Damaged prop

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    hit a rock pile last weekend and damaged the prop. Im not a mechanic but ive had this prop reshaped before and I’ve heard tell that if your prop is damaged it could cause damage to your motor if you continue to use it. Is this bad enough that I should stop using the boat until I replace the prop? My gut tells me yes

    Excuse the pajama pants its about all i wear these days lol

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    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    Ya, chunks missing is not a good thing. How does the prop look when you spin it? Look for the slightest wobble which could indicate you bent the shaft. If so call your insurance guy and get it fixed. If the shaft looks ok go buy a new prop and use this one for a spare. I would not run this one hard and fast for very long before getting it fixed or replaced.

    Posts: 5139

    Yes. Thats a lot of material and balance will be lost. Get a spare so you can use the boat still.

    Hot Runr Guy
    West Chicago, IL
    Posts: 1933

    C’mon man, you can do better than that! I’m still trying to figure out how only 1 of 4 blades gets damaged?


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    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17361

    C’mon man, you can do better than that! I’m still trying to figure out how only 1 of 4 blades gets damaged?


    That there is a professional hit! applause

    Posts: 5139

    C’mon man, you can do better than that! I’m still trying to figure out how only 1 of 4 blades gets damaged?


    Now for your next trick. jester

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    2. download.jpeg

    Greg C
    Posts: 35

    Check out prop me. Sell new and fix them

    Posts: 1271

    hit a rock pile last weekend and damaged the prop. Im not a mechanic but ive had this prop reshaped before and I’ve heard tell that if your prop is damaged it could cause damage to your motor if you continue to use it. Is this bad enough that I should stop using the boat until I replace the prop? My gut tells me yes

    Excuse the pajama pants its about all i wear these days lol

    Think of it like the tire on your car,out of balance and you feel the vibration, that same type of vibration is what happens on the prop shaft, hard on bearings and seals, Like others, check for wobble on the shaft to insure it’s not bent.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5151

    Pair of channel locks and a file and that thing is good as new.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    Take the prop to a repair shop and also see if he s used one to buy or do what I did and buy a stainless and have that fixed for a spare. I would recommend a place but it would be north metro.

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