Lower St. Croix River fishing report July 19, 2010. Saugers are biting well and are mixed in with the walleye in deeper depths than previous weeks. As the river is dropping, it is just about a foot above normal pool elevation, and walleye and sauger are in their mid summer depths and found from 19 to 27 feet of water. Many of the sauger are from 13 to 16 inches, with 14 inch fish and larger being nice to keep for a fry. The walleye are larger and run from mostly 15 to 18 inches and much thicker fish. Crankbaits, crawlers, and leeches have been the top walleye and sauger catchers. Lindy rigging bait and spinners with bait are catching fish. Trolling Rapala crankbaits are just as effective. I personally like to troll and find fish then rig or spinner them up. Effective crankbaits are still the same as previous weeks, shad raps and shad rap RS. Soon wide wobblers with more action should become the go to option.
The muskie reports are up and down but I am hearing of very nice fish being caught. I have not had much time to go for muskie as all my trips have been walleye/sauger trips. Trolling cranks and casting bucktails/topwaters work well.
White bass are active for short periods of time during dawn and dusk. Maybe with the lowering water levels the typical summer patterns of great white bass fishing might start.
Notes – Last Friday on a half day trip my customer brought home nine keepers, three were walleye and six saugers. We also tried a little muskie fishing, but that is a hunt and serious time needs to be dedicated during the day for muskie hook ups. Very little angling pressure, pleasure boaters out in force starting at 10:30. River very clear. Thermocline at 30 feet.