Dang it-

  • LabDaddy1
    Posts: 2873

    Ok so literally wishing the last hour or so my lab has changed a ton. She was retrieving, playing, running, barking out the window. Now she can’t even walk. She is shaking and wobbling, seems confused. No key words that would normally get her excited can get her to move. I’m really scared and sad over this. Hopefully just some kind of short term poisoning of some sort. My lil girl is the light of my life and I don’t know what to do. I’m monitoring her heartbeat and all that. Just hoping to god it’s not a tick borne disease finally catching up with her.
    Does anybody else have any experience with these symptoms?

    7.5 yo female lab, great genetics, 48-50 lbs, well-exercised, beeen catching the frisbee and going for runs/walks without issue up until tonight.

    Thanks for any input. I’m kind of feeling panicked. Can’t afford an ER trip but she’s my best friend in the entire world.

    Edit: ok, hoping it’s vestibular syndrome and resolves itself. I’m probably overreacting. I will report back on how she’s doing. No time for correct grammar/punctuation/spelling doah

    Coulee Country
    Posts: 9

    Have her checked for a tick borne issue. Doxycycline is a relatively cheap med if that is the issue.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6019

    So sad, you feel helpless in part because they can’t talk.Good luck

    Reef W
    Posts: 3188

    Now she can’t even walk. She is shaking and wobbling, seems confused.

    Sounds like vestibular, usually they move their head back and forth and their eyes dart around too if that’s what it is. Hope she’s ok now!

    If it helps diagnose this is what it looked like a couple hours after it started, initially his back legs didn’t work at all https://youtu.be/PjIRRSi66-0?si=MeO55eXsaAlysHcp

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2104

    good luck to her!!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1499

    I’m sorry and hope she is doing better! Its the worst seeing a dog in pain or sick!

    Bill Mundt
    Posts: 58

    Guessing Lymes. I use to give my dogs FishMox. Was a miracle cure. Dogs would turn around in a few hours. Good to go the next day.

    Good luck

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18991

    Have her checked for a tick borne issue. Doxycycline is a relatively cheap med if that is the issue.

    Agreed, don’t wait on this either. I’d be checking for it today and start with doxy tomorrow.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    That sounds terrible to have to see and I hope she’s doing okay! I wouldn’t think lymes would be that sudden, but hopefully she’s feeling better and it’s something that can be managed.

    Posts: 1793

    Pulling for you and the pup. We have gone to the emergency vet on west 7th in Saint Paul near the 35E exit and been treated well. It’s expensive but they have credit options. Not ideal but for me it was better than dealing with the question of whether I did everything I could, which would’ve ate me alive. I’m gonna PM you too.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    My last golden had a case of Vestibular disease and I thought she was a goner. I took her to the vet to be put down. My vet smiled when he examined her.
    Look at her eyes and see if her eyeballs are darting or shaking.
    Mine snapped out of it pretty quickly and it never happened again the 2-3 more years of her life.

    I can highly recommend Aurora Urgent Care in White Bear Lake as an intermediate between emergency care and regular vet. https://www.auroraurgentvet.com/

    Otherwise I would check with your regular vet.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    How is she?

    Posts: 1858

    When my dog started wobbling and shaking and laying her head on my lap and feet it ended up being Diabetes. It was a really hard fight after that so I hope it was only something temporary.

    Posts: 2873

    Well, I think it was vestibular after all… She ended up back to perfectly normal within about 12 hours.

    I read that they will often pee themselves when they have it, and no sooner than I read that I went and checked on her and, sure enough, she had fully emptied her bladder on my bed… It was pretty scary when she wouldn’t eat a treat or respond when I asked if any of her favorite people “were here.”

    Very glad it’s over with and not something more serious. Thanks for the replies and support, everyone!

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1102

    Well, I think it was vestibular after all… She ended up back to perfectly normal within about 12 hours.

    I read that they will often pee themselves when they have it, and no sooner than I read that I went and checked on her and, sure enough, she had fully emptied her bladder on my bed… It was pretty scary when she wouldn’t eat a treat or respond when I asked if any of her favorite people “were here.”

    Very glad it’s over with and not something more serious. Thanks for the replies and support, everyone!

    So glad to hear the news. Well, except for the empty bladder on the bed.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19015

    Glad to hear. Damn dogs! mrgreen

    Posts: 1285

    Great news! Glad to hear it.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5589

    Great news!! So I’ve not heard of this before. Does it go away on its own or does it require treatment?

    Reef W
    Posts: 3188

    Great news!! So I’ve not heard of this before. Does it go away on its own or does it require treatment?

    Blue Pearl charged us $400 to tell us there’s nothing to do about it the first time. Second time we didn’t bring him in and it passed on it’s own again.

    I think sometimes they might have an ear infection that triggers it, mine didn’t. And they might need some kind of meds just to calm them down if it lasts a long time.

    Posts: 2873

    ^Reef is correct. I’m glad I researched it and didn’t bring her in right away. But I would feel horrible if it was something more serious and I didn’t do anything…

    Hopefully this thread will help someone else in the future if they (unfortunately) have to deal with this.

    Posts: 4483

    To much weird stuff happening to puppies lately. My BILs 6 year old lab out the blue got sick as he’ll and to be honest she should be put down. Vet don’t know what’s wrong.she looks like bones with fur. Our new puppy will be 6 months old on halloween and has been on infection meds for over 3 weeks. 6 vet trips 5 of which were urgent care and they don’t know what caused it.

    Posts: 2872

    Glad she is ok LD.I have never heard of this.Good to know about it.

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