
  • Dutchboy
    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    I’m not so sure it’s over here. Seems like a game of chess on the streets of Mpls & St. Paul.

    Dusty Gesinger
    Minnetrista, Minnesota
    Posts: 2417

    My worries for tonight include them expanding out away from the enforcement and something sparks around the 494/694 loop, hopefully tonight is a repeat of last night and the riot in-siters get dispersed or arrested. Hopefully after a couple of paintballs to the nuts. That is my hope.

    Posts: 4885

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>munchy wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Dutchboy wrote:</div>
    Now the test becomes can they win Sunday night or will the scum counter their efforts?

    Naww they all have to get home for work in the morning. It’ll be like opener, a whole line of cars heading east on 94 and south on 35. jester

    I am not sure if this is sarcasm

    You see the ” jester ” in my post?

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Mr.Beads wrote:</div>
    It’s of my opinion they will wait for trump to come in, they will let him have blood on his hands.

    If anyone has blood on their hands in this it will be the anarchist and the fool cop who started this. This situation has nothing to do with George Floyd anymore than the destruction of the economy has to do with a virus. As always the law abiding citizen is a pawn caught in the middle and the one who will ultimately pay the biggest price.

    So far Trump is the only one who seems to know what it takes to deal with this. The only one who seems to be willing to get his hands dirty and yes bloody in the process. If these anarchist aren’t dealt with the way they need to be dealt with the next riot will be more destructive and more violent. They are waging war against this country. The death of a black man by a white cop is just the vehicle they use to wage their war.

    War gets ugly and people die on both sides but in the end there’s resolution one way or the other. For now Trump seems to be willing to let the states governments illustrate and parade their weakness and willingness to let their cities burn in the face of anarchy preceded by their calculated decision to destroy their own economies at the expense of their citizens. He may be hoping the citizens choose more wisely who they want to represent them going forward but I doubt the lesson will take hold.

    Haha ole captain bone spurs, a real man’s man if I’ve ever seen one

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    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Try to elevate yourself out of the shallow end of the pool there mr fish. I could use up the bandwidth of this forum posting all sorts of unflattering pictures of thousands of politicians on all sides. A little more effort on informing yourself rather than just being opinionated may help you to overcome posting your sophomoric and juvenile thoughts for all to see. Informed and original thought comes hard for some folks and even harder for others.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    I just can’t wrap my head around giving credit to someone who did nothing but fan the flames. A president who, today of all days, decided to take most of the day off without notice and won’t address the nation. I would love to be informed on the great job he is doing. All I ever see are opinions and flat out lies. “Done more than any administration.” “Choice program for veterans” (Obama law). “The deficit was coming down before covid.” On and on and on. I guess if you say things enough some people start to believe it

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Like I said informed original thought can be difficult to achieve. It really requires a certain level of intellectual honesty which is not possible when hate of someone controls your thought process.
    Keep working at it we can get there together.

    Posts: 1759

    He’s so elegant with his words.

    Trump on George Floyd: “I feel very, very badly. That’s a very shocking sight.” He adds, “That was a very, very bad thing that I saw. I saw it last night and I didn’t like it…what I saw was not good. Very bad.”

    SE MN
    Posts: 5177

    Blahblahblah…..here’s an idea F2F. Go fishing….or better yet go escape. Have you even posted anything oudoors related? Or you do that under a different username?

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Yeah I wince and cringe at some of the things he says and the way he says them too. Ever visited New York? That’s typical there. Brash, rough spoken, lacking in grammar and eloquence. It’s like people in the south have a southern accent New Yorkers are blunt and don’t spend a lot of time searching for the right words but I don’t hate them for it.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    There is a difference between being a New Yorker and frontotemporal dementia.
    Every time someone has an opposite opinion around here it is “this is a fishing website.” I am not the one that brought up Dear Leader. I respond and I am the bad guy?

    Posts: 158

    Informed and original thought comes hard for some folks and even harder for others.

    July 30, 2019. I am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world. For that to be an “informed thought” he would need a racist score for each of the approximately 7.8 billion people in the world on July 30, 2019. His score would need to be lower than the other 7.8 billion scores. Even babies born the morning of July 30, 2019 would have needed to be tested for racism and all would need have a higher score than his. That is an completely uniformed thought.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    There is a difference between being a New Yorker and frontotemporal dementia.

    Now what did you have to bring Joe Biden into this for? Sorry about the double post sitting on the pontoon drift fishing right now. You are not the bad guy mr fish to escape I like you. I think you’re coming along. A little anger management but we will work on that.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Informed and original thought comes hard for some folks and even harder for others.

    July 30, 2019. I am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world. For that to be an “informed thought” he would need a racist score for each of the approximately 7.8 billion people in the world on July 30, 2019. His score would need to be lower than the other 7.8 billion scores. Even babies born the morning of July 30, 2019 would have needed to be tested for racism and all would need have a higher score than his. That is an completely uniformed thought.

    Not sure what you’re talking about but you’re welcome to join us in the year 2020.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    Let me translate for you: “everyone else is a sheep, I believe everything Fox News spoon feeds me”

    Watch how trump stands and the shoulder to ear twitch every time he can’t form a word.

    Posts: 158

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>39degrees wrote:</div>
    Informed and original thought comes hard for some folks and even harder for others.

    July 30, 2019. I am the least racist person there is anywhere in the world. For that to be an “informed thought” he would need a racist score for each of the approximately 7.8 billion people in the world on July 30, 2019. His score would need to be lower than the other 7.8 billion scores. Even babies born the morning of July 30, 2019 would have needed to be tested for racism and all would need have a higher score than his. That is an completely uniformed thought.

    Not sure what you’re talking about but you’re welcome to join us in the year 2020.

    Those were Trumps words in july 30, 2019. Completely uniformed. Just like when he said nobody reads the bible more than me. Or we have 15 cases and it will soon to go to zero in a couple of days. It appears very difficult for him to have “informed thought”

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1639

    Yeah I wince and cringe at some of the things he says and the way he says them too. Ever visited New York? That’s typical there. Brash, rough spoken, lacking in grammar and eloquence. It’s like people in the south have a southern accent New Yorkers are blunt and don’t spend a lot of time searching for the right words but I don’t hate them for it.

    Really im mean really??? I served with people from New York and they sure as hell did not talk like that, also served with black southerners! Who i understood just fine . Aboard an aircraft carrier communication was paramount! You need to stop pigeonholing people just because they come from a certain part of the country!

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Nice try but I don’t watch any news network. It’s all part of what I’m trying to pass on to you. Original thinking. Stop watching any news. Look around you and observe what’s going on. Ask yourself some questions and find the answers in you’re own mind. Intellectual honesty! I’m trying to help you out here mr fish. You don’t need Fox or any of them to form you’re thoughts.

    First thing you have to do is stop hating the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. I didn’t use his name because I know that’s a trigger for you so we will start from there.
    Ok that’s probably enough for today I’m starting to mark fish. We will talk tomorrow. Stay safe.

    Posts: 5710

    Time to get back to our regularly scheduled programming

    Go kick some ass tonight boys and girls!!

    1. Screenshot_20200531-1653432.png

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ice Cap wrote:</div>
    Yeah I wince and cringe at some of the things he says and the way he says them too. Ever visited New York? That’s typical there. Brash, rough spoken, lacking in grammar and eloquence. It’s like people in the south have a southern accent New Yorkers are blunt and don’t spend a lot of time searching for the right words but I don’t hate them for it.

    Really im mean really??? I served with people from New York and they sure as hell did not talk like that, also served with black southerners! Who i understood just fine . Aboard an aircraft carrier communication was paramount! You need to stop pigeonholing people just because they come from a certain part of the country!

    Then why are you pigeonholing black people on a aircraft carrier? What difference does it make to you what color they are? Doesn’t matter to me. I thank all of you for you’re service wherever you’re from how you talk or what color you are.

    Dang fish won’t bite! Marking the heck out of them between 4 and 7 in 22 feet of water. Using minnows on a jig head drifting. Might switch to crawlers.

    Posts: 1111

    Fish, you just leave me speechless, everything is this administration’s fault.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    Sometimes it becomes necessary to point out real racism. But when you start a sentence with “I’m the least racist person” what follows is usually racist. And then the “I served with black southerners and I could understand them just fine” or I have a lot of black and gay friends. First of all when you say racist things like that you foolishly think you are somehow inoculating yourself from being racist. When in fact what you think exempts you from being racist actually makes you racist. The irony is palpable.

    Switched to crawlers same result. Head to the dock and grab a bite at the cabin. Get a fire going and have a cocktail. Stay safe everyone!

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    I’ll look around at the mismanaged pandemic response, the 40 million unemployed, the riots throughout the country……..what am I missing? Oh, he admitted the other day that the China tariffs weren’t working, still had to bail out the farmers that he screwed over though. Does he take any responsibility?

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    The “I’m the least racist person” line was a trump quote………oops

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2145

    The “I’m the least racist person” line was a trump quote………oops

    Dang got me!! Ouuuccch! Still need to work on the anger part mr fish but keep working I have faith! Marty Robbins “El Paso” just came on the radio as I’m trolling my way to the dock. I love that song don’t you mr fish?
    Just funnin with ya don’t be so angry all the time ok?

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    Sounds like the argument of a man with no facts to fall back on

    Posts: 1111

    Sounds like the argument of a man with no facts to fall back on

    I’m guessing you get all your facts from the View,thanks for playing.

    Posts: 4789

    I’ll look around at the mismanaged pandemic response, the 40 million unemployed, the riots throughout the country……..what am I missing? Oh, he admitted the other day that the China tariffs weren’t working, still had to bail out the farmers that he screwed over though. Does he take any responsibility?

    Did you forget how well the economy was doing before this covid crap? Don’t matter what he did or does, he obviously couldn’t please you.

    Fish To Escape
    Posts: 333

    The economy used to be good? Awesome. So the economy was good when he increased government spending and cut taxes (on the rich) simultaneously? Wow, impressive.

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