
  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18473

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    The “Thug” can be green for all I care. I use the term to describe law breaking hoodlums which I suppose can be any race right?

    Anyway, everybody understands what is happening, it really doesn’t matter if the bad group has a name or not.

    Some times it’s just better to let things pass by in a thread than respond just to start a fight.

    yeah i if you were referring to my rebuttal of suzukis post i was less offended by his use of the word thug then i was his baseless claim that white supremacist groups have no part in stoking the flames. I mean in one sentence he managed to say don’t believe what the media tells you and then makes a claim for which the only source for his information comes from the media. Im assuming you aren’t elbow to elbow with Mr. Beads on the streets there Suzuki so i think im safe in making that assumption. Unless of course you were the one he saw running across the parking lot the other day just after that building blew up

    You are not right in the head and I dont want to get banned here so ill just let you have your fun. BUT you better not ever again insinuate that I have done something illegal like you just did.

    Posts: 130

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    I’ll be interested to see a report of everyone arrested after this is all over. The narrative of outsiders causing all the issues has so far been proven false. Now we are on to it’s white supremacy groups causing all the issues? Certainly the arrests records will show this too then?

    Arrest records present a clear vision of the situation? They are what we look to for the facts? Wasn’t it an attempted arrest that got us into this mess? Im not looking to arrest records to tell me anything especially since the police presence during these riots has mostly been absent

    So if arrest records aren’t “facts” what are facts, Random hearsay on the internet? So you believe the mayor that people causing the problems are %100 outsiders even though arrests show it’s almost entirely locals? Seems like everyone wants to deflect blame and take no responsibility for this mess. More arrests should be made and the more arrests the clearer the picture.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    I’ll be interested to see a report of everyone arrested after this is all over. The narrative of outsiders causing all the issues has so far been proven false. Now we are on to it’s white supremacy groups causing all the issues? Certainly the arrests records will show this too then?

    Arrest records present a clear vision of the situation? They are what we look to for the facts? Wasn’t it an attempted arrest that got us into this mess? Im not looking to arrest records to tell me anything especially since the police presence during these riots has mostly been absent

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    I’ll be interested to see a report of everyone arrested after this is all over. The narrative of outsiders causing all the issues has so far been proven false. Now we are on to it’s white supremacy groups causing all the issues? Certainly the arrests records will show this too then?

    Arrest records present a clear vision of the situation? They are what we look to for the facts? Wasn’t it an attempted arrest that got us into this mess? Im not looking to arrest records to tell me anything especially since the police presence during these riots has mostly been absent

    So if arrest records aren’t “facts” what are facts, Random hearsay on the internet? So you believe the mayor that people causing the problems are %100 outsiders even though arrests show it’s almost entirely locals? Seems like everyone wants to deflect blame and take no responsibility for this mess. More arrests should be made and the more arrests the clearer the picture.

    Of course not. And perhaps i stated it poorly, yes when someone gets arrested that becomes a fact. But, correct me if im wrong, but you are saying your idea is to collect all those “arrest facts” up together and you are going to use that to determine who is at fault here? The ones who have been arrested are the only ones to blame?

    I wont be using that narrative to understand this situation is all im saying. if you want to go for it but doesn’t make a lot of sense to me

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    I just popped in to page 15 to see how this thread is going.
    Nicely I see.

    I’m off to the river, and should be back about the 15th.

    Have a great time all!

    Posts: 1111

    Because it’s not a legitimate question.


    I read you link, and see your point of view;with that being said, anyone can slap a sticker on and peel it off later, until you have someone arrested and thoroughly question and investigated you don’t know’
    I see 3 or more groups here, those that protest, those here to riot and loot, those trying to lay blame on another segment of society., until you have the person in hand, everything is pure speculation.
    I could tell the media I saw 6 headed aliens in my backyard, it doesn’t make it true even if the media was to print the story. And we all know as of right now the media is looking for any angle to put on the news or print.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 11310

    Been patrolling our library last 2 nights from 8pm-6am.
    We have patrols on many many of our local businesses.

    As I’ve said before, not rumored, confirmed by authorities relayed to us thru official channels KKK is on our area.

    That is crazy Beads, stay safe and please let us know if you or your neighborhood need anything. Manpower, supplies, whatever. I may be naive but I really didn’t think the KKK was still a thing, especially in MN. Makes it even crazier that Mayor Frey and Governor Walz didn’t fully utilize the National Guard until late Friday night.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    According to the feds they have credible evidence that right wing anarchists, left wing anarchists, and white supremacy groups are acting across the country to amplify and worsen the riots. They have been able to track them online. This includes catching a known white supremacy group posing as an antifa twitter and Facebook account to try and rile things up. That account was pointed out by the president and his son as an example of how dangerous antifa is before it was outed as being linked to a white supremacist group. They were able to reach 2.8 million people online. This does not seem to be any one group or ideology working to make things worse.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    I think there are multiple organized groups involved and individuals from those groups get the spark going and everyone else just kind of “joins in.” It doesn’t take a whole lot to get an angry crowd going, especially at night. Arrest records do seem to indicate that a lot of people involved have a local address but that doesn’t mean they are ultimately responsible for starting it. It just means they were present and got caught looting, vandalizing, starting a fire, etc. Its pretty obvious that is why the curfew is in effect and more guards had to be called in. Any group of people present after the curfew starts is considered to be a threat so they arrest them and remove them. Frankly, it doesn’t matter to me who they are. If you are out there at night you are part of the problem. Go home and be part of the solution.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    I’ll be interested to see a report of everyone arrested after this is all over. The narrative of outsiders causing all the issues has so far been proven false. Now we are on to it’s white supremacy groups causing all the issues? Certainly the arrests records will show this too then?

    Arrest records present a clear vision of the situation? They are what we look to for the facts? Wasn’t it an attempted arrest that got us into this mess? Im not looking to arrest records to tell me anything especially since the police presence during these riots has mostly been absent

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>crappie55369 wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    I’ll be interested to see a report of everyone arrested after this is all over. The narrative of outsiders causing all the issues has so far been proven false. Now we are on to it’s white supremacy groups causing all the issues? Certainly the arrests records will show this too then?

    Arrest records present a clear vision of the situation? They are what we look to for the facts? Wasn’t it an attempted arrest that got us into this mess? Im not looking to arrest records to tell me anything especially since the police presence during these riots has mostly been absent

    So if arrest records aren’t “facts” what are facts, Random hearsay on the internet? So you believe the mayor that people causing the problems are %100 outsiders even though arrests show it’s almost entirely locals? Seems like everyone wants to deflect blame and take no responsibility for this mess. More arrests should be made and the more arrests the clearer the picture.

    Of course not. And perhaps i stated it poorly, yes when someone gets arrested that becomes a fact. But, correct me if im wrong, but you are saying your idea is to collect all those “arrest facts” up together and you are going to use that to determine who is at fault here? The ones who have been arrested are the only ones to blame?

    I wont be using that narrative to understand this situation is all im saying. if you want to go for it but doesn’t make a lot of sense to me

    If the whole basis of the protests is that there is systemic corruption in police forces and bias towards minorities, then the arrest records would definately show a disproportionate number of minority arrests. It’s not a very sound premise to establish who the bad actors are.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    That’s the problem with social media. Anyone can pose as someone else. I have it from a deputy sheriff who is a also a family friend that they have intel these groups will be moving more into residential areas now. Police are going around to homes telling people to pick up anything loose in their yards. Planters, decorative metal fencing anything that could be picked up and used as a weapon or burned.

    The thugs and I don’t care who or what color they are going to find a different metric going on to people’s private property especially up here. They do so at the real possibility of forfeiting their lives. It’s one thing to break windows and loot and burn a business no one is protecting. Things will change drastically when you enter the realm of home invasions. I don’t lock my doors for my protection I lock it to protect the people who have nefarious activity on their mind on the other side of the door. You breach my house by entry door or window be prepared because I will be.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    Just a reminder that MN does not have a castle doctrine law, and has a mixed history of legal results with home intrusion shootings. If you sling lead in your house be prepared to maybe get screwed, and if you shoot people destroying your stuff outside be very prepared to get screwed.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    Just a reminder that MN does not have a castle doctrine law, and has a mixed history of legal results with home intrusion shootings. If you sling lead in your house be prepared to maybe get screwed, and if you shoot people destroying your stuff outside be very prepared to get screwed.

    I was just going to mention that. Good reminder. It sucks that businesses owners have their hands tied when someone is looting, burning, or vandalizing their property but its a whole different ball game when it starts happening at residences. I am not 100% sure on this but you can use deadly force to protect human life at your property, can’t you? I am unsure what kind of force you can use to protect your property in MN.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    Again the precident is somewhat mixed but in MN there is definately no clear cut castle doctrine. You can shoot someone and might successfully argue that you feared bodily harm to yourself or others, or you can be prosecuted for not complying with your duty to retreat. Yes you read that right, duty to retreat in your own home.

    Business owners who start shooting people are screwed.

    Posts: 5214

    Yes, MOST these thugs out there are not KKK. They go by all kinds of stupid ass names we were briefed on that I don’t give a flying F about. KKK is easy to type and I’m sticking with it. Same message, same hate, F em.

    If you’re arguing semantics quite honestly shows just how weak your argument is.

    Had 3 NG Humvees and an armored vehicle helping us patrol last night. Citizens are on business rooftops and patrolling perimeters. Block watchers are going up down alley ways throughout the community. We are armed and ready.

    It’s been shown to us they are a bunch of cowards. Hiding in the darkness, lighting fires. Go crawl back in your holes and die.

    Media is reluctant to report on it. F them too.

    Sounds spiteful, I’m really not. Having a good day, love this weather. Work is still steady, family is good, life is good. Some things are not but you call it like it is and move on.

    Had a super chilled white claw before bed this morning, best thing I’ve dranken all week. toast

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 2963

    So much hate on both sides of the aisle right now… I wish people could put their political views aside and recognize the social injustices that are occurring in our society and care enough about it to do something about it. Stop justifying racial injustices and racism… Racism is alive and rampant in our society and those that don’t care to do anything about it are only adding fuel to the fire by doing nothing.

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.

    Love trumps hate.

    Posts: 141

    So much hate on both sides of the aisle right now… I wish people could put their political views aside and recognize the social injustices that are occurring in our society and care enough about it to do something about it. Stop justifying racial injustices and racism… Racism is alive and rampant in our society and those that don’t care to do anything about it are only adding fuel to the fire by doing nothing.

    If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.

    Love trumps hate.

    There isn’t any love. Both sides are being blamed for the BS and the outrage continues. And enough of the KKK rhetoric too. Those aren’t the ones that seem to be getting arrested here. Also, the individuals that are getting arrested are locals not from out of state. I hope we don’t waste a damn dime to rebuild this. If the communities cared they would’ve stopped this crap right away. And store owners “do” need the right to protect their investments. Nobody else is going to do it for them!

    Posts: 1111

    Sadly, love trust, respect is earned, it’s not a switch you can just turn on, hate on the other hand seems just the opposite.lean to the left, lean to the right, it doesn’t matter, you are not totally right in any case. both sides need to respect the other and show some flexibility.
    on the lighter side
    There’s a great many in Minneapolis that are done with their Christmas shopping.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5177


    1. 20200602_123237.jpg

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1115

    Sadly, love trust, respect is earned, it’s not a switch you can just turn on, hate on the other hand seems just the opposite.

    Hate is the easy, lazy road…
    I agree that love, trust and respect are earned. Best way to earn them is to demonstrate them, and be an example of them. Like most things, the “right” thing often feels like the harder thing to do…

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5421

    Some people say that respect should be earned not given. What if instead we say that disrespect should be earned – that respect should be the default, the world could be a happier place.

    Posts: 141

    Eliminate all the government programs in this state and a lot of the problems are gone! People aren’t fleeing here for the weather. Think about it!

    Posts: 1759

    Some people say that respect should be earned not given. What if instead we say that disrespect should be earned – that respect should be the default, the world could be a happier place.

    applause applause applause

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Just a reminder that MN does not have a castle doctrine law, and has a mixed history of legal results with home intrusion shootings. If you sling lead in your house be prepared to maybe get screwed, and if you shoot people destroying your stuff outside be very prepared to get screwed.

    You are correct there are mixed results and it is as it should be a case by case situation. None the less I will protect my property and my wife in our home.

    the Minnesota Court of Appeals held in State v. Glowacki, 630 N.W.2d 392 (2001) that “a person should not be required to retreat from the home before using reasonable force to defend himself, regardless of whether the aggressor is rightfully in the home” and that there is “no duty to retreat from one’s own home when acting in self-defense … regardless of whether the aggressor is a co-resident.”

    Posts: 31

    seems a litte excessive to send that much force in for a non violent potential counterfit money thing? maybe not?

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 2963

    Eliminate all the government programs in this state and a lot of the problems are gone! People aren’t fleeing here for the weather. Think about it!

    thanks for showing your true colors here… in times of historic racial injustice, you point fingers, you refuse to address the true issue at hand… it blows my mind there are people like you that can just turn their eye to such a grand injustice… and its not like the george floyd’s incident is an isolated incident… open your eyes and quit scapegoating others for your own biases

    Posts: 856

    If you stop and take a breath, you see that there are far more good Minnesotan’s coming together to support one another than there are causing problems. As far as who is doing bad things, if you’ve ever been around the state, or around the metro for that matter, there are more than enough nuts that are on the fringes without needing outside nuts.

    Drizzy Musky
    Posts: 258

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Crappieguy133 wrote:</div>
    Eliminate all the government programs in this state and a lot of the problems are gone! People aren’t fleeing here for the weather. Think about it!

    thanks for showing your true colors here… in times of historic racial injustice, you point fingers, you refuse to address the true issue at hand… it blows my mind there are people like you that can just turn their eye to such a grand injustice… and its not like the george floyd’s incident is an isolated incident… open your eyes and quit scapegoating others for your own biases

    Couldn’t agree more. Minnesota is a wonderful place to live precisely because of the myriad programs designed to help people. Trust me I’ve lived in other states that adopt the cut cut cut mentality South Carlina, Ohio and Michigan those places are far worse off than MN.

    Gitchi Gummi
    Posts: 2963

    Eliminate all the government programs in this state and a lot of the problems are gone! People aren’t fleeing here for the weather. Think about it!

    you should do some research on white privilege… and hopefully take it to heart. Although something tells me you don’t think white privilege is a thing.

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