Is it just me, but has anyone else noticed that the crow population has declined a lot in the past couple of years? I first noticed the decline during the winter of 23-24. Where I use to see flocks of a dozen or more, now there would be less than half the normal amount. Around my neighborhood on the eastern edge of the twin cities, there always used to lot of crows perched on roof tops and trees but not this past summer. And my son who lived on Iowa State’s campus in Ames, Iowa this fall, said there use to be huge flocks of hundreds and hundreds of them flying over campus on their way to communal roosting sites. But he said he did see them this year. I wonder if perhaps the population has been hit with West Nile virus. From what I’ve read, crows are highly susceptible to West Nile Virus.
Just curious what others have noticed. I suppose most people really don’t pay much attention to crows. I’m still seeing a fair number of crows around but not nearly as many as just a couple of years ago.