dang despicable spam!!

  • Iowaboy1
    Posts: 3950

    Ya, okay I am not talking about the stuff BK likes and will cause you to blow the lid off of the septic tank after too many Hamms beers.
    What I am talking about, and no, I didnt read through the entire agreement with signing up for the forum but I have to wonder, why on earth after logging in to this great site why do I receive so many spam mailings??
    For the last three years I have been keeping track of it, it only occurs when I log in here.
    I am not blaming anyone mind you as my email server is a local one that doesnt offer much for security protection.

    I get emails about a bass light that will if you read all mail combined with will allow you to see how big certain things are when you are alone in a tent you bought at reeds and if you enter now you can win a brand new truck to go with it!!
    Not only that, I can sign up for a pill that will, uh, er, ahem !!,,,,,, let you reach unimaginable ,,uh, goals, yep goals.

    Just today I got another one about Gussy O and how she can,,,, will leave it right there at the moment, my point is, where in the hell does all of this originate from?? I am talking about 400 spam mails a week !!

    For all of you tech guys, what setting am I missing? my spam filters are set to their highest setting and I still get them!!
    I wouldnt normally call out anyone but I have after extensive testing and going with two other super secret email addresses bring this to light and no, not a bass light!!
    I have honestly narrowed it down this site and when I log in, within minutes to an hour this occurs each and every time on a daily basis.

    Note to mods, this is why you are seeing me log in several times in an hours time, often within minutes of each other as I am proving where this crap comes from.
    If it is in fact due to a small town server please let me know so I can banish it to a trash bin and fire up another server!!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17534

    Ad blocker? You running one? If not get one, they are free.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    I’m not sure….. But if you visit any of those racy hobbiest airplane sights, or boat outboard webpages, don’t they usually have the skimpy dressed pretty girls draped across their products?

    Posts: 5126

    Have you been flagging them as Spam?

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    The only email being sent from here is related to notifications for private messages, replies to your posts, mentions @iowaboy1 and others. You have already restricted the notifications somewhat so that’s good.

    Have you tried incognito mode? I’m just wondering if there isn’t a bad browser extension installed on your computer. Or are you using a mobile device?

    I have a gmail account myself and as far as spam goes I hardly see any at all.

    1. Screenshot-2021-12-05-051744-1.png

    Posts: 3950

    Munchy, yes I have been flagging each and everyone as spam.
    Dave, the email in question is a netins.net account.
    After logging in since Fri. night I received 88 that night, 53 Sat. night and another 88 since Sun. night.

    It doesnt seem to matter where I log in from, my laptop, phone, or my computer here at work.
    Google is my default browser if that makes any difference.

    I have put several hundred if not a thousand or more in the block sender file, however the problem with that is if I receive an email from a gmail account for example all emails from a gmail account are blocked.

    Dave Lozier
    Amherst, WI
    Posts: 961

    To be clear, the spam mail only shows up while logged in here? As far as nitins.net I know the email isn’t coming from our servers. I see registration attempts with netins.net addresses that bounce so we aren’t even able to send email there.

    Posts: 3950

    I will say ninety nine and nine tenths of it show up after logging in here.
    I have several business accounts registered on the same account, that is why I say I was very cautious in trying to prove where it is coming from as I moved those accounts to my gmail and the problem still occurs only when logging in to this site.

    I am guessing somewhere along the line when I registered to win something here my email address got tagged and those advertisers are selling my info??
    As I said, purely guessing as I dont know how all of this stuff works.

    Thats another thing, I dont know how IDO got blocked as I dont receive messages or notifications from here anymore, I suppose the address from here is one that got blocked due to the similar server if I am asking that correctly??

    Dave, if you have time today, send me a pm and I will give you my phone number and maybe you can help me??

    Posts: 3950

    I got blocked again!!!!!!
    Ive been gone six months and you still hate me this bad!!?

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3148

    I got blocked again!!!!!!
    Ive been gone six months and you still hate me this bad!!?

    Is that a rhetorical question? devil devil devil

    Eastern Iowa
    Posts: 180

    Have you tried running any anti spyware and clearing all browsing data, cookies, etc.?

    Musky Ed
    Posts: 713

    I frequent this site among many others and I get virtually zero spam. My yahoo catches virtually all of it.
    I would estimate 3-5 spam emails a week makes it through. Don’t open them just mark as spam and delete. When I look in my spam folder there is probably 100 or so a week in there they catch. I don’t even look at them, just select all and delete.
    I use yahoo, mcafee, malwarebytes and add blocker.
    There are solutions for a reasonably stress free internet experience.
    Reminds me, about a year back I was getting a bunch of spam in my yahoo account that wasn’t being caught. All different addresses but the same common theme. I right clicked their address heading to see the true sender, and with some internet searching found their business name and a phone # for their marketing director. Called her and told her I wanted it stopped. It didn’t. Now I was out for revenge. I did some further internet and linkedin digging on their company officials. It was quite easy actually. Once I had their email addresses I started spamming their email addresses back. I was quite creative in my email subject line so when they looked at their incoming emails they opened them up before realizing they had been spammed. After about 5 days or so they must have all got together and blocked my email, so I then opened up a new email account and spammed them again. It actually was quite a bit of fun knowing I was getting them back. They caught on again after a few days and blocked that address. Then I did some internet digging on how to get revenge and there is all sorts of things to do. What I settled on was a mass marketing site that with a email address you provide, they send apx 300 mass marketing emails for various products to the email address provided. Their email boxes were now flooded with apx 300 different solicitations. It was such a good feeling knowing I was getting back at them. I guess they must have figured out who was behind it as all my spam from them stopped.

    Posts: 5321

    Sheldon, you should swap work with a techy down there and he can go over your mobile and PC with some Spyware, reconfigure some settings in your email accoutns and get ya running clean.

    Posts: 1878

    I get zero spam related emails from this site, and don’t even get email updates on my posts. Check your browser settings. Cooking sites seem to be able to get spam to me, maybe I look at too many recipes. I always use a secondary browser with high cookie settings and no log in info when I’m around sketchy sites, but this isn’t one of them it’s just good old google chrome.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    I am surprised that BK didn’t comment. I thought he was all about spam.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    I’m pretty good on Spam at this time.

    1. Missing-a-few-flavors.jpg

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