This maybe too late, but sending an email explaining why you feel this is a bad decision can’t hurt.
Proposed Change Notice(s)
The U.S. Coast Guard is proposing the following changes to aids to navigation on the St. Croix River:
Discontinue all Federally Maintained Aids to Navigation from Mile .1 to Mile 24.5, including all channel buoys.
Comments to be received by January 6, 2010.
Comments and recommendations regarding proposed aids to navigation changes should be submitted to:
Commander (dpw)
Eighth Coast Guard District
Attn: Federal Projects
500 Poydras Street, Room 1230
New Orleans, LA 70130-3310
Or by e-mail: [email protected]
Local Notice to Mariners
District 8 MRS Week: 01/10
Mississippi River System
From Page 7