New boat launch for Stillwater!?

  • katmando
    Ramsey,MN pool 2, St.croix river
    Posts: 691

    they definetly need one, its dam near impossible to get a parking spot at the other one. we would always have to put er in and park the car in town and pick whoever up on a dock with the boat

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 109

    This appears to be another government project with no fiscal responsibility.

    To paraphrase what I read: “We have a location for a boat launch in Stillwater but we don’t know who will pay for it.”

    The Facts:
    1) US and MN Governments are broke!
    o What is the priority of a new boat launch?
    o Would this take priority over funding teachers in our public schools or paying down debt?

    2) The proposed boat launch will add to congestion to the Stillwater on Highway 95.
    o The approach to Stillwater is already gridlock with traffic on weeknights and summer weekends.
    o Adding a boat launch on this stretch of road will only add to congestion.

    Potential “Civic Responsible” Solutions:
    1) Do nothing until there are public funds saved to pay for the boat launch.
    2) Fund the boat launch by charging a reasonable launch fee that competes with the public sector.
    3) Bundle the cost and (foreseeable) maintenance of a new boat launch wiht the proposal for a new bridge across the St. Croix River.

    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500

    Shale you have some great points.

    I live walking distance from there and I worry about the congestion also. My first thought was excited but I now have some concerns some the same as Shale brought up.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    WOW!! That is great news. As a local Stillwater guy who primarily fishes the river I support this 100%. Councilman Mike Polehna is an outdoors guy so I am glad to see him weighing in on the side of the sportsman.

    We have needed another public launch for some time and that would be a perfect location. It sure would shorten the run time from the Boomsite launch during sturgeon season. It also gives us another launch below the lift bridge when the river is at No Wake. From there we can reach some good fishing at a No Wake speed.

    One other thing – that area is fishable during ice season and having a launch site there makes good ice fishing reachable within a walkable distance.

    Charlie “Turk” Gierke
    Hudson Wisconsin
    Posts: 1020

    From the design layouts both A and B, there are 12 parking spots for rigs. This will be smaller than the Boomsite launch and will be another launch that you will not find a spot to park at…

    There needs to be three times the parking, and two ramps.

    Accessing the launch from the north will be rough, your trailer may be hanging out into the highway.

    The best spot for a launch is south of sunnyside and north of the king plant, that may be Oak park Heights or Bayport land though.

    I like the idea of the launch, but not the designs/ location. Scott its your taxes over there going up not mine!


    Stillwater, MN
    Posts: 1500


    The best spot for a launch is south of sunnyside and north of the king plant, that may be Oak park Heights or Bayport land though.

    I like the idea of the launch, but not the designs/ location.

    That land is owned by NSP and in Oak Park Heights. THere used to be one there but closed years ago. I have talked to SteveD about that launch and he remembers using it. The road is still there but No Tresspassing and a pile of dirt stops you.

    My 1st thought also was the size. If you look at the length of the parking spots they also seem short. Not a problem for my boat but they might need to put a limit of boat size. The parking spots is a small issue to me only because I can drive home park and walk back

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    They need to do it right and put one in sized like the Bluffs.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906



    The best spot for a launch is south of sunnyside and north of the king plant, that may be Oak park Heights or Bayport land though.

    I like the idea of the launch, but not the designs/ location.

    That land is owned by NSP and in Oak Park Heights. THere used to be one there but closed years ago. I have talked to SteveD about that launch and he remembers using it. The road is still there but No Tresspassing and a pile of dirt stops you.

    My 1st thought also was the size. If you look at the length of the parking spots they also seem short. Not a problem for my boat but they might need to put a limit of boat size. The parking spots is a small issue to me only because I can drive home park and walk back

    Yeah – the old launch back in about 1977 was owned by Oak Park Heights and the access road was the same road used to go into the Water Treatment Plant by Sunnyside Marina. It was kind of just north of the Millroad Inn. If I remember right they closed it back in the 80’s. It was a real rough launch without a lot of parking areas. The launch itself was right by that little island on the north end of the NSP tiedowns. Back then there used to be a lot of barge traffic bringing coal into the King Plant.
    I remember that launch well. I had my trailer stolen off my truck while I was out fishing. I came into the launch and my truck was sitting there and my trailer was gone. There was no visibility to the site and it was seldom patrolled. I can’t remember why it closed – I think NSP and Oak Park Heights just wanted it gone. I was sorry to see it close.

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