crossover swimbaits

  • zachary Wietzema
    Posts: 37

    Can a person use some of the same paddle tail swimbaits that they use for bass fishing such as a keitech fat swing impact. Can you use some of those same baits and produce catching walleye. ive heard a lot of talk on here about the storm 360 swimbait. Or should i be buying other swimbaits specifically for walleye?

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 4943

    Read this thread:

    Walleye Presentations: How Big Can We Go??

    I just started use the 360 baits and really like them for multi species. I also use the bfishn plastics for bass and pike when they are finicky. I think it’s more important to match size and color than species specific brands.

    Bernard Campos
    Posts: 27

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    Walleye Presentations: How Big Can We Go??

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    I just started use the 360 baits and really like them for multi species. I also use the bfishn plastics for <strong class=”ido-tag-strong”>bass and pike when they are finicky. I think it’s more important to match size and color than species specific brands.

    This. I catch a lot of smallmouth bass and walleye on BfishN and Keitech plastics, often off the same piece of structure. My *home* lake has the same water clarity problems a lot of Michigan lakes have, it’s too darn clear especially early and late in the season. Natural colors work best then and you can’t beat *bass* baits for that. My best BfishN by far are the oyster shell and peanut butter & jelly. I wish they did more *bass* colors like green pumpkin and golden shiner. Keitech does a good job with those and so does Gambler in the EZ shiner line. The primary forage in my lake is perch, bullhead and the heavily stocked young walleye. EZ 49er, fat swing sexy shad are great colors for me. Mid season when the algae is up a bit and clarity drops to 10′ or so I can go with brighter colors like pink/white and traditional walleye colors when I’m trying to draw them out of weeds.

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