Damn it anyway lol

  • B-man
    Posts: 6384

    Took the boys to a new lake about a half hour away. I’ve never been to it before, but had plans to hit the deepest hole first in 18′ with the snowmobile and the Otter.

    When we got there, there were a handful of perms right in the hole (as I expected).

    We set up the Otter in the community spot and started drilling holes.

    The first two went great and I started the third. In the first second something wasn’t right and the auger instantly stopped shaving ice.

    I looked at the blades and they were all chewed up with a burl facing up.

    I looked at where I started the hole and I drilled right into a melted in damn truck booger (sand/salt chunk) jester

    Should have went and tried some virgin ice smash

    Of course my backup auger was safe and sound at home…I ran back to the truck and found what I could to make a half assed attempt at sharpening them. I pulled the blades off and stropped the edges with the teeth of a needle nose, but as you could imagine it didn’t make it any better jester

    The kids got to fish and Dad had a couple beers waytogo

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