Cure for Polaris hotfoot?

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    My 2009 Polaris 500 HO Sportsman seems to have a design defect. It blows searing hot air out the right side at shin level. This happens when the machine is operated under work loads in low, either spraying or dragging food plots. The fan comes on and its seared leg of Grouse.

    Its so hot that I have to move my leg to avoid getting burned. Which makes me ride in an uncomfortable position.

    Is anyone aware of a fix for this? A deflector or shield that can be installed?


    Posts: 5139

    Contact Polaris or a dealer. There is a filler panel that needs to be installed.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    Do you happen to have a part number? I don’t take the machine into the dealership as they have proven next to worthless. I’ve had all my mechanic work done at a Yamaha dealership.

    John Timm
    Posts: 446

    Even better cure, get a Yamaha!

    StillwaterMN/Ottertail county
    Posts: 4418

    Grouse, if you find a cure let me know. I have an 800 that I do a lot of my food plot work with and it does the same thing. My right calf has permanent scaring from it.

    I’ll look into the jet hot also, thanks Munchy!!

    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    If it feels like it’s getting hotter than it used to, make sure the carb is clean and free of debris. Excessive heat can be caused by a lean condition in the motor. You may even want to experiment with one jet size bigger to see if it helps, almost all Polaris machines are delivered from the factory running on the lean side.

    You can also wrap the exhaust in some sort of header wrap, but only if you store it indoors as it can retain moisture and eat away at the pipe pretty easy. Always idle the machine before storage if the wrap is wet so it can dry off. You could have the headers coated like Munchy said, but be mindful of the ridiculous price for that to happen.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19028

    On my Kawi it’s the on the left and it hits your leg. You need to be going at least 25 miles an hour to avoid it. Othetwise I hang my leg out. My wife’s new Grizzly does not have that problem.

    Posts: 189

    I had a 2005 700 EFI, that did the same exact thing. I ended up wrapping exhaust header and the pipe all the way back to the muffler with header tape from EBay. It worked awesome and never had another problem with the hot exhaust, on my leg. Mine would get so hot your leg would turn red, especially when dragging my driveway in low gear.

    Menomonie, WI
    Posts: 2317

    I have a pair of 2017 570’s and they came out with a recall part that was supposed to deflect the heat. Glad to see it only took them 10 years to figure this out doah

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12262

    So can someone describe exactly what’s happening here? I assume it’s the fan from the radiator kicking in when the engine reaches a certain temperature and blowing hot air from the exhaust header back out the side of the machine.

    So basically it’s a matter of wrapping the exhaust header and pipe from the head back about as far as I can go?


    404 ERROR
    Posts: 3918

    I have a pair of 2017 570’s and they came out with a recall part that was supposed to deflect the heat. Glad to see it only took them 10 years to figure this out

    Didn’t have that out before I sold my 2014…The heat melted my seat and right panel…luckily both were covered under warranty. It also kept melting the zip-ties Polaris used on the rubber cover for the shifter that keeps it from rattling on a heat shield. Ended up having to use metal hose clamps…

    So can someone describe exactly what’s happening here? I assume it’s the fan from the radiator kicking in when the engine reaches a certain temperature and blowing hot air from the exhaust header back out the side of the machine.

    Probably. The heat is 100% coming from the exhaust. Header wrap works exactly like you said. It should also come with a clamp for each end of the wrap. It’s much, much easier to install with the exhaust off the quad. Start at the engine side and slowly work your way as far back as you can, keeping it tight the whole time and overlapping at a minimum of 1/2″.

    The last thing I wrapped was a 2016 Can-Am Maverick and it kept the drivers seat, clutch’s and cargo area MUCH cooler. Those things have a catalytic converter, talk about getting hot…

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