Dad went home

  • Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    It’s been a long journey that started with a promise to both my Mother & Father that they would never step foot in a assisted living facility and would live their lives out at home with me at their side. The first half of that promise was honored in the fall of ’18 till Jan 2, 2019 when Mom passed at their home on my farm with us at her side.

    Just two week shy of 5 years of caring for my Father has come to the end of this journey. March 12, 2020 he became house ridden and was reduced from independence to in the house with a walker and limited mobility. As the needs steadily increased so did the time I spent here. 3 days a week to start, going to 5 days and driving 200 plus miles a day for work. Eventually home office at the farm and with him 24/7 for the last year and a half. About a month ago his dementia got really bad and every night was an adventure of needing to get him home from a place on the Colorado front plains. Super strange because that stuborn ole mule was hard core on “Don’t you ever take me west of the Mississippi again…. Nastiest F’n desert and I don’t how anyone could live in that sh!thole…” Obviously a place he didn’t want to be at. After many nights, I realized home wasn’t here at the farm. It was at the cemetery in Racine where my Mother is laid to rest. Feb 25. 2025 Dad’s wishes were honored. Here at home, with me sitting at his side, nd the ashes of his 4 previous dogs under his arms he peacefully passed and joined his wife.

    I can not emphasize enough gratitude and appreciation for the core dot of family and friends I have. I have tried to reach out and talk to everyone and express how thankful I am. It was the support of my wife having me gone for 5 years 120 miles away and only seeing each other a day or two every 2 to 3 weeks. It was my daughters giving me a break when they could. It was my friends stopping in, calling, and somehow just knowing exactly when I needed some sanity. It was the collective effort that WE helped my Father to to complete this journey. I know and understand that I did not do this alone. Yet so many think they did nothing, and yes, they were just doing what they do – being a true friend.

    No regrets – not 1 minute or second of this. Like a dang Hallmark scripted movie. Nothing was left unsaid & every opportunity to convey the love and appreciation I have for my Father and best friend was made. I move on with the love, work ethics, honesty, and integrity that he taught me through the examples he set for me in his life. I hold a lifetime abundance of memories that I am privileged to have and the honor of watching my daughters grow into their own with the same level of integrity my Father has.

    Dad, enjoy being reunited with mom. I am honored to be your son and forever grateful for the life you taught me to lead. Love and miss ya already.

    1. Melinda-Wieland-16114489.jpg

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22387

    Reading this choked me up randy. You are a great man and your parents must be so proud. Prayers for you and the entire family. Dad going to see his bride again must be the most beautiful reunion for him. God bless Randy.

    Posts: 604

    Amazing commitment from you Randy. The world is a better place with the likes of people like you. My most sincere condolences and I can only imagine how damn proud both your parents must be of you.

    Posts: 135

    Sincere condolences to you and your family

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11160

    I’m so sorry Randy.
    God Bless You and your Family.

    Southeast MN
    Posts: 4125

    One hell of a story Randy, I’m sorry for your loss.

    Sauk Rapids, MN
    Posts: 1528

    He’s in a better place, RIP. You did a great thing Randy Taking care of him. Now after things settle down, get out and enjoy the woods and water, much deserved.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    He’s in a better place, RIP. You did a great thing Randy Taking care of him. Now after things settle down, get out and enjoy the woods and water, much deserved.

    I think dad planned this some how. For 50+ years he believed walleyes and moon phase was BS and they just stage in the river and feed when they feed. Not quite 2 months ago, he asked me when the moon was right for walleyes to pile up in the river.

    Tentative date for funeral March 22 / New moon for here is March 29

    He told me many times in the last month that is wasn’t suppose to be like this and death shouldn’t take so long. He assured me I would be fishing this spring. I laughed because I thought he would never die. His last mission in life was to drive me nuts doah

    Posts: 3950

    Fantastic tribute Randy, you are a good man with a big heart, I know your folks are proud of you.
    I never got the chance to meet your dad or mom in person, but I did meet them through you and the experiences you have shared with me and I appreciate everything the three of you have taught me.

    Thank you Randy for allowing me to see into your life these last few years, I am honored.
    I wish I could of been there to see the gathering of those he fed all those years the day he passed.
    God bless you Randy.

    Posts: 811

    You are a good son Randy. Now take some time for Randy. My condolences and thank you for sharing your story with all of us.

    South metro
    Posts: 550

    Sorry for your loss, Randy.

    What a whirlwind mix of emotions you must be going through.

    As stated before, you’re a good man for doing this – not sure many others could make the kind of commitment you described in your initial post.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2136

    Randy my best to you and your family!! you are the Man!! may you Mom and Dad rejoice in being together again..

    Posts: 6714

    You’re a great person Randy.

    Posts: 1251

    Sorry for your loss. Sounds like you have gone way above and beyond and made the sacrifices not many would have.

    Greg Krull
    South Metro / Pool 4
    Posts: 305

    Sorry for your loss Randy. You made the best of it. You should be proud and your dad is now at peace.

    Pat K
    Empire, MN
    Posts: 954

    I’m sorry for your loss Randy.
    A great tribute to your love of family.

    Posts: 1799

    What a tribute. I think some would see this as a sacrifice and I’m sure there were times this took its toll on you— but I can also see that you clearly understand what a privilege it was to have this time with your folks and that speaks so much to your integrity.

    Take care.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Fantastic tribute Randy, you are a good man with a big heart, I know your folks are proud of you.
    I never got the chance to meet your dad or mom in person, but I did meet them through you and the experiences you have shared with me and I appreciate everything the three of you have taught me.

    Thank you Randy for allowing me to see into your life these last few years, I am honored.
    I wish I could of been there to see the gathering of those he fed all those years the day he passed.
    God bless you Randy.

    Sheldon, no one would ever believe the “Dr. Doolittle Twilight Zone”. it was so surreal. We’ll just keep that amongst the few.

    Thanks again for checking in regularly in the last days. I can only say that it was the people in the dot that gave me the stregnth to live on 10-15 minute naps and carry on another 5-10 hours at a time. The human body is amazing when we need to dig deep and run that marathon. I appreciate the time you gave me away from Lucy, the shop, and Sheryl. Those talks put some fuel in the tank. Thank you

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3336

    His passing is a blessing to be finally away from that horrid disease. You did good by staying along his side as he went thru this. I’ll send my condolences for you and your family.

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 556

    You are a saint. Prayers and condolences to you and your family.
    Start planning your much deserved fishing trip.

    Posts: 418

    Simply unbelievable. Make sure you take care of yourself now, you have lots of catching up to do.

    Posts: 25048

    Randy you are a great man and even better son! That was hard on you for sure, but I know your dad appreciated you taking care of him and not sending him down the road to a home. He is resting now and not suffering anymore. Bless you sir!

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923


    Matt, I’m sorry I failed to include this. Thanks again for hooking me up on that stair lift and the hours you spent driving to meet me. Dad got miles of use on that and it really helped with giving him extended independence within our house. Additionally, it would have been impossible without it to transport him to a vehicle. Thank You!!!

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17575

    Condolence’s & may they rest in peace together.

    Posts: 1287

    My condolences for you and your family, Randy.

    Your attitude and steadfast commitment to your word speaks volumes about not only you, but about the pair that raised you. It is quite amazing. I am proud to have you as an internet friend. Take care and God bless.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6162

    My condolences, Randy. Sorry for your loss. That was a wonderful tribute to your parents. You are a good man and even greater son.


    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5757

    I guess we knew this was coming but it sure doesn’t make it any easier. You’re now in a club none of us want to be in. My heart goes out to you old friend.


    SE Metro
    Posts: 5593

    Thank you Randy for sharing this all with us. It’s humbling to read and helps put so many of life’s trivials into a better perspective. Hug your loved ones, help your loved ones, do the work. The world would be a better place with more people like you.

    It’s bittersweet when our loved ones pass on after declining health, but it’s a blessing to know they’re at rest and at peace now. And hopefully you can find some of that rest and peace too. Hugs.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Very sorry for your loss, Randy. Your devotion to the care of your parents is a real tribute to what they mean to you.

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