It is hard to keep cottontails at bay by simply eliminating them. I have shot, live trapped (then killed), and snared them, but they just keep moving in. I pressure can them and use it to make stew for lunch at work since my wife doesn’t like the idea of eating rabbits, or squirrels for that matter.
They do their damage at night. The snow was so deep this winter that they got over my fencing and protective plastic tubes to reach some lower branches. I am probably moving to tree wrap before next winter. I also shovel around my trees because they will stand on their hind legs to chew/gird trunks of young trees and scaffold branches. I just wrapped some severe branch damage yesterday with the clear grafting tape to help them heal.
I don’t even try with the raspberries anymore. The advantage is that the canes they chew down always come back and produce really nice, big, and sweet late summer/early fall berries.