
  • Deuces
    Posts: 5214

    My comments earlier was based on only watching 2 min of video as I have a problem with conflict and violence, should probably go sit on a theraputic couch and talk about it but is what it is, just hard to watch for me. Sat down and watched the whole thing. I can’t say how poorly my words were earlier.

    Terrible, just terrible act.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5177

    heard about it on the FM dial. watched the video too. if that white boy cop kneeling on that mans neck does not go in for capital murder, there will be riots in the streets this week. absolutely sickening. I have no idea who is training officers in MPLS but this is not the fir…sec….or thir…time these obsured crimes have gone down at the hands of “the good guys”. the asian fellow in the video should be equally responsible, I don’t care what happened before the video was recorded.

    Posts: 5710

    Finally saw the whole video myself.

    Totally unnecessary use of force.

    He was detained and under control. They could have cuffed his legs together if they were worried about him running.


    Posts: 1111

    He was detained and under control, and should of been put in the squad, with that being said, looking at were the knee was placed, I don’t see how it would shut off the airway, he said he couldn’t breath several times, seems if you can talk you can breath,the officer still should of been more observant to what his detainee condition. for it to escalate to where you have to restrain your prisoner in such a matter there must of been a scuffle, why people can’t comply with a officer is beyond me. and I guess that’s why we have a court system if he found guilty for his actions, then hang him, but everyone is entitled to their day in court.

    Posts: 1111

    As I am watching the news this AM, everyone has the right to protest, but you don’t have the right to destroy property or interfere with those that have nothing to do with what event that you are protesting.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6244

    I’m with Bman and Beads on this one, I also made some comments yesterday I would retract. I watched the video at work with out sound and it was grainy. After seeing it last night with sound, there was no reason for him to stay on his neck like that and he will get what he deserves. Also the by standing officer’s needed to step in and stop him, they also deserve punishment. Sad really for everyone as this is going to stir up a s storm.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    There was a thread about this yesterday and its now gone. Must have been removed by the moderators.

    There was rioting in Minneapolis last night. It looked like Ferguson at times. Tear gas and other crown control measures had to be deployed.

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 7914

    I try my absolute best to refrain from choosing sides in something like this. It’s a unique situation where race, power, social media, politics, and history in the Minneapolis PD are all wrapped into one big tragic mess.

    I’ve got friends and family along with my father who was a police officer. None of them have come up with a plausible reason as to why an officer would be kneeling on someone’s neck. There are dozens of ways to control someone physically that look nothing like this. My father was shot at, later apprehended the suspect, and said he never once would’ve thought to do something like this even though his suspect was fighting considerably more than this guy.

    The Minneapolis PD has taken a decades long backwards step with their image and relations with minority groups in the city. These types of things don’t just “go away”. I wish the best for members of the force who are trained professionals doing their job the right way and keeping people safe. They are going to have some of the toughest situations of their careers in the coming weeks.

    As for the officers involved, I do believe in “innocent until proven guilty” in our court system. The public court of opinion does not work that way however. I think job losses will be the least of worries for those involved by the time this is done (years from now – which is a whole different issue).

    Posts: 1111

    There was a thread about this yesterday and its now gone. Must have been removed by the moderators.

    There was rioting in Minneapolis last night. It looked like Ferguson at times. Tear gas and other crown control measures had to be deployed.

    Replaying the video on the news over and over doesn’t help,everyone should have the right to see it, but a continuous loop on the news doesn’t help matters. everyone wants to rush to judgement, but it takes time to get all the facts so the punishment is right for the crime.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    I almost rescinded my initial condemnation of the officers, but didn’t yesterday. I am glad I didn’t. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, being they are officers, but there really is no doubt in this circumstance. I don’t care what the guy did before, he was restrained.

    Posts: 5214

    My oldest and myself went down to the Cup Foods to protest last night. Had citizens with assault rifles guarding a makeshift fence one block up on Chicago, that was interesting. But figured they were protecting from Nazi drivebys. Very powerful speeches going on, very peaceful until dozen shots or so from 2 different calibers were fired on the other side of us, stampede of people came our way, folks tripping over each other, falling down into the wet streets, farther up the block you went, more people stop behind buildings and peek around to see what the F happened.

    Still can’t find anything about it this morning. Everything is about the precinct riots.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13292

    Dont worry Beads there will be plenty more opportunities for the news to report on riots. Last night was just round one.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11459

    The video is sickening enough and watching the whole thing makes it absolutely awful. The worst part of this to me is that THREE other Minneapolis police officers stood by and did nothing. I’m no expert on Minneapolis police procedure, but I can’t believe for one second that the “knee to the back of the neck” maneuver being applied to a suspect in handcuffs is in any way taught or approved by the department as an acceptable use of force under these (or any) circumstances.

    And yet 3 other officers stood there and picked their noses While one of their own choked the life out of a man.

    Obviously, the Minneapolis PD is infected with a cancer that needs to be cut out. It would be one thing if even ONE other officer tried to intervene, but when you have 4 officers on a scene and none of them sees anything wrong with how that suspect was being handled, then this is NOT just a case of a “few rotten apples”.

    Not only are 4 officers (very rightly) going to jail, but Minneapolis is going to be paying out what could well be punitive damages in the HUNDREDS of millions on this one in the civil suit that will surely follow. Minneapolis wormed their way out of big liability judgment by settling the Justine Ruszczyk case when her parents settled for only $20 million in the Mohammed Noor case. Buckle up, Minneapolis, you aren’t going to get away anywhere near that easy on this one. Could a $1 BILLION damages award be a possibility?


    Posts: 5214

    Completely agree grouse. The way they all did nothing. Watching his limp body put on that stretcher was brutal.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1408

    What a disgrace. The sad part is that there are many Minneapolis police officers who are great people and do an outstanding job. They are judged by the behavior of the idiots who are unsuited to the job. The police behavior on the video is not consistent with how officers are trained. Obviously not all officers act in accordance with their training.

    Several police officers I know personally, Minneapolis and other jurisdictions, retired at the earliest opportunity. They were tired off and frustrated with being judged by the behavior of bad apples in uniform.

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    I said it yesterday and I will say it again – everyone should watch the full video. Not a clip, not a news blurb, and not online forums.

    And as for those asking what he did beforehand – it doesn’t matter. We do not have a Judge Dredd society where law enforcement is the judge, jury, and executioner on the spot. Our police are supposed to protect and serve. Sometimes “protecting” involves use of force to make sure the officers or bystanders stay safe as criminals are brought into custody. The video clearly shows a man cuffed, restrained and no longer posing any threat. He could have shot up a school, but if events unfolded to where 4 cops had him cuffed on the ground it is still not their job to kill him, even if the people around them were screaming for his death. They even threaten non lethal force (pulling out his mace) on the bystanders concerned they are killing the guy. In those 10 minutes of his death they did not protect and serve anyone.

    I called my cop hunting buddy yesterday and he feels this is just another terrible situation for him and all cops. He was a colleague to those 2 Iowa cops who were randomly shot by an angry citizen – and this kind of thing makes his job far more dangerous, and if they let these guys off like they often do, it will add to the public’s resentment of cops.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 11310

    I said it yesterday and I will say it again – everyone should watch the full video. Not a clip, not a news blurb, and not online forums.

    And as for those asking what he did beforehand – it doesn’t matter. We do not have a Judge Dredd society where law enforcement is the judge, jury, and executioner on the spot. Our police are supposed to protect and serve. Sometimes “protecting” involves use of force to make sure the officers or bystanders stay safe as criminals are brought into custody. The video clearly shows a man cuffed, restrained and no longer posing any threat. He could have shot up a school, but if events unfolded to where 4 cops had him cuffed on the ground it is still not their job to kill him, even if the people around them were screaming for his death. They even threaten non lethal force (pulling out his mace) on the bystanders concerned they are killing the guy. In those 10 minutes of his death they did not protect and serve anyone.

    I called my cop hunting buddy yesterday and he feels this is just another terrible situation for him and all cops. He was a colleague to that Iowa cop who was randomly shot by an angry citizen – and this kind of thing makes his job far more dangerous, and if they let these guys off like they often do, it will add to the public’s resentment of cops.

    100% agreed, and don’t think this is a “bad apple” scenario when 4 cops are involved, it’s obvious they thought they were following some protocol. Also, Jason DeRusha shared video from a local business that showed the initial interaction and he didn’t resist or put up a fight as they dragged him out of his car. This is murder, and the police should face the appropriate charges. Disgusting.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    I think part of the reason that the previous Mayor (Betsy Hodges) didn’t win re-election (and she actually got destroyed in a landslide in the last election) in Mpls was because of police brutality under her watch. Four civilians were killed during her tenure as mayor by police officers. Granted, they are all different situations and you can’t say one is directly linked to another, but I thought maybe it was just a few bad apples in the department that needed to be weeded out. Clearly this does not seem to be the case. I know the previous Police Chief (Harteau) was canned, so one might think new leadership at both the Mayor’s office and the Police Chief would change things. Evidently not. To me it appears to be a pattern over a long period of time indicates a culture, not an isolated event or two because of a couple officers. How to change it? Not sure now. New leadership hasn’t done anything, and you can’t just fire the entire police department.

    Generally, officers involved in an incident like this are immediately placed on paid administrative leave while the investigation ensues. This time, they were FIRED the next day and now the FBI is involved. That should tell you more than enough already on how serious this one is.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11459

    Minneapolis has its own police academy. The question has to be asked, what the hell is going on inside this academy?

    I feel very badly for all the good officers in Minnesota, who are now tarred with the obviously bad brush of the failing of one Minnesota city to properly manage its own police force and academy.

    Does the State of Minnesota need to step in and start managing Minneapolis? It seems like we have a failed city here that is dragging the whole state down.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    The same city that changed the name of a historic lake to an unpronounceable word because the old name hurt someones feelings. I cant stay far enough away from that city.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 59992

    Apparently some people like him, they voted him in as vice president.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    The same city that changed the name of a historic lake to an unpronounceable word because the old name hurt someones feelings. I cant stay far enough away from that city.

    Bde Maka Ska was the original name of the lake. Unpronounceable? Do you also have issues saying Shakopee, Mille Lacs, Kabetogama, Menahga, Winnibigoshish, Nemadji?

    Or do you just prefer racist slave owners?

    One thing is certain. I have an issue with you.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 16734

    One thing is certain. I have an issue with you.

    I don’t condone this sort of behavior but that comeback really made me laugh Suzuki. Well played

    Posts: 5214

    Dang kids nowadays can’t keep their attention on anything!

    Oh wait these are adults here.


    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    If Calhoun was a racist he sure seems to fit in well in MN. I am glad that we are perfect over here on the good side of the river.

    Posts: 1111

    I know this will be a unpopular view, but I’m not finding the cops guilty until there’s a autopsy report, did the suspect die from choking, crushed neck, drugs, or something else, we only seen video of the cop with his knee on the suspect, what happen before?, none of us know.

    Mahtomedi, MN
    Posts: 11024

    Minneapolis has its own police academy. The question has to be asked, what the hell is going on inside this academy?

    I feel very badly for all the good officers in Minnesota, who are now tarred with the obviously bad brush of the failing of one Minnesota city to properly manage its own police force and academy.

    Does the State of Minnesota need to step in and start managing Minneapolis? It seems like we have a failed city here that is dragging the whole state down.


    I am in NO WAY condoning the actions of these officers as I agree with what you all have said. But blaming the academy could be misguided. I know a few friends that have been through the academy and said they don’t train officers to use the knee on neck technique. They teach to put the knee on the back of the shoulders. You can train everybody to do things right and people will still do it the way want sometimes. It’s wrong and just plain awful to see.

    Working on a fire dept that does full service ambulance as well I work with and am friends with many police officers and fear for their safety after each one of these. There are so many of them trying to do right in the hardest of jobs and a few of these idiots make their jobs that much harder and more dangerous.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    They held him down so long someone walked by and coughed on him, he caught Rona and died from it. Should have been wearing a mask.

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1408

    I know this will be a unpopular view, but I’m not finding the cops guilty until there’s a autopsy report, did the suspect die from choking, crushed neck, drugs, or something else, we only seen video of the cop with his knee on the suspect, what happen before?, none of us know.

    I agree on the need to wait for cause of death. That should determine with what crime the officers are charged. If the death resulted from something other than choking the officer should still be charged with numerous crimes for failing to render aid to a man obviously in distress and in restraints.

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