soldcustom 2018 St. Croix Avid 76MLXF spinning rod

  • tom_gursky
    Michigan's Upper Peninsula(Iron Mountain)
    Posts: 4749

    This is the last of my “thinning my rod arsenal” for 2019…
    I had two of these rods built last winter by Aroura Custom Rods, barely used this one. They are amazingly versatile rods with sensitive tip sections and great backbone for hooksets. The length allows for long casts and the ability to move a lot of line or keep it off the water, allowing long drifts when pitching jigs in current. Also capable for dragging rigs and jigs.
    This custom build has upgraded guides…Pac Bay match style Tritaniums, full cork handle, UV 40 sealed…
    $185 shipped TYD in a secure HD rod tube…

    I will text a live video of the to interested parties…best way for a better perspective… PM me with your cell phone#
    I cannot load a video on here

    Thank You!

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