Dang it-

  • LabDaddy1
    Posts: 2311

    Ok so literally wishing the last hour or so my lab has changed a ton. She was retrieving, playing, running, barking out the window. Now she can’t even walk. She is shaking and wobbling, seems confused. No key words that would normally get her excited can get her to move. I’m really scared and sad over this. Hopefully just some kind of short term poisoning of some sort. My lil girl is the light of my life and I don’t know what to do. I’m monitoring her heartbeat and all that. Just hoping to god it’s not a tick borne disease finally catching up with her.
    Does anybody else have any experience with these symptoms?

    7.5 yo female lab, great genetics, 48-50 lbs, well-exercised, beeen catching the frisbee and going for runs/walks without issue up until tonight.

    Thanks for any input. I’m kind of feeling panicked. Can’t afford an ER trip but she’s my best friend in the entire world.

    Edit: ok, hoping it’s vestibular syndrome and resolves itself. I’m probably overreacting. I will report back on how she’s doing. No time for correct grammar/punctuation/spelling doah

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