
  • 39degrees
    Posts: 158

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>39degrees wrote:</div>

    The president said that when the looting starts the shooting starts. You referenced breaking a window. So should anyone who is suspected of breaking a window be shot?

    Did I imply that anyone suspected of breaking a window should be shot?

    To take the presidents comment about looting/shooting, and somehow turning that into me equating “rioters who break a window, loot, and commit arson deserve a consequence” with “those breaking a window should be shot“ is a special type of logic.

    Sorry about that. I thought the president was quite clear with his view of the consequences looting starts shooting starts. Your post mentioned looting and consequences. I equated the two. I am sick of the violent protests. I Apologize. I just think that there is a lot of talk on this string and national guard string about violence stopping violence and that, to me is an unending circle.

    Posts: 1221

    39deg – 👍👍

    One thing I believe we all can agree on is that we are sick of the violence – from all. And we should all be out in a boat more than we have been! Lol.

    Posts: 4885

    I thought the president was quite clear with his view of the consequences looting starts shooting starts.

    1. Screenshot_20200529-170854_Chrome.jpg

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Timmy wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>
    Anyone else worried about the presidents ideas of using the military to quell protests?


    Did you have any trouble with your Governor bringing troops into a civil matter?

    The national guard and the military are different. The national guard is often used in situations like this. The military hasn’t been used since Rodney King and that was at the governor of Californias request. Thats my understanding but I’m no expert

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 3710

    It’s a matter of state vs. federal troops, and each have their own parameters.

    Posts: 158

    39deg – 👍👍

    One thing I believe we all can agree on is that we are sick of the violence – from all. And we should all be out in a boat more than we have been! Lol.

    I will say thumbs up to you too Timmy. I dont know how to actually put an emoji on here. More fishing less ranting = happier !

    Posts: 158

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>39degrees wrote:</div>
    I thought the president was quite clear with his view of the consequences looting starts shooting starts.

    I may be wrong but the screen shots you posted i believe are a “walk back” after his original twitter when he told walz something like: we will take control and when the looting starts the shooting starts. Quite clear intent the way i first saw it and read it.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    Fish you just seem like a very unhappy person and looking for someone else to blame for about anything. You Hate Trump, we all get it, , Funny how you preach tolerance to everyone and yet show none.

    Nah, I am a very happy person. I do find the downward spiral and the loss of any semblance of the Republican Party disheartening. Sad to see

    Why did you take your name off your account James?

    SE MN
    Posts: 5177

    Why did you take your name off your account James?

    Didn’t want them thugs coming around duh

    Posts: 141

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Crappieguy133 wrote:</div>
    Eliminate all the government programs in this state and a lot of the problems are gone! People aren’t fleeing here for the weather. Think about it!

    thanks for showing your true colors here… in times of historic racial injustice, you point fingers, you refuse to address the true issue at hand… it blows my mind there are people like you that can just turn their eye to such a grand injustice… and its not like the george floyd’s incident is an isolated incident… open your eyes and quit scapegoating others for your own biases

    These individuals don’t want change. Don’t give me that crap. They’ve been living off the government for decades and what has that done to help them? Nothing! Eliminate the programs and make them want to improve their lives. They want to play the “victim” card. They can get jobs like everyone of us but why get a job when you can sit at home and get paid. And once a individual gets a job doesn’t matter how worthless they are you can’t fire them. It’s then discrimination. So, yes you can clearly see my view point . These riots didn’t help change my opinion either watching these thugs burn down their own city.

    Posts: 141

    Government programs are currently helping a TON of Americans, such as citizens out of work and small businesses affected by the pandemic. Is that what you’re talking about?

    I’m talking about making a living off welfare and not willing to want to do better. This whole pandemic BS is a joke from the beginning. Take that out of this entirely. This state has the highest amount of money going to minorities than any other in the nation. Why is that? Must just be the MN nice.

    Posts: 141

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Crappieguy133 wrote:</div>
    Eliminate all the government programs in this state and a lot of the problems are gone! People aren’t fleeing here for the weather. Think about it!

    I sure hope you never have to go on unemployment. The last two months I’ve been on it and it has helped me keep my family above water.

    Never thought I would be in this situation, but am so grateful that the government can help me out.

    That isn’t what I’m referring to. You plan to go back to work don’t you? This isn’t going to be a lifestyle that you now choose because you get a paycheck and don’t have to leave the house is it?

    Posts: 141

    Anyone else worried about the presidents ideas of using the military to quell protests? For all the tin foil hat guys who think the lefties are out for our rights I would think this should raise some red flags. I imagine most will like the strong armed approach by the president but personally it concerns me. New precedents being set all the time lately by this administration

    Not worried in the least. These thugs keep breaking the laws! Use lethal force and even a real special person can figure out not to do it again. Enough of the caring about feelings approach. Look what that has done.

    Posts: 1111

    Why did you take your name off your account James?

    I found out I could change my settings, I run my nickname on all sites, I’m not worried about anyone showing up at my doorstep, between the dog and 45 I won’t roll over without a fight.

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    The idea that “laws” or following them guarantees protection is laughable. I don’t know guys look up redlining, that was in fact the law.

    It’s fairly obvious that the bad vs. good protesters narrative is created by police to justify using chemical weapons and “non-lethal” ammunition on a civilian population.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22314

    When I seen all the people out after the “curfew” it showed me a lot of people were more afraid of a virus, than they were tear gas and rubber bullets… until they experienced it.

    Posts: 1111

    I seen on the News this AM the schools, parks, and something else was voiding their contract with the MPS police, how that going to effect the security of the kids, who’s going to be on hand to protect the kids?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 210

    These individuals don’t want change. Don’t give me that crap. They’ve been living off the government for decades and what has that done to help them? Nothing! Eliminate the programs and make them want to improve their lives. They want to play the “victim” card. They can get jobs like everyone of us but why get a job when you can sit at home and get paid. And once a individual gets a job doesn’t matter how worthless they are you can’t fire them. It’s then discrimination. So, yes you can clearly see my view point . These riots didn’t help change my opinion either watching these thugs burn down their own city.

    How do you know these individuals don’t want change??? You have family members or friends living off government? You probably don’t. What is consider “improving” lives? A nice suburban house or farm land? Having nice things so others can relate with you? An education that costs thousands to boast about? Just because someone was fed with a silver spoon doesn’t make them a better human being than one who wasn’t fed with a silver spoon. I get it though, hard work pays off, but does it really? I now a lot of minorities in suburban areas that still get looked upon differently from white neighbors. Why do you think the highway system was created? For suburban folks to get to and from work and for a lot of companies to move away from the inner cities. You must not have read, but these riots are being done by thugs from other cities, not Minneapolis.

    Posts: 1111

    Not 100% true from the news, many were local. Ch 5 and 11 reported this.

    Posts: 5214

    Teen daughter has said over and over these protests are peaceful here then gets violent with the NG instigating. I’m skeptical of that, always has been. Past few days speaking with folks who look much like many here who also went to these protests before coming to standguard at night from these white terrorists, confirmed what she was seeing. They had bruises from cans and bullets to prove it. Average Joe’s, 9-5, middle aged white people, couple were younger techies, super chilled demeanors.

    Been quiet last couple nights. Hopefully the worst is over for our neighborhood.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11699

    I seen on the News this AM the schools, parks, and something else was voiding their contract with the MPS police, how that going to effect the security of the kids, who’s going to be on hand to protect the kids?

    They will now just hire private security. We all know they do a excellent job on background checks on their employees and also do a excellent job of training. jester Once again keep picking away at a profession where probably 95+ % of employees are good and not the problem. Soon the Good qualified people who are already in that profession or those thinking about going into it will simply go someplace else. That will simply leave a much higher % of the Bad problem people remaining. It easy for people to sit back and bash police officers – Then again I doubt that many of those bashing them go to work each day and have to fear that someone is going to walk up to their window while sitting in a car and have someone put a bullet in their head. I think every citizen should be able to and go ride along with a police officer for a few nights – just to see what they see and go through on a daily basis. I use to do ride along’s with a family member who was a K-9 officer. It crazy what they see out there. The average citizen has no idea what goes on in some areas. Far to many people live in suburban or rural areas and don’t realize that life in the inner city areas is far different than it is in their areas.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    “Once again keep picking away at a profession where probably 95+ % of employees are good and not the problem. Soon the Good qualified people who are already in that profession or those thinking about going into it will simply go someplace else. That will simply leave a much higher % of the Bad problem people remaining.”

    Nailed it. People will force a worse outcome just to spite that small percentage. Its a rather unintelligent approach.

    Posts: 1759

    I completely agree.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 2963

    These individuals don’t want change. Don’t give me that crap. They’ve been living off the government for decades and what has that done to help them? Nothing! Eliminate the programs and make them want to improve their lives. They want to play the “victim” card. They can get jobs like everyone of us but why get a job when you can sit at home and get paid. And once a individual gets a job doesn’t matter how worthless they are you can’t fire them. It’s then discrimination. So, yes you can clearly see my view point . These riots didn’t help change my opinion either watching these thugs burn down their own city.

    Is there anyone in your family that has received government assistance? unemployment? covid additional unemployment? disability? any healthcare related assistance? I’d be VERY surprised if no one in your immediate circle has dipped their hand into any of those jars. Not everyone on government assistance is a low life like you would like to believe.

    I hope you get as upset over all the corporate handouts as you do individual assistance programs but something tells me that doesn’t bother you.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 11699

    I hope you get as upset over all the corporate handouts as you do individual assistance programs but something tells me that doesn’t bother you.

    Corporate Handouts aid in keeping people working. SOME social assistance programs aid in keeping some from wanting or needing to work – Just saying !!!! There is a place and need sometimes for assistance. But like many things in life – There are far to many taking advantage of them.

    And before you go and say it – Yes I know of people and even family members who have been on them. My mother was on assistance for a short time. She felt terrible about it and did everything she could to get off it as soon as possible and did what ever she could to stay off it.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22314

    She is saying what I have been trying to say for a long time… at least skip to the 3 minute mark and really listen to her. DC resident

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    Protesters: “Please stop killing us!”

    The Police: “We will kill you if you don’t stop saying that!”

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11459

    Update in case just came in.

    The charge against former Mpls police officer Derek Chauvin has been upped from 3rd degree murder to second degree murder.

    The other 3 offiers on the scene have now been charged with aiding and abetting the murder of George Floyd.


    Posts: 6687

    I can’t know what was in the many people’s minds or know their experiences through the protesting/rioting.

    Personally i don’t understand any of it, and none of that concerns me. I suppose i’m just a rural guy who don’t understand the metro or anything within. I know there’s some good fishing in pool 2 but it is stinky up there.

    Driving through or even near the cities leaves me with an upset stomach feeling – like if i had to live there i don’t think i’d be living. Just makes me sick. Helps me understand how little i can relate to those who do live there. I couldn’t do it.

    So i cannot put myself in the mindset of someone living in that area who deems it enjoyable, let alone their mindset in regards to their reasoning for protests. Just don’t have the innards to think it )

    I guess that’s my comment in regards to the protesting and such…Don’t really have one. Don’t know what motivates people to act this way. Don’t have any sympathy for someone who has police called on them. Don’t have sympathy for someone resisting arrest. Do hold them accountable for their actions and their decisions.

    Parents were some tough cookies and i was taught in many different ways the more i resisted my own accountability the further i dug the hole.

    Entertaining the persistence of the arguments here lately though.
    Not sure what ya’ll are trying solve. Good luck as i clearly don’t understand the mission.

    Just a guy who more comfortable being 50 miles into nowhere, than any city block.

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