy for someone who has police called on them. Don’t have sympathy for someone resisting arrest. Do hold them accountable for their actions and their decisions.

    Parents were some tough cookies and i was taught in many different ways the more i resisted my own accountability the further i dug the hole.

    Entertaining the persistence of the arguments here lately though.
    Not sure what ya’ll are trying solve. Good luck as i clearly don’t understand the mission.

    Just a guy who more comfortable being 50 miles into nowhere, than any city block.

    In the middle of no where and the guy is on his laptop. That’s funny rotflol

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    In the middle of no where and the guy is on his laptop. That’s funny

    No funnier then some of the stuff posted here.

    Posts: 6687

    In the middle of no where and the guy is on his laptop. That’s funny

    I know! We did our best to pull him away from his computer!! Funniest part, was he didn’t save his work and had to retype in the next morning on the drive home. His loss. You can lead a horse to water…

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    One big takeaway for me from this. Never ever ever move to St Paul or Mpls.
    When the going gets even remotely tough, they will not protect their citizens property or livelihood. First night was a surprise attack. After that, no excuse.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 5993

    Update in case just came in.

    The charge against former Mpls police officer Derek Chauvin has been upped from 3rd degree murder to second degree murder.

    The other 3 offiers on the scene have now been charged with aiding and abetting the murder of George Floyd.


    Yes, interesting. Wonder if Ellison actually has the evidence for 2nd degree murder? Or if he just upped the charges so he could charge the others with aiding and abetting? Who else sees an acquittal in the future and more riots. That or a manslaughter conviction and charges dropped on the others. This thing is way over Ellison’s head.

    For those who don’t know, you can’t charge anyone with aiding and abetting on a 3 degree murder charge. Not a crime.


    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    One big takeaway for me from this. Never ever ever move to St Paul or Mpls.

    I lived in south mpls not far from lake street for about 2.5 years because I was just starting a new job and 3 of my friends that co-owned a duplex had an extra room for rent, so I took it. Rent was cheap and it was 2 miles from my new job. However, I would NEVER own my own property there. I only did it on a temporary basis and it worked out but I will never live there long term and I don’t plan to move back there at any point now.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22314

    Anybody who bothered to listen to the video above… Mpls is turning into North Chicago. Remove the jobs, remove the business, get rid of nice things, replace it with … nothing. Most people born into that situation, have little choice what to do to eek out a living there. Get yours in the streets.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    She is saying what I have been trying to say for a long time… at least skip to the 3 minute mark and really listen to her. DC resident

    I seen her elsewhere on the web today. Once the white chick started telling the black chick how she was supposed to feel about black lives matter the irony got to much to bear I had to shut it off.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 7914

    I can’t know what was in the many people’s minds or know their experiences through the protesting/rioting.

    Personally i don’t understand any of it, and none of that concerns me. I suppose i’m just a rural guy who don’t understand the metro or anything within. I know there’s some good fishing in pool 2 but it is stinky up there.

    Driving through or even near the cities leaves me with an upset stomach feeling – like if i had to live there i don’t think i’d be living. Just makes me sick. Helps me understand how little i can relate to those who do live there. I couldn’t do it.

    So i cannot put myself in the mindset of someone living in that area who deems it enjoyable, let alone their mindset in regards to their reasoning for protests. Just don’t have the innards to think it )

    I guess that’s my comment in regards to the protesting and such…Don’t really have one. Don’t know what motivates people to act this way. Don’t have any sympathy for someone has police called on them. Don’t have sympathy for someone resisting arrest. Do hold them accountable for their actions and their decisions.

    Parents were some tough cookies and i was taught in many different ways the more i resisted my own accountability the further i dug the hole.

    Entertaining the persistence of the arguments here lately though.
    Not sure what ya’ll are trying solve. Good luck as i clearly don’t understand the mission.

    Just a guy who more comfortable being 50 miles into nowhere, than any city block.

    …not targeting your comments specifically, just using it as a point that “breaking the law” (especially allegedly using a counterfeit $20 bill?) and being killed by a cop are not exactly things that should fit together in the United States.

    The “don’t break the law, you don’t have a problem” argument really doesn’t fit here. It’s a popular argument all over social media and here as well. If he was arguing why there was a court date and time, sure I could maybe see using that logic. However, the guy was killed in the street in daylight for a supposed misdemeanor.

    1. 943D2E01-FAB4-4AAB-B54C-4846DD98BCD7.png

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22314

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>big_g wrote:</div>
    She is saying what I have been trying to say for a long time… at least skip to the 3 minute mark and really listen to her. DC resident

    I seen her elsewhere on the web today. Once the white chick started telling the black chick how she was supposed to feel about black lives matter the irony got to much to bear I had to shut it off.

    That’s when the message got good… a white lady telling a black lady she was oppressed. The black lady was having none of it… telling her, she was not oppressed and would not allow the white woman to oppress her !!! It’s the oldest tactic some have, accuse others of exactly, that what you are doing. I have been saying this for a long time… if you tell someone they are oppressed long enough, (for a black person, basically since they were born) and that’s all they are taught, then they will be and another generation is held down by the white woman.

    Posts: 1111

    I don’t know if it’s true or not. a buddy just showed me a facebook photo of vandalize Vietnam Memorial and Arlington Cemetery, If it is true, these SOB’s shouldn’t be shot, but hung publicly. Far as I’m concerned, the would be the lowest form of scum on earth.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22314

    Not true, but the WW2 Memorial was vandalized

    1. ww2-mem.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11459

    Yes, interesting. Wonder if Ellison actually has the evidence for 2nd degree murder?

    3rd degree was an under-reach because the criminal act involved actions directed at a specific person. Which is the very definition of 2nd degree and it’s the targeting of that specific person that crosses the line between the two.

    I think Ellison has plenty to make the 2nd degree case to a jury.


    Posts: 1759

    I can’t imagine the efforts it’s going to take to try and find a jury of people that they can determine to be totally unbiased.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22314

    Not sure on what degree, but I saw Chauvin murder him, while 3 other cops did nothing. Whatever degree that is, should be a slam dunk, unless he died of Covid 19.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Just seen a revolting video where these sub humans I think it was in Memphis got a hold of a young dog tortured it on video and then strangled it to death.
    Tell me again how this is all about social injustice.

    I’ll add before anyone wants to insinuate I did not find the video of George Floyd being choked to death revolting I most certainly did. I have always been of the opinion that crimes of abuse committed against children and animals to be among the worse things that come from the darkest hearts of human nature.

    Billy J
    Posts: 122

    The other 3 offiers on the scene have now been charged with aiding and abetting the murder of George Floyd.

    Its about time..

    Posts: 198

    Looks like a transgender person got beat up by a mob in Minneapolis; saw it trending on my Google app.

    Not a good week for MN; doesn’t look like this was an out of state job.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 4196

    I would never condone the looting and violence that has happened in my city and neighborhood. I live 24 blocks from where Floyd was killed. I went to the memorial on 38th and Chicago this afternoon. I visited the area that was burned. It’s less than a mile from where I bought my first house. The memorial was peaceful with people singing and praying. I’ve never felt so much part of a community as I did walking through that area. People were truly together and cared for each other. That has been overshadowed by a small minority of people hell bent on causing chaos.

    This is a wonderful area in a beautiful city. The people here care for and love this city. Understand city living or not….that’s up to you. However, this is a community and we all understand that concept regardless of where we are from or live now.

    We need systemic change in this community and the country. Racism is a very real thing. I hope this senseless killing begins to change that but I fear it won’t.

    Just like the protesters, almost all of our law enforcement are good people and don’t want to see what happened here ever happen again.

    I’d urge all of you on this forum to stop with the rhetoric and do something good for a person or your community. Let’s focus on being positive and inclusive regardless of its in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or our rural communities.

    Posts: 198

    I know this will be a unpopular view, but I’m not finding the cops guilty until there’s a autopsy report, did the suspect die from choking, crushed neck, drugs, or something else, we only seen video of the cop with his knee on the suspect, what happen before?, none of us know.

    Not an unpopular opinion, just an idiotic, dumbass one.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I would never condone the looting and violence that has happened in my city and neighborhood. I live 24 blocks from where Floyd was killed. I went to the memorial on 38th and Chicago this afternoon. I visited the area that was burned. It’s less than a mile from where I bought my first house. The memorial was peaceful with people singing and praying. I’ve never felt so much part of a community as I did walking through that area. People were truly together and cared for each other. That has been overshadowed by a small minority of people hell bent on causing chaos.

    This is a wonderful area in a beautiful city. The people here care for and love this city. Understand city living or not….that’s up to you. However, this is a community and we all understand that concept regardless of where we are from or live now.

    We need systemic change in this community and the country. Racism is a very real thing. I hope this senseless killing begins to change that but I fear it won’t.

    Just like the protesters, almost all of our law enforcement are good people and don’t want to see what happened here ever happen again.

    I’d urge all of you on this forum to stop with the rhetoric and do something good for a person or your community. Let’s focus on being positive and inclusive regardless of its in Minneapolis, St. Paul, or our rural communities.

    Thanks for posting Matt.

    Posts: 1111

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Beast wrote:</div>
    I know this will be a unpopular view, but I’m not finding the cops guilty until there’s a autopsy report, did the suspect die from choking, crushed neck, drugs, or something else, we only seen video of the cop with his knee on the suspect, what happen before?, none of us know.

    Not an unpopular opinion, just an idiotic, dumbass one.

    So in your world everyone is guilty until proven innocent? you got it backwards there spanky, thank’s for playing.

    Posts: 5214

    Lots of national guard in N Mpls tonight. Interesting to see pics of them on streets I drive every day.

    Been quiet lately last 2 nights.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 4196

    Lots of national guard in N Mpls tonight. Interesting to see pics of them on streets I drive every day.

    Been quiet lately last 2 nights.

    Maybe because of the funeral and trying to be prepared? Seems quiet here on the south side.

    Posts: 5214

    Some operations going on Northside. Choppers, flashbangs, auto fire…..so your normal Thursday night jester

    Never heard auto fire before, that’s intense.

    Posts: 198

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bassh8er wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Beast wrote:</div>
    I know this will be a unpopular view, but I’m not finding the cops guilty until there’s a autopsy report, did the suspect die from choking, crushed neck, drugs, or something else, we only seen video of the cop with his knee on the suspect, what happen before?, none of us know.

    Not an unpopular opinion, just an idiotic, dumbass one.

    So in your world everyone is guilty until proven innocent? you got it backwards there spanky, thank’s for playing.

    1. A938176E-7ADB-4B38-99F4-8A8CEF4F369E.jpeg

    Posts: 1111

    In the beginning of this chit storm, everyone said he had his knee on his throat, he didn’t, (neck at the base of the skull), the first reports said he was acting strange like he was high, and it showed he had substance in his blood If someone can talk, can they not breath? NOW , with that being said, to say the cop killed, (which proved true) or murdered this man (last time I watched the news he hadn’t been charged with 1st, degree ) from a video without all the facts is beyond stupid. That’s why you investigate,to prove your case. Floyd was in the cops custody, the cops are responsible for his life, now they will pay the price.

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