Dale and connies?

  • blakehreha
    Posts: 47

    I’m pulling my wheelhouse up next weekend and was trying to get near Arnesons as much as possible. Has anyone been out of dale and Connie’s road do they plow wheel house spots and are they on the reefs like gull rock? Or does anyone have an experience out of long points road which way they head out?
    Thanks for any input,

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 514

    Have only rented sleepers at dale and connies. if you have facecbook, like their page to get the most up to date road conditions. it seems like anything over a 20mph wind they close their access to make it easier to bust back open once the winds subside. I know their road gets out to arnensons reef, not sure if they made it to gull, they didn’t have anything to twin island. They have been fighting bad ice conditions over there all season.

    Dale and Connie are great at what they do. It seems they have been getting a lot of flack for closing their road this year, guys just don’t understand it is in their best interest and safety to close down when the wind is rippin.

    Posts: 47

    Thanks for the heads up on weather lucky for us it looks like it’s goin to cooperate this weekend. Has any one else ever pulled a wheelhouse out of their access? Do they plow plenty of wheelhouse spots?

    Justin Laack
    Posts: 514

    Connie just updated their page as of 20 minutes ago they just finished up plowing out 91 spots around arnensons reef. They have a staked trail towards twin island and another staked trail from arnensons reef out to 16mile reef.

    5bucks per axle to use their access. Just put money in drop box and head out, no need to go to office unless you have other questions

    Posts: 47

    Thanks that really helps I don’t have Facebook. Looks like I’m heading out of there hopefully we get into a nice batch of fish

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