Opener = Neck down areas.
Prescott, Kinni narrows, Afton (Catfish Bar) and the narrows from the 94 bridge to the swing bridge. Keep it simple and verticle. There will be a lot of boats out!
Good places to start but with the water down and depending on the temps I would say that the fish may be well on their way if not already at their summer haunts which will equal some deeper water structure and steep breaks into deeper water. The croix fishes alot more like a basin or lake than it does a river. trolling lead will get good #’s in the boat and possibly get you a 5+ lb fish while vertical jigging always lands fish, rigging live bait is good this time of year as well if you can find some current. Dont over look the spots that look sweet to you on the graph those spots are usally holding some nice fish