Bayport St Croix Ice Road could be in Trouble!!!

  • steve-demars
    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    I thought I would post this article from the Stillwater Gazette to bring it to everyone’s attention. I don’t like the direction the Bayport City Council is going concerning the St Croix ice road in Bayport. This thing could turn ugly and we could lose this access point unless both sides of the issue are heard. Here is the article from the Stillwater Gazette:

    Bayport looks at ice road on St. Croix


    [email protected]

    Published: Wednesday, January 6, 2010 11:49 AM CST

    Some Bayport residents would like to see the city’s “ice road” defrosted.

    Monday night, as the City Council mulled over changes to the easement the road runs through – private land owned by the Waterford Condominium Association – a few residents raised concerns that the ice road has strayed from its original purpose.

    The intent of the road, it seems, is to open up an access point for those who want to bring out ice shacks onto the St. Croix River for ice fishing. But residents who live on the private land around the road said at Monday’s council meeting that it has become very busy. Commuters going to and from Wisconsin frequently use the road.

    “It’s not being used just for ice fishing, its basically a highway,” said Steve Prusha, president Bayport Estates Homeowner Association.

    He also said that in the summer, when the road is supposed to be closed, people are parking down there.

    The road runs down to the river through Waterford’s land and then the Bayport Estates’ land. Each property has an easement through which the road runs. Monday night, the Waterford Condominium Association asked that the city vacate the existing easement and draw up a new one. The current easement is not exact and varies from where the road actually runs.

    The council seems intent on changing the easement. Members agreed to have city staff come up with an easement agreement that would replace the existing one with a new easement that works within the framework that the property owners find acceptable.

    The agreement should come back to the council in March, when they look to address the concerns of residents like Prusha.

    “I agree that we need to address all of the issues involved here,” said Mayor Jon Nowaczek.

    The larger issue that the council will likely be discussing is how the ice road is supposed to function, and whether its current uses fit within the easement agreements.

    Hudson,Wi. Locked out/ Croix
    Posts: 128

    Just goes to show you,when someone with money or high power want’s to change something they can influence change!
    This access has been there for as long as as i can remember, i have lived in hudson for 42 yrs.and used that ice road for fishing and to avoid morning traffic to my job.My father, who worked his entire career at Andersen Windows in Bayport also used that road to get work.
    What is this world coming to?

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    You know what is really lame about the situation is that the road was there before those townhomes and fancy house were even on blueprints. Those people bought those homes and property full knowing that there was a road there and NOW they want to close it after how many years, I’m sorry but that is complete BS. I use that road daily not only for fishing but to get to work as well. I sure hope they come up with a new easement like they state instead of shutting the access from WI to MN or vice versa down. That would be a total bummer. Must be why there was a cop just hanging out there Tuesday on the Bayport side just watching over things.

    mike t
    St Paul, MN
    Posts: 127

    Indeed it sucks.

    Sounds vaguely familiar to a similar controversy on the river eh? Long standing issues (easements/laws) being ignored, new regime of landowners (new regime of bureaucrats), now ultimately effecting other users, feels pretty [censored] I bet.
    wealthy land owners with too much time >< federal govt with too much time.
    I see the same thing all the time on the trout streams, which can usually be alleviated with a knock on the door, smile and polite asking of permission. I don’t reckon that’ll work in this case.

    Have not been on the river yet, but have been fishing Cedar lake in Mpls with success for walleyes at dark. Nothing huge, but a fella got a 29’er a couple weeks ago just before the snonamie. Kinda fun fishing within sight of DT Mpls.

    Sivee aka Stiffer. Say hello some time, been a long time since we cast a line together.


    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066


    You know what is really lame about the situation is that the road was there before those townhomes and fancy house were even on blueprints. Those people bought those homes and property full knowing that there was a road there and NOW they want to close it after how many years, I’m sorry but that is complete BS. I use that road daily not only for fishing but to get to work as well. I sure hope they come up with a new easement like they state instead of shutting the access from WI to MN or vice versa down. That would be a total bummer. Must be why there was a cop just hanging out there Tuesday on the Bayport side just watching over things.

    Thats where you’re wrong, its not a road, its an easement. The folks who bought the land could have closed it down years ago, but were nice and let people continue to access the ice through this easement. As the article states its being used not for its original intent, and since it is private, they can take action, and they are.

    So don’t be pissed at the folks who ponied up their money to live there and let the public continue to use it, be pissed at the folks who miss use it and have caused this to become and issue.


    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    So you are saying that I should be mad at myself because I use it for my daily commute? Either way they are looking for an alternate easement so it’s really not all that frustrating I just hope that a road or “easement” from MN to WI or vice versa doesnt become obsolete or non exsistant.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    I would imagine that there will be stepped up enforcement until the new easement is figured out to keep the peace between the home owners and people who use the access.

    I’m not all that familiar with the area, but if I’m understanding your post, you cross the river in a vehicle everyday to go to work? How much time is this saving you?

    Curious, I might be missing something with google maps and not knowing the area all that well.


    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I am not one to speed so to say on the ice, 10 mph is good for me so it’s maybe saving 5-10 minutes but the fuel conservation is what I find most effective in using the road. I am shaving up to 8 miles (16 miles round trip) off my trip by crossing on the ice bridge. When i crossed today it looked as if the road was labeled 5th St. however there is a goofy intersection there. I’ll look it up on the map, it’s on the south side of Bayport if your looking on google earth.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Thanks for the heads up. Any Ideas on what we (the people who use that road) can do to keep it around? You would think some of the businesses in Bayport would have an interest. I for one stop at Holiday every time down there to get gas, snacks etc. Any ideas?

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    There are a couple of things you could do to help keep the Ice Road access open.

    #1: The reporter who did the story for the Stillwater Gazette is doing some follow up work for another story on the ice road. His name is Peter Cox and his telephone number is 651-796-1108 and his e-mail address is [email protected]. He is trying to get perspectives from other people on the ice road. Anybody that wants to provide input should give him a call or better yet send him an e-mail. He needs to hear from all the other people that use the St Croix especially those with an interest in the ice road. He needs to know that this thing isn’t just affecting Bayport residents but that it is used by the entire metro area.

    #2: One other thing that would even have more impact. The next Bayport City Council meeting is February 1st. This is a link to the City Council members with their e-mail addresses: Bayport City Council Members E-mail Addresses Send them an e-mail and tell them how important having an access point to the St Croix River is to you as a fisherman. Be positive – tell them how much you appreciate their support keeping the current access open and you hope that any discussions about changes will help secure a long term solution to having a permanent access available to everyone.

    You asked what can you do to help? Here are two things that can help tremendously. If you want to help – then do these two things. When dealing with local government the people that make contact with their representatives, get heard, and make things happen. The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    What a bunch of BS. I knew this was coming. Been waiting years for it. So a handfull of poeple get to block access to thousands of others and end a long standing tradition!!??

    These few rich ^#&^$’s moved next to the road then close it? Its like people moving in next to gun ranges then shutting them down. Ending free unobstructed access to the MN side of the river for vehicles would be a travesty.

    Update-I emailed Peter Cox. (That’s really his name? )

    I am interested in that meeting as well. It would be nice if we could go in force to support this issue.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 313

    Steve thanks for the info. I just sent Peter at the paper a post (I couldn’t resist) I plan on reaching out to the 4 council members as well tonight or tommorrow. I agree with suzuki that it would be worth an evening of our time on the first of Feb to show our support in keeping the road up and running.
    thanks again

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    After doing some research I found that the ice “road” is actually a road with a real road name Hubs Point Drive, with only a very very small part of the “ice road” or Hubs Point Drive going thru private property. I still think it’s lame, those people moved into them houses fully aware that there was a road there.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403


    Update-I emailed Peter Cox. (That’s really his name? )


    I am interested in that meeting as well. It would be nice if we could go in force to support this issue.

    I think I will be taking that night off from work

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3506

    For someone living in North Hudson that works at Anderson Windows, the ice road saves close 15 minutes each way to work. To drive south through Hudson (25 mph) then cross the interstate then up to Bayport would take about 20 minutes. 5 minutes to cross the river on the ice road. As far I I know, the road (the ice portion) is mostly maintained (plowed) by people that work at Andersons.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I was at the local establishment tonight and many of the locals are in an outrage due to the road closing. It appears as if this has hit home to many of the local T.V. stations and many people are aware of the situation, now how many of them will actually stand up and try do something will be interesting but as I stated before I am taking that night off from work and will be attending. Other than the C.G. wanting to pull the bouy’s off the river the is the dumbest thing I’ve heard. The reason being that some lady that lives in the town homes get’s woke up at 5-7am because of headlights shining in her window, obviously shes not upset about the Minnesotans who use the road to come to WI to work or get beer on sundays. Ridiculous

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    If it is just a lady this is going to be a non issue.

    I’ll pitch in for some shades for her bedroom window.

    Seriously, if this is true, I would take her complaint seriously and help fix the problem for her. It maybe as simple as helping her turn her bed the other direction for the winter.

    Funny that this couldn’t be resolved before there was a need for a public hearing? Must be more to the story, I would think.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    I dont know BK you watch the story here and tell me what you think. I am in complete awe that she is upset about some vehicles traveling across the ice during the winter and not upset about the 1000’s of boats that go by here house in the spring, summer and fall. This lady needs something better to do with her time maybe she could knit me a new nose warmer

    Also note the angle they show from her house looking out onto the river . It appears to me she is looking to the Northeast so I am not sure how lights could shine in her windows as the road goes from WI to MN at a Northwest angle. Seems to me some people just have way to much time on there hands with far to little to do

    I will help pitch in to get her some blinds as well.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    That woman is so far from the access. What an A$$!!!!
    I can see the poeple living right next to the MN access having an issue but she is down stream a ways.
    I have to admit though I dont have as much sympathy for the people using it just to cross as I do ice fisherman but I’m sure I would use it if it saved me time.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 132


    That woman is so far from the access. What an A$$!!!!
    I can see the poeple living right next to the MN access having an issue but she is down stream a ways.


    I was just going to say the same. Did you see how far that camera had to zoom from her unit to actually get to the ice/road?? There is no way she can hear any road noise and maybe she can find something better/more productive to do than worry about someone going thru in the spring thaw.

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    This is from the Pioneer Press:

    Commuters cheer, neighbors grumble as the ‘Ice Road’ reappears across the St. Croix
    By Mary Divine
    [email protected]
    Updated: 01/12/2010 10:45:29 AM CST

    Neighbors aren t pleased with the Ice Road crossing the St. Croix River from North Hudson, Wis., to Bayport, Minn. The original easement for ice-fishing access onto the St. Croix River in winter, Bayport Mayor Jon Nowaczek said, and will be under city council scrutiny in March. I hope that we can come up with a solution that balances everyone s needs one that will continue to allow public access, but also address the legitimate concerns of some of the property owners, Nowaczek said. (Pioneer Press: John Doman)
    Dave Swanee Swanson, an Andersen Corp. retiree, plows the unofficial Ice Road across the St. Croix River on Monday as a driver passes. Swanson doesn t buckle up just in case while plowing the route from Ferry Landing in North Hudson to Hubs Landing near the Bayport Marina. (Pioneer Press: John Doman)Dave “Swanee” Swanson’s favorite river road doesn’t run alongside the St. Croix River — it crosses it.

    Swanson, a retired security guard for Andersen Corp., was among those out Monday morning on the St. Croix River. But unlike dozens of others stationed on Lake St. Croix, he didn’t have his ice-fishing gear. He had his snowplow.

    Swanson, who lives in North Hudson, Wis., regularly plows the popular “Ice Road” across the river, a route commuters use to save time. The crossing from Ferry Landing in North Hudson to Hubs Landing near the Bayport Marina cuts a 25-minute drive — across the Stillwater Lift Bridge or the I-94 span — to about seven minutes.

    “When you take the shortcut across the river to get to work, and you get to this side of the river, you don’t have the stress, for one thing,” Swanson said. “There’s no stoplights. There’s no speed limits. You don’t have any road rage. It’s just fun.”

    While some commuters are jubilant when it’s cold enough for the quick crossing, residents nearby aren’t so pleased. They’re complaining about the traffic and about headlights beaming into their bedrooms at 5 a.m. as Andersen employees head to work.

    “It’s a freeway,” said Ginger Mondry, whose Bayport town house overlooks the crossing. “It’s amazing because it’s a ways out there, but those headlights are pretty bright.”

    Mondry said she once counted “18 pickups and six or seven different cars” crossing the frozen river during a 10-minute
    “We don’t mind the cars going out to go ice fishing, but why can’t the Andersen people plow over toward Andersen rather than coming over here?” she asked.

    To reach the Ice Road on the Minnesota side, drivers take a private road through land belonging to the Waterford Condominium Association and Bayport Estates. Both developments granted easements for such a roadway in the 1960s, but the road today is not entirely within the easements, said Bayport city administrator Mitch

    Mayor Jon Nowaczek said the original easement allowed for ice-fishing access during the winter.

    “This is not a public road,” he said. “It crosses private property. There are a lot of people who have come to depend on this as a commuting route, and that’s wonderful, but that doesn’t appear to have been the original intent when the permission was granted.”

    The Bayport City Council is scheduled to address the easement issue in March, he said.

    “I hope that we can come up with a solution that balances everyone’s needs — one that will continue to allow public access, but also address the legitimate concerns of some of the property owners,” Nowaczek said.

    Swanson said he hopes the road, which he has plowed voluntarily and at his own expense for the past two decades, remains open.

    “People have been using it forever, and it is part of recreation on the river,” he said. “I go back and forth. I go to the bank. I come over and get gas. I come over and see a few people who live over here, and I mostly see them in the wintertime because I don’t come over in the summertime.”

    Swanson said the road is usually safe from the beginning of January to mid-March. His first trip out was Wednesday.

    “The ice is good,” he said, as he navigated his plow along the north side of the road. “I’ve got a couple of people that I know who have punched a couple of holes for me and it’s 20 inches or so. It’s good, solid ice.”

    While swearing by its safety, he doesn’t throw caution to the wind: He doesn’t wear a seat belt while plowing. If his 1986 Chevy pickup truck ever plunges through the ice, he wants to be able to get out quickly.

    He said he plows the roadway wide enough to accommodate three vehicles so if friends meet coming across the river and stop to chat, another driver could get around them.

    Swanson has had a couple of close calls. He once had a front tire go in the water near the shore on the Wisconsin side. “I couldn’t back off, and I couldn’t pull ahead,” he said. “I had to have someone pull me out.”

    He also has crossed at times when he probably shouldn’t have. “I’ve come home sometimes when I could have pulled a water-skier, and I probably shouldn’t have been on the ice,” he said. He’s more careful now that he’s “had more birthdays,” he said.

    When people see Swanson out on the river, they know it’s safe to cross, he said. “I’ve got the extra weight of the plow hanging out front — they pretty much figure it’s safe if I’m coming across,” he said.

    Alex Getty, 21, of Hudson, hopped on the plowed road Monday morning in his silver Audi to meet a friend and go ice fishing. “It’s four-wheel drive,” he said. “I love driving in the snow.”

    But law-enforcement officials caution drivers to be careful, especially because there is open water just north and south of the crossing — the water discharge area at Xcel’s King Plant just upriver and the open channel to the south at the Hudson railroad and freeway bridges.

    River ice can be unpredictable and treacherous, said St. Croix County Sheriff Dennis Hillstead. “I wouldn’t drive on it,” he said. “We have recovered far too many people from the St. Croix … for me to drive across in a vehicle.”

    Mondry said she has seen people driving across the river with both car doors open — in order to hop out quickly in case there’s a problem.

    “It gets scary in the spring,” she said. “They go off the road into the water and up onto the ice.”

    Mary Divine can be reached at 651-228-5443.

    Looks like we’ll have to get a donation box together and get some people to pitch in on some blinds or shades for these people as those meddling headlights seem to be the just of the problem. I looked on a map and the majority of the road is marked as a public road. The meeting is sure going to be interesting

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Bump. Did anyone go to the Feb 1 meeting or hear the results? I totally forgot about it.

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359


    …. I totally forgot about it.

    Mike – memory is the second thing that goes…

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